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October 22, 2021
Biden's Fake Town Hall on the Hyperpartisan Clickbait Nonsense Network Was a Train Wreck, Reportedly
I should have put up a thread about this, but I honestly forgot about it. I remember it being announced two or three weeks ago, but I never heard about it again.
Perhaps that was by design.
Biden did not instill confidence in anyone -- including his own flacks at the White House, who were pressed into the job of fact-checking Biden himself in real time, due to the senile man's numerous misstatements of fact and his own (supposedly) policies.
Chad Gilmartin
White House staff was busy during last night's town hall fact checking their boss, Biden, in real time...
Staff issued clarifications on a range of Biden's remarks including on the supply chain crisis, to raising taxes, and even Taiwan

Biden was asked by Alan DeGeneres (as Steve Inman calls him) if he is ever going to go to the border.
Biden responded that he's "been there before," but was just too busy to go, what with his 70 days vacation in Delaware and ice cream runs.
President Biden on Thursday said, "I guess I should go" to the US-Mexico border, but that he hasn't been able to find the time -- despite spending at least part of 70 days in office collecting some R&R at one of his Delaware homes.
Biden said during a CNN town hall that he's been to the border before, a claim for which Fox News recently reported it was unable to find evidence, and that he might go again.
"I've been there before and I haven't -- I mean, I know it well. I guess I should go down. But the whole point of it is I haven't had a whole hell of a lot of time to get down," he said.
Biden gaffed and "stuttered" his way through most of the puff interview:
Joe Biden can't even do a pre-scripted Townhall, with CNN Democrat propagandist hosts, without still looking like a creepy, brainless, incoherent, embarrassing, whispering weirdo.
He was back to his Creepy Pedophile Whisper trick:
Twitchy points out that he also does the "White Power" gesture there -- which the media never claims is a White Power Gesture when one of the leftwing Democrats they voted for does it.
He lied about wages being up:
He babbled his way through a question about what his plan was to reduce the gasoline prices he's been pushing to hard to raise.
"I don't have a near term answer...It's going to be hard."
He added that it's going to "depend on the Saudis." His plan is to pressure them to produce the oil that his own government is stopping the US from producing.
Maybe the Saudis are just as worried about "global warming" as we are.
It is bizarre that the Ruling Class' solution to the problem of their priorities of "protecting the environment" and enriching themselves is just to move all of the factories to Asia and all of the energy production to the Middle East.
Obviously these industries are still causing pollution and "climate change," to the extent it exists.
But, see -- it's over there. It's not as obvious to American eyes.
So we can pretend we "did something," even as we move hundreds of thousands (millions?) of American jobs overseas.
The Ruling Class exists primarily to enforce a regime of Polite Lies on the population.
The decrepit codger just about busted nut to proclaim that first responders who refuse the vaccine should be fired.
He then scoffed at the very notion of freedom.
More clips at RedState from Nick Arama.
Biden clenching his decrepit hands got a lot of attention:
Steven Miller/@redsteeze suggests a reason for the hands-clenching:

"Cornholio" began trending on Twitter.