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August 18, 2021
More Failure: US Government Sends Out Email Telling Americans To Make Their Way to Airport -- But the US Is Not in Control of the Roads, and the Taliban Have Encircled the Airport and Are Shooting At People Who Try to Get In
The Taliban aren't just shooting at people; they're also whipping them with chains.
I would say this is incredible but that's a lot like "inconceivable," isn't it?
Update: via 29Victor, a claim that US troops have been ordered not to leave the airport to help secure evacuees, and this is causing shouting matches with the UK troops there, who are venturing out to escort people to the airport.
I don't know if this is true. It's so awful I fear it is.
Alex Tiffin @RespectIsVital EXCLUSIVE #kabulairport #Afghanistan
Friction at airport between US & UK forces Commanders.US forces won't leave airport due to Taliban deal.
[UK unit] 2 Para still running patrols into Kabul to collect people from safe houses.US unhappy with Paras saying it puts their deal at risk.
Things are so bad between US and UK forces at Kabul Airport, #Afghanistan, 2 Para have been tasked to observe US forces in case they leave at short notice. 2 Para OC had a screaming match with 82nd Airbourne CO. Paras VERY unhappy at treatment of Afghans by US forces.
Meanwhile, 2 Para are running constant patrols into Kabul to collect British, Irish and Afghan Nationals due for evacuation.
Any other nationality also picked up if at location. Taliban are aware of patrols and taking no action.
UK forces very much running own operation. #OSINT

Content warning for the below tweets, which contain photos of a child who is either bloodied by wounds or dead.
Skip to the comments if you don't want to see it.
I think it's important to see.
18 That kid isn't bloodied, he's dead. There are pics out there showing a clear bullet wound to his lower back, and his eyes are rolled back and blank. He's gone.
Posted by: AZ Hi Desert
Another Norm Restored.
Thanks, NeverTrump!
Josh Rogin
Bagram Air Base would have been a much better place to mount a huge military evacuation mission than the airport with one runway half controlled by the Taliban. Too bad we closed it before making sure out people were safe.
If only a legitimate, mentally-capable president had conditioned our withdrawal on the Taliban offering safe passage to all who wanted to depart, with the implicit threat that we would start tactical bombing if they didn't.
Oh well. At least the tweets are nice!
Norms Restored!