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August 17, 2021

The Morning Report - 8/17/21


Good morning, kids. Tuesday, and the abject catastrophe of the Barack Obama, Valerie Jarrett, Ron Klain bug-out of our presence in Afghanistan continues, threatening to spread far beyond the confines of that dark age hell hole. Let's face it; Joe Biden is not in charge of this illegitimate junta posing as an administration. He's in the latter stages of dementia and only has flashes of lucidity when he's running down this country, its heritage and citizenry for which he cares only insofar as how much he can swindle from them. That decision was made by someone, or worse, a committee of inept, ideologically-driven, faculty lounge dunderheaded Leftists whose own completely distorted worldview is the pseudo-intellectual equivalent of Biden's physical mental deterioration. It's a toss-up as to which is worse since, at the end of the day, the results are exactly the same.

Torn from his bowl of Ben & Jerry's Jew-Boysenberry Ripple and being forced kicking and screaming from his safe house at Camp David to return to DC to make a statement, he got in front of the cameras and announced to the world that the buck stops here. Mental patient that he is, he more than likely thought that the words on the teleprompter meant confirmation of "the Big Guy gets 10 percent." And right after that he placed the blame on President Trump.

"When I came into office, I inherited a deal that President Trump negotiated with the Taliban. Under his agreement, US Forces would be out of Afghanistan by May 1, 2021, just a little over three months after I took office. US forces had already drawn down during the Trump administration from roughly 15,500 American forces to 2,500 troops in country. And the Taliban was at its strongest militarily since 2001. The choice I had to make as your President was either to follow through on that agreement or be prepared to go back to fighting the Taliban in the middle of the spring fighting season. It would've been no ceasefire after May 1. There was no agreement protecting our forces after May 1. There was no status quo of stability without American casualties after May 1," Biden said during his remarks from The White House.

It's incredible how every single executive order and/or law that was passed or issued during Trump's first term was eviscerated with a stroke of a pen. And yet this issue he had no control over? Even in the position as commander-in-chief? How is that even possible? Spoiler alert: it isn't. No one was buying it. Even the always reliable agitprop media complex couldn't cover it up and blame Trump. And when you've lost Jake Tapper the fake yapper. . .

"You've been listening to [so-called quote-unquote "president"] Biden speaking at the White House -- forced to talk about the worsening crisis in Afghanistan. Forced to speak to the nation after the calamity of the Taliban, the takeover of Afghanistan. The [so-called quote-unquote "president"] stated that he stands squarely behind the decision he made to withdraw all U.S. forces from Afghanistan even though he has, in fact, been forced to send roughly 6,000 back in. The [so-called quote-unquote "president"] saying in fact that, if anything, the events of the last few days -- this foreign policy and humanitarian disaster -- proves to him that he made the right decision, given the fleeing of Afghan politicians from the country and the collapse of the Afghan military.

"The [so-called quote-unquote "president"] said that the buck stopped with him but, in fact, this speech was full of finger-pointing and blame, especially for the Afghans [...] He did not really get into or accept any blame for the catastrophic exit that we have been watching on television for the last several days."

Then again, perhaps the propagandists were ordered not to give air cover for Biden in order to pave the way for his removal from office. Not that Kamala in charge would make a damn bit of difference; she's just as clueless about reality even playing with a full deck as Biden is demented. As I stated above, Biden's a criminal who has spent nearly 50 years in government goniffing millions from the taxpayer, bribes from corporations and donors and worse selling his influence to foreign powers, some of them hostile. Is it beyond the realm of possibility, given everything we have seen and learned since last year that this move is a sellout to our greatest enemy?

Often highlighted as for being "closely aligned" with the White House during the Obama years, the Center for American Progress (CAP) carries similar influence under Biden, counting several former employees and fellows as officials in Joe Biden's White House.

The think tank's Chinese Communist Party-sponsored paper from July 2015 is entitled "Exploring Avenues for China-U.S. Cooperation on the Middle East". One of the paper's authors is now Biden's China Policy Coordinator for the Office of the Undersecretary of State for Economic Growth, Melanie Hart. . .

. . . "China and the United States are conducting regular consultation on Middle East affairs and furthering institution building," the report celebrates while urging the two countries to continue their joint efforts in the region. It also highlights Afghanistan as a potential area of cooperation:

Yet the assumption of U.S.-China competition overlooks a unique opportunity to transform U.S.-China cooperation in a region deeply important to both countries: Central and South Asia, in particular Afghanistan and Pakistan. . .

. . . The report calls for the U.S. to embrace the Chinese regime's controversial Belt and Road Initiative, as the report contains a section titled: "U.S. and China Silk Road Visions: Collaboration, not Competition.

"The opportunity to connect the Middle East with the rest of the global economy through the New Silk Road initiative offers a possible new frame of hope and progress, as the Middle East faces daunting challenges in the early years of the 21st century," it notes.

The Chi-Coms are going to paraphrase Obama and say to Biden "at some point, you've earned your ten percent" and then wave bye-bye to him. And us. We for sure are a fundamentally unserious nation but worse we have figuratively and literally insane people running this government, its foreign policy and its military and law enforcement agencies. Collectively, they have a laser-like focus inward, on chimeric "white supremacist" bogeymen while a range of international bad actors up to and including the nuclear armed Red Chinese are itching to start a war, if for no other reason than to drum up nationalist sentiment at home to quell the dissatisfaction and unrest of their own abused citizenry.

. . . while no one will be fired or even reprimanded for our disastrous exit from Afghanistan, much less for the insane decision to stay there for twenty years without having a clear idea of victory or any coherent endpoint, in China, they're paying very close attention and learning one of the obvious lessons of the last few days. The Global Times article features a cartoon of the American eagle with one wing on the shoulder of Taiwan's President Tsai Ing-wen, presumably offering her wise counsel while leading her to walk right into an open manhole. That sums up the article's point succinctly. "The world has witnessed," says Global Times, "how the US evacuated its diplomats by helicopter while Taliban soldiers crowded into the presidential palace in Kabul. This has dealt a heavy blow to the credibility and reliability of the US."

Indeed. The Chinese daily then reminds the world that "the US abandoned its allies in South Vietnam" in 1975, and asks, "Is this some kind of omen of Taiwan's future fate?" Clearly, if the Chinese Communist Party has anything to do with it, it is indeed an omen.

Taiwan is already no stranger to betrayal by the United States. On July 15, 1971, President Richard Nixon began the now-common practice of America abandoning allies and embracing enemies when he announced that he would become the first president to visit Communist China. The visit took place in February 1972 and led, several years after Nixon was out of office, to U.S. recognition of the Beijing government as the sole legitimate government of China and the withdrawal of that recognition from the Taiwanese government. . .

. . . Could Nixon have reached out to Communist China without betraying Taiwan? We will never know. But as far as our present-day difficulties with Communist China go, that's where our troubles began. And now the Chinese Communists see Biden's handlers as appallingly weak, providing them with an unparalleled opportunity to seize Taiwan, secure in the knowledge that America's response will be woke, weak, schoolmarmish, self-righteous, and impotent. Biden's handlers' weakness in Afghanistan could have consequences that will play out worldwide, for decades or even centuries to come. They should have known that projecting weakness on the world stage only emboldens the most evil actors. Or maybe they just didn't care.

I don't think the Chi-Coms fully understand what would happen if they should attempt to take Taiwan by force. I suspect the Taiwanese are not as weak as the Reds think. Initially it might resemble the winter war of 1939 between the Finns and Soviets. It will be the Chi-Com response to a potential initial humiliation that could set the world on fire. And then of course, there's Iran and Israel. I didn't think things could get any worse after January 6th. But what is happening now in Afghanistan is just plain scaring the shit out of me for what's to come.

NOTE: The opinions expressed in some links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.

ALSO: The Morning Report is cross-posted at if you want to continue the conversation all day.

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posted by J.J. Sefton at 07:35 AM

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