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August 31, 2021
Mid-Afternoon Chill Thread
The day's posts are awful. Here's a nicer one.
Below: Wally the Walrus decides to sit his 1000 pound butt on a small boat.

Wally the Walrus has been climbing aboard boats -- and sinking them or capsizing them -- throughout Europe.
So they're going to build him his own pontoon, so that he stops his spree of piracy.
A pontoon is being prepared for Wally the walrus in an effort to stop him from sinking more boats.
The walrus first made waves in Ireland when he was spotted in County Kerry in March.
The 800kg (125st) walrus has since travelled 4,000km (2,485 miles) and been spotted in France, Spain and the UK.
The Irish Whale and Dolphin Group (IWDG) said he was sinking one or two boats in every harbour he enters.
He was most recently spotted at Crookhaven Harbour in County Cork on Wednesday.
Padraig Whooley, IWDG's sighting officer, said boat owners should cover their vessels or remove the engines to protect them from damage.
Needed: One Miami Vice intro, edited to include Wally the Walrus sunbathing on boats.
Bonus puppy: