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August 11, 2021
The Morning Report - 8/11/21
Good morning, kids. Wednesday and the big three stories are, in no special order of appearance:
- - the resignation of Angel of Death Cuomo as governor of New York
- - the Senate passing of this monstrous $1 trillion robbing of the American citizen of his wealth and of whatever little freedom he yet retains under the euphemism of "infrastructure"
- - the assault on individual liberty under the pretext of stopping the spread of a virus provably to be marginally more dangerous than seasonal flu, this time via forcible vaccination or societal ostracism
Let's start with the greasy bastard who finally was removed from office for what I consider all the wrong reasons; the alleged multiple accusations of sexual assault/abuse. Daniel Greenfield' wit and wisdom kicks it off:
All over Southeast Asia, there are women and little girls bent over sewing machines in sweatshops churning out "Cuomosexual" t-shirts that no leftist letch will buy anymore. You can't buy a Confederate flag on Amazon, or a copy of a book challenging transgender identity, but the site is littered with $20 "I Identify as Cuomosexual" t-shirts and rainbow Cuomosexual face masks. Like Andrew Cuomo, his Cuomosexual crap has no future. . .
. . . Last year, former Governor Cuomo endorsed tearing down President Teddy Roosevelt's statue. Now his cult of personality icons are the ones falling on his walk of shame out of Albany. Not so long ago, they worshiped him. . .
. . . The race is on to replace Cuomo with another scumbag who will quit before being impeached. Cuomo wasn't just afraid of impeachment. There are much worse things lurking in his closet than the knobby grabby hands and the maniacal leer that splits his leathery face. The Democrats didn't want to open that door and neither did Andrew Cuomo. Call it a cover-up. That's what it is.
Andrew Cuomo brought half a century of Cuomo clan politics to an end with his shameful resignation. Ever since Mario Cuomo ran for office in 1974, there's been a Cuomo robbing taxpayers somewhere in New York or D.C. Before Mario lost his last race, he got his son Andrew a job as HUD Secretary in the Clinton administration as a payoff for not opposing him.
A world without Cuomos is almost as unthinkable for New York as a world without Kennedys for Massachusetts. The two inbred political clans even briefly intermarried when Andrew Cuomo wed one of RFK's daughters as part of his presidential ambitions. Those are as dead as the thousands of senior citizens who perished after Cuomo ordered nursing homes to accept hospital patients infected with the coronavirus while blaming the outbreak on the Jews.
Just a reminder for those unaware or too young to remember, Cuomo as HUD chief was instrumental along with Jamie Gorelick (oh boy), Franklin Raines, Barney Frank and Janet Reno in weaponizing the Community Reinvestment act to force banks into giving home loans to people who could never afford to repay them, thereby touching off a chain reaction that ultimately brought about the 2008 financial crisis. You see, it was all because of "fairness" and "equity" and a massive vote-buying scheme. But I digress. Tucker Carlson had a rather interesting take on Sausage Boy Nipsy's downfall:
Carlson prefaced his comments by saying that he was loathed to defend Cuomo but noted that there were a few key questions that people ought to be asking -- specifically with regard to Democratic New York Attorney Gen. Letitia James' motives. . .
. . . "If Andrew Cuomo was harassing so many women, and doing it at the state capital in New York, how come we just learned he's been doing it? Andrew Cuomo has been in office for almost 11 years. . . "
. . . "Why did Lindsay Boylan wait two years to tell us what happened? This guy's the governor of one of the most important states in the country, so why didn't she pipe up before, say before the Emmy Awards? We can't know the answer to that but it's clear she picked a significant moment to share her allegations on Twitter," Carlson said. "Could it be that the second that call was made, Andrew Cuomo had outlived his usefulness and it might be time to crush him and move on to someone who's easier to control? If you think that's a conspiracy theory, you don't live in New York, where that kind of thinking is common. . . "
. . . "Andrew Cuomo was an awful governor. It pains us to raise any voice in his defense," Carlson concluded. "He was a vicious partisan, he was a thug, but if we are being honest, he was not completely insane -- He wasn't, say, Letitia James. He wasn't Al Sharpton, he wasn't even, pause and catch a breath there because it's so horrifying, he wasn't even Bill de Blasio. The most reckless and incompetent human being ever to hold elected office, a man who single-handedly discredits the idea of self-government. These people, just being honest, are worse than Andrew Cuomo. But because someone sat in Andrew Cuomo's lap, they may soon run the state of New York.
Of course the 15,000-plus capacity mass grave in the room that people are ignoring, and for good reason, is Andrew Cuomo's actions in forcing Peking Pox-infected people into nursing homes with uninfected yet highly vulnerable residents and killing them, all in an effort to either save Medicaid/Medicare funds or even worse, to try and use it as a means to damage President Trump's re-election. You can add governors Newsome, Murphy, Whitmer and Lamont onto a gallows for following his lead and killing off thousands of elderly people in their states as well. But, of course, judgement in this regard will likely be in the hands of the Lord when Cuomo joins the Choir Invisible; there is just no way in hell he will see a prison cell for the sex abuse, the financial shenanigans with that book deal and least of all his culpability in mass murder.
Right now Lt. Gov Kathy Hochul will be sworn in to finish out the term until the 2022 midterms. Aside from being a doctrinaire leftist, Hochul was with Cuomo from the very beginning and remained silent throughout. It's a Roman farce at this point.
Moving on, you'll be thrilled to know that this $1 trillion insanity called "infrastructure" passed thanks to the cooperation of 19 Republicans. I went over this yesterday so I'm not going to vent my spleen any further. It's a total catastrophe and a massive power grab on many levels. It also paves the way for the Green New Deal, which will be building a bridge - or more accurately a mass grave - back to the 11th century.
Ironically, while the GOP sold us down the river, it might very well be the insane Maoists who pull our chestnuts out of an even more massive fire - the upcoming $3.5 trillion reconciliation bill:
A majority of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, according to chairwoman Pramila Jayapal (D., Wash.), deputy chair Katie Porter (D., Calif.), and whip Ilhan Omar (D., Minn.), will refrain from voting on the $1 trillion bill unless the Senate passes the Democrats' $3.5 trillion spending package. The costlier bill would fund programs for child care, health care, education, and green energy initiatives. The caucus's leadership, who warned of their intentions in a letter sent to the House speaker's office and obtained by the New York Times, pushed for the legislation to be passed by reconciliation, bypassing the Senate's 60-vote filibuster threshold.
Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.) on Friday tethered the fate of the two bills together, saying the first was "not going forward" without the second.
"Whatever you can achieve in a bipartisan way -- bravo, we salute it," Pelosi said. "But at the same time, we're not going forward with leaving people behind. . . "
. . . Though Senate Democrats have greenlighted a blueprint for the larger Senate bill, it has yet to be finalized. If House progressives are successful, it will delay the passage of the bipartisan infrastructure bill until the fall at the earliest.
Under normal circumstances, it's the GOP that does the kabuki/bukkake theater of "opposing irresponsible Democrat taxing and spending" or some such rot, but ultimately give them at least 75% of what they demand and then they call it a great bipartisan victory in sticking to conservative principles. But the Democrat Party is being taken over by strident virulent Marxists who want the whole pie and have no time for political niceties and this theater of the absurd. They hate America, they hate procedure, they hate anything that stands in the way of what they are demanding. Our only shot at stopping this is if they feel it's more important right now to take total control of the party rather than a pretty big - but not absolute - victory in the expansion of the Leviathan into an unstoppable monster.
Kind of reminds me of Obama's huge blunder in not going for amnesty when he controlled congress for 24 months. We staved off that catastrophe more or less for a decade. We'll see if the Maoists actually do the right thing albeit for the absolute wrong reasons. And, death to the GOP.
UPDATE: Commenter Moron Robbie correctly observes:
And remember, it's not just $1T or $3.5T.
It's $1T or $3.5T in perpetuity, year after year after year, added to the baseline and spent in perpetuity via continuing resolutions.
Finally, the ramping up of rhetoric in forcing vaccinations on the public. While Biden's puppet masters have directed the military to jab all personnel and some private sector companies are following suit, surprisingly three of the four major airlines will not demand employees and crew be vaccinated. That is kind of a big 'effin' deal, but really, how long before this junta sicks the FAA, IRS, ICC and every other damn bureaucracy on them and forces them to comply? Wayne Allyn Root is not pulling punches.
This is the most important commentary I've ever written.
It's time for alarm bells. It's time for me to play the part of Paul Revere: "The communist tyrants and dictators are coming! The communist tyrants and dictators are coming!" They're coming first for unvaccinated Americans. This is 1938. I'm a Jew. I now understand just a little of what it felt like to be a Jew in 1938. No, it's not the Holocaust. Nothing can be compared to the Holocaust. Ever. But 1938 was not the Holocaust. It was the pre-Holocaust. It was the time before the nightmare, when the foundation was being laid to destroy the freedom, free speech, businesses and lives of millions of Jews.
Everything happening today to the American people ... to the U.S. Constitution ... to freedom ... and particularly to unvaccinated Americans reminds me of 1938. This is only the beginning. It gets much worse from here. . .
. . . If government can force us to close our businesses, to kill our jobs, to decide who is nonessential, then this is 1938. Stars on clothing. It's coming. The vaccinated get into restaurants, bars, concerts, supermarkets, planes and trains. They keep their jobs. The rest of us are marked as "subhuman" for life. That's the star. That's 1938. . .
. . . Only days ago, a former Department of Homeland Security official said the unvaccinated should be on the federal no-fly list. That's exactly how Nazis attacked the Jews and others who disagreed with their agenda. It was always lists. Lists of people to be disappeared in the middle of the night; lists of those to be sent to reeducation camps; lists of those to be sent to concentration camps; lists of enemies of the state. It's happening again. Maybe this time you'll only lose your job or free speech. This is, again, 1938.
Maybe they'll declare anyone not vaccinated a "white supremacist insurrectionist." Which is funny because the majority of people who are vaccine averse happen to be black. Just like the Mayor of Boston, and she is not happy at all.
PS: Be sure to get your papers in order, nudge-nudge wink-wink.
- "Minneapolis party chairman says 'decorum' is 'hallmark of white supremacy.'"
Dem Official Says Burning Police Station Was "Act of Pure Righteousness"
- "Not quite 'hanging's too good for 'em' -- but close."
Federal Judge Suggests Prosecutors Being Too Lenient on Capitol Rioters
- "Prosecutors in the cases against the January 6 demonstrators are starting to run into some judicial pushback."
Latest Developments in the Prosecution/Persecution of the January 6th Political Prisoners
- I'm angry but I can't say I'm surprised. They aid and abet in the destruction of America and robbing the citizenry because it profits them personally. Scum, the lot of them.
19 Senate Republicans Made "History" for Joe Biden by Passing Bipartisan So-Called Infrastructure Bill
- Blunt, Burr, Cassidy, Crapo, Cramer, Capito, Collins, Fischer, Graham, Grassley, Hoeven, McConnell, Murkowski, Portman, Risch, Romney, Sullivan, Tillis, Wicker. I guess Thune is fearing a primary challenge.
Here Are the 19 Senate Republicans Who Voted for the Infrastructure Legislation
- "On Tuesday, the Senate voted on the $1.2 trillion boondoggle.-- er, infrastructure bill and we learned who the Vichy Republicans really are."
19 Republican Senators Declared That They Need to Be Primaried
- "The Republican Party at the national level is no longer a viable alternative: it is too corrupt, too weak, and too enamored of the trappings of power."
With Republicans Like These, Who Needs Democrats?
- "Left-wing lawmakers say Congress must pass Dems' $3.5 trillion package before bipartisan bill."
House Progressives Hold Infrastructure Bill Hostage
- "Because no Republicans support the 'human' infrastructure bill, Democrats are using the budget reconciliation process, which requires only 51 votes for passage, to advance their climate agenda and new entitlement programs."
Ed Markey: "The Green New Deal Is in the DNA" of Democrats' $3.5 Trillion Reconciliation Bill
- "This is a full-on attempt to remake the American economy, the labor markets, blow off our immigration laws, rewrite the tax code, and alter the relationship between the government, and those it governs."
Democrats' $3.5 Trillion Budget Resolution Would Transform the U.S. Economy as We Know It
- Daniel Greenfield: "Nursing home patients who choked out their last breaths still await justice."
Angel of Death Cuomo Quits Over Cuomosexuality, Gets Away With Cuomocide
- "Cuomo resigning. Despite corrupt media's effusive praise throughout 2020, his mishandling of the [Chinese] COVID-19 pandemic resulted in the deaths of thousands of New Yorkers in long-term care facilities," Mollie Hemingway tweeted. "Today he steps aside, purportedly for mistreatment of women in his midst."
Angel of Cuomo Resigns After "Mishandling" Chinese Coronavirus, Leading to "Thousands" of Deaths
- "Carlson prefaced his comments by saying that he was loathed to defend Cuomo but noted that there were a few key questions that people ought to be asking -- specifically with regard to Democrat New York Attorney Gen. Letitia James' motives."
"It Pains Us to Raise Any Voice in His Defense": Tucker Carlson Weighs In on Angel of Death Cuomo
- "He announced today that he will resign."
The Fall of Angel of Death Cuomo
- Aside from that, Mrs. Lincoln, how'd you like the play?
Biden Respects Cuomo's Resignation, Says He's Done "A Hell of a Job" Aside From His "Personal Behavior"
- Meh, another Leftist who stood by and remained silent knowing full well what that greasy bastard was doing in terrorizing dames and mass-murdering mom-mom and pop-pop. In any case, she's a seat-warmer for Letitia James come 2022.
Meet Kathy Hochul, Who Replaces Angel of Death Cuomo to Become NY's First Female Gov
- "Unfortunately, for New Yorkers, we're left with Cuomo's Lieutenant who empowered this disgusting behavior while Andrew Cuomo cultivated this toxic culture, leaving a trail of victims in its wake. Kathy Hochul has been silent scandal after scandal, from fatal nursing home policies and coverups to rampant harassment, intimidation, bullying and abuse."
Lee Zeldin: Lieutenant Gov. Kathy Hochul "Empowered" Angel of Death Cuomo's "Disgusting Behavior"
- "New York governor resigned Tuesday after an AG report found he sexually harassed 11 women."
Farsi Ferret Jarrett Claims Angel of Death Cuomo Worried Her in 2014. She's Praised Him For Years On Twitter.
- "Part of me is saying good riddance but the other part recognizes that he won't get the reckoning he deserves and, for New York, there may be worse to come."
You Won't Have Angel of Death Andrew Cuomo to Kick Around Anymore
- "I know people must like to have their individual freedom and not be told to do something, but. . . mandates should be done," Fauci said on Tuesday.
Fauci Says His Baseless Mandates Are More Important Than Your Constitutional Rights
- "The party's pinata that never stops giving."
Democrats and Chinese COVID Restrictions Forever
- "Most people don't ignore risks, and they can react more quickly than governments."
Individual Choices, Not Lockdowns
- Deane Waldman MD: "Medical science proves a face mask can be harmful for children."
Pediatrician: Don't "Facemask" Your Child
- Here's one black Democrat who is definitely off the plantation, er, reservation.
Boston Mayor: Vaccine Passport Is Like "Show Their Papers" "During Slavery, Post-Slavery," and for Immigrants
- To do that, he'd have to send the military in, arrest DeSantis and Abbott, dissolve the states' legislatures and declare them federal territories by revoking statehood. Considering the mindset of Austin and Vanilli Milley, I would not put it past them.
Biden "Checking" if He Can Stop Florida, Texas Mask Mandate Bans
- "The case for new [Chinese] COVID restrictions depends on assumptions about the effectiveness of these restrictions and the magnitude of the risk. These assumptions do not match the facts."
It Won't Stop, Until We Make It Stop
- "Some clinical data suggests that vaccine efficacy may be slightly lower against the delta variant than previous iterations of the virus, but the overall numbers are still promising."
How Likely Are Vaccinated People To Get Meaningfully Sick From Delta?
- "Vaccine mandates act as a convenient means to separate people for what appear to be political, not scientific, reasons -- and as an effort to separate Americans from economic power to fight back. The rubber is meeting the road, folks. We have crossed the rubicon. This is it."
Fight Back: Here's How People Are Legally Resisting Dystopian Diktats to Get a Chinese Covid Shot or Be Fired
* * * * *
- Great news and I assume this also means that passengers will also be exempted. But logic is out the window these days with this insanity. And that said, how long before the FAA puts the squeeze on them? I don't think the airlines will tell them LOLGF.
American, Delta and Southwest Airlines Won't Make Workers Get Chinese COVID Vax
- Glenn Reynolds: ". . . all the blaming and shaming on social media and elsewhere is less about persuasion than about the emotional needs of those doing the blaming and shaming. It makes them feel better about themselves, and in today's society, feeling better about oneself is the greatest of achievements."
Mask Bullies Don't Want to Persuade You, But to Humiliate and Rule You
- "How many times do I have to say it? Rules for thee, but not for me."
Rancida Taliban Caught Partying Maskless Same Day She Criticized Sen. Paul
- "Florida's health department is asking the CDC to issue a correction after the federal agency published false information about the state's [Chinese] COVID-19 cases."
Florida's Health Department Blasts CDC For Pushing Misinfo About State's Chinese COVID Numbers
- "Using TikTok influencers to convince children to get vaccinated -- education or manipulation?"
White House E-Mail Begs TikTok Influencers to Partake in "Intimate" Zoom Call with Dr. Fauci
- "More concerned of just RSV overwhelming the hospital more than [Chinese] COVID just in pediatrics."
Surge in Pediatric Respiratory Cases Appear to Stem from RSV Infections, Not Chinese COVID-19
- "If not for double standards, the Democrats would have no standards at all."
The Hypocrisy Variant
- "For our benevolent betters, the truth is what is factually accurate and correct. But why should they have the authority to determine that?"
The Debate the Left Has Forced on Us: Freedom vs. the Truth
* * * * *
- "Switching gears to treatments instead of desperately clinging to vaccines may be the winning approach."
Iceland's Top Epidemiologist: Chinese COVID Vaccination Has Not Led to Herd Immunity
- Iranian state TV: "One person is now dying from [Chinese] COVID-19 every two minutes in Iran."
As Fifth Chinese COVID Wave Hits Iran, Regime Officials Want Military to Enforce Lockdown
- "The move came hours after the Texas Supreme Court authorized using law enforcement to impel Democrats who hightailed it to Washington, DC a month ago to lobby for federal voting reforms, to return and vote on the measure, according to the report."
Arrest Warrants Issued for Dozens of Texas Dems Who Fled State to Sabotage Voting Bill Passage
- "The Fulton County Auditor said that county election officials failed to use all of the Southern Poverty Center's grant for buying absentee ballot drop boxes and didn't obey the rule of publicly disclosing how many ballots were collected."
Anti-Trump Group Donated $85,000 to Atlanta Election Judges, Auditors Want it Returned
- "Rep. Jim Langevin (RI-2) -- a Democrat Party Congressman leading his party's so-called 'election security reforms' -- retains six-figure investments in a Chinese Communist Party-linked tech firm flagged by the U.S. State Department for aiding the regime's military and espionage capabilities."
Dem Congressman Leading Election Reforms Has 6-Figure Investments In Chinese Communist Espionage-Linked Firms
- "The Defund the Police movement will inevitably collide with the reality of rising crime in elections through 2022. Results at the local level will be uneven."
Will Defund the Police Lead to Federal and National Guard Patrols in Big Cities?
- "He rallied colleagues 'not to walk but sashay' to vote for the amendment to 'put to rest the lies.'" ("sashy" is a word this guy should never use; in any case, this ain't gonna sit well with the Maoists and Booker and the Dems might have walked into a trap really of their own making - jjs)
Brokeback Booker Gives Satirical Speech Against "Defund the Police" Movement
* * * * *
- "It's a complex web of intrigue, the family courts. . . It's the Wild West of family law. It's a $60 billion-a-year annual American divorce machine and industry that is racking up billable hours and sacrificing children and parents, and really just looking at estates of families and seeing how much money they can make."
Family Court Corruption Scandal Explodes in Hollywood
- ". . . But they worry whether the nominee is 'anti-Israel.'"
Senators Concerned About Biden Nominee Are Deemed "Anti-Muslim"
- "Human Rights Watch Israel-Palestine director Omar Shakir spoke directly to board."
Former Ben and Jerry's Employee Says Anti-Israel Activist Spoke to Board Ahead of Boycott Decision
- I knew who Tracy was. Didn't know her well. She liked the way I kissed. I don't see the horrifying menacing part." (sort of how Goering's lawyer described his client's relationship with Hitler at the Nuremberg War Crimes Trial - jjs)
Convicted Eco-Saboteur Disputes Biden Land Management Nominee's Characterization Of Their Relationship
- "I am holding Prince Andrew accountable for what he did to me," Virginia Giuffre said in a statement. "The powerful and rich are not exempt from being held responsible for their actions. I hope that other victims will see that it is possible not to live in silence and fear, but to reclaim one's life by speaking out and demanding justice."
Jeffrey Epstein Accuser Sues Prince Andrew Over Alleged Sexual Assault
- "The rioter-bailer, Russia hoaxer, anti-vaxxer, border evader, and pro-baby-killer vice president is just one heartbeat away from leading the free world -- and there are plenty more radicals where she came from."
Here Are Joe "Moderate" Biden's 10 Most Insanely Radical Nominees
- "Kind's retirement is a major blow to House Democrats as they seek to maintain their narrow majority. Kind narrowly held the seat last cycle, defeating Republican Derrick Van Orden by less than 3 percentage points. Van Orden, a retired Navy SEAL, is running for the seat again this cycle."
Unhappy Ending: Wisconsin Dem Tied to Massage Parlor Won't Run for Reelection
- "The polls show that the majority of urban black or brown parents want choice, yet they pull that lever year after year after year for the Democratic Party that has not given them the first step toward leaving poverty, which is a quality high school education."
GOP CA Recall Candidate Larry Elder Pushes For School Choice, Condemns CRT
- "Tale as old as time, yeah? Wouldn't it be nice, for once, if the kingmakers in D.C. would butt out and stand by as Republican voters in states like Nevada decide who it is they would like see bear their standard?"
For the Thousandth Time, Can We Please Leave the Nominating to the Voters?
- "If the United States had a recall referendum provision -- as otherwise dysfunctional California does -- canvassers would secure signatures to hold a Biden recall vote in record time, no doubt." (it's not Biden that needs impeaching; it's the entire anti-American junta in DC and everywhere that needs ousting. . . forever - jjs)
Impeach Joe Biden
- "What Barack Obama's birthday gala shares with a bash from the past."
Party of the Century
- "Last week Jeb took to Twitter to show the world that he was awake and woke."
Jeb Bush -- Trading Low Energy for Wokeness
- "The U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and Border Patrol's apprehension numbers of illegal migrants broke records in July for the sixth consecutive month following Joe Biden's taking office as [so-called quote-unquote "president"], with the numbers reaching an 'historic crisis level.'"
Border Patrol Apprehension Numbers Point to Historic, Crisis Levels at American Border
- Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ) tweeted, "Gov. Cuomo has resigned, and CNN Cuomo should be next in line. Harassment should never be tolerated, and covering up the deaths of thousands of senior citizens can NOT be forgotten."
Congressman: XiNN's Chris Cuomo "Should Be Next" to Resign After Brother Surrenders
- "Corporate media and powerful Democrats knew all about Cuomo, but they said nothing because they didn't care -- and they still don't."
Angel of Death Cuomo Isn't the Problem
- "I'm not sure when YouTube became an arm of the government."
Rand Paul Slaps Back After YouTube Suspension
- "Andrew Cuomo is resigning. Michael Avenatti is in jail."
IN MEMORIAM: Another Media Darling Bites the Dust
- Robert Spencer: "As long as we're assigning blame, which president is more likely to incite anti-Semitism? One who strongly defended and aided the right of Israel to defend itself from genocidal jihadist enemies, or one who has appointed a large number of fierce opponents of Israel to all levels of his administration, abetted the spread of Palestinian jihad propaganda demonizing Israel, and even praised an open anti-Semite and promised to defend her family from alleged Israeli aggression? The claim that Trump was anti-Semitic was one of the principal Big Lies of the Left over the last four years."
WaPo's Dana Milbank Goes Insane with TDS, Blames Trump for Tlaib's Anti-Semitism
- Nelson Muntz laugh.
XiNN Gets Scammed, Helps Fake Mom Raise $230k to Avoid Eviction
- Bob Zimmerman: "Less than a year from completing his four year program as a medical student at the University of Louisville, Austin Clark was expelled because he had revealed his Christian pro-life beliefs by inviting a pro-life advocate to speak at the campus."
Medical Student Expelled for Expressing Political Opinions
- "On the same day as the Newtown shooting, a crazed man broke into a school building in central China, stabbing and slashing 23 pupils in an attack that, although not fatal, lit up the Internet -- but barely registered with official state media."
Biden's ATF Nominee Failed To Disclose China-Backed Propaganda Network Interview, May Have Been Used "To Cover Up a Mass Stabbing of Children"
- "After failing to leave any kind of substantial legacy in three terms as mayor of New York City, Michael Bloomberg is seeking to have a substantial impact on the anti-2nd Amendment lobby in the United States. The gun-grabber with the biggest bank account is hoping he can get a host of his frothing minions elected to office."
"Everytown" Gun-Grabbers Now Grooming People for Office
- "It is a sign of how intolerant Texas has become," commented First Baptist Church of Briar evangelism pastor Jon Speed in the release. "There are no graphic images on the billboard, not even a strong statement. It's just a website that seeks to abolish abortion in Texas. The fact that this happened in rural Texas is not only surprising in a self-professed pro-life state, it indicates how weak that commitment is."
"Ignore Roe" Billboard In Texas Removed After One Day Because Of Death Threats
- "We completely agree with the judges that the law poses no undue burden."
Abortion Waiting Period Law Lives On in Tennessee
- "Chinese state hackers targeted Israeli defense, shipping industries."
China Launched Cyberattacks Against Israel, Security Firm Finds
- "As the Chinese Communist Party grows more aggressive, American businesses call for appeasement."
Trading with the Enemy is Wrong
- "Certainly, no vaccine is an absolute, but the military is bound to live, work, and recreate together. It seems prudent to ensure they do not infect each other." (they've already been indoctrinated - jjs)
Archbishop for Military Services Supports Mandatory Chinese COVID Vaccination for Soldiers
- "Rep. Adam Smith: United States cannot afford 'arms race.'" (I'm beyond apoplectic at these psychos - jjs)
Top House Dem Wants To Cut Nuclear Arsenal
- "15 people were killed, including 7 childen. Ahlam Tamimi, who masterminded the bombing, remains free in Jordan, which refuses to extradite her to the U.S., which she is indicted for killing American citizens, including Malki Roth."
20th Anniversary of The Sbarro Pizzeria Bombing Massacre in Jerusalem
- "Inside the world of Sharia."
Bangladesh: Muslim Mob Vandalizes and Loots Hindu Temples, Shops, Homes
- Robert Spencer: "If people are suspicious of Islam, Rizwan Wadan could fight that by confronting, rather than perpetuating, the perception that claims regarding Islam being peaceful are disingenuous and based on an incomplete reading of the relevant texts. Instead, he has produced yet another deceptive endeavor that is just going to create more of the "Islamophobia," in the sense of suspicion of Islam, that he claims to be trying to stamp out."
Star Wars Filmmaker Makes Documentary Slamming "Islamophobia," Ends Up Showing Why There Is "Islamophobia"
- Raymond Ibrahim:"Most of the denizens of Turkey are not Turks but rather the descendants of Christian peoples, mostly Greeks. . . who converted to Islam to end their own persecution."
Now Even Science Demonstrates Islamic Aggression
- "We have the CDC's eviction moratorium to show that no one in our government feels compelled to comply with the Constitution anymore."
The Supreme Court Has Become a Council of Kings
- "Like rent control, it is not only unconstitutional but bad public policy."
A Legally Flawed Eviction Moratorium
- "Sen. Marco Rubio is circulating a memo aimed at emboldening Republicans to fight a measure that would distribute even more taxpayer money to nonworking parents."
Rubio Memo Reminds "Reluctant" Republicans That Dem Child Allowance is a "Poverty Trap," "Precursor" to UBI
- "Regulating the charitable tax deduction could open the door to a wide range of mischief."
A Threat to Charitable Giving
- "The company, KoBold Metals, uses artificial intelligence and machine learning to search for raw materials, Reuters reports. Kobold will pay $15 million in exploration funding in exchange for a 51 percent stake in the project."
Bezos, Gates, and Bloomberg-Backed Mining Firm to Seek Electric Vehicle Metals in Greenland
- "With fairy tale photos of Greta Thunberg and a small horse, the article gives her a platform to espouse her belief that man-made climate change is causing a countdown to the planet's implosion." (big deal; next month, Cosmopolitan will have her and the horse recreate the moment when Tsarina Katherine became "Great" - jjs)
Vogue Pushes Climate Change in Piece on "The Wonders of Greta Thunberg"
- "NASA will spend more than a billion dollars and fourteen years to build two spacesuits. What a bargain! Imagine if we have to pay a tailor for fitting!" (mit zwei pair pants? - jjs)
Inspector General Slams NASA Spacesuit Program
- "The story illustrates the coming renaissance in the American rocket industry. . . Of these eleven companies, five have operational rockets (Northrop Grumman, Rocket Lab, SpaceX, Virgin Orbit, and ULA) and five have announced plans to do their first orbital launch this year (Aevum, ABL, Astra, Relativity, and Firefly), with Astra's first orbital flight scheduled for later this month. The schedule of the remaining X-Bow remains unknown."
Space Force Adds Three More Rocket Startups to its Rapid Launch Program
- "We have now heard from seven different people inside CCWF [Central California Women's Facility] that at least one woman, possibly more, is now pregnant after being housed with a male felon. . . "
Inmate Reportedly Pregnant After California Allows Housing Biological Men With Women
- "Chet started ranting against the vaccine and said 'you ain't sticking me with that motherf**king needle.' He further added that coronavirus is nothing more than 'the motherf**king flu.'"
Chet Hanks, Tom's Son, Goes on Anti-Vaccine Rant in Viral Video
- "Racism, racism, racism. How far will this go?" (MWSA - Make Washington Stalingrad Again, er, Already - jjs)
Democrat Senators Introduce Bill to Rename American Place Names
- "True to form, Mike Rowe didn't shy away from getting down into the trenches with the blue-collar folks who know what it takes to calculate risks and make their own decisions." (the "internet troll" is Jonathan Last! LOL! - jjs)
Mike Rowe Just Utterly Emasculated an Internet Troll in the Nicest Way Possible
- Cancel culture?! This asshole dares compare the words and deeds of a fellow pervert and mass-murderer to that of people silenced and shunned for openly espousing traditional political and cultural viewpoints?!
"Tragic Day": Psycho Lefty Pervert (BIRM) Alec Baldwin Blames Angel of Death Cuomo Ouster on "Cancel Culture"
- "Herein lies a glimpse into just what kind of knuckle-draggers the left thinks we are. They think patriotism means we'll do whatever they say whenever they say it."
The Left's Revolution Dominates Every American Height, and They Don't Know Why We Aren't Cheering
- Christian Toto: "The savvy storyteller thinks his $900 million contact will save him from the woke mob."
Matt Stone Is Wrong About South Park's Cancel Culture Immunity
- "I'm a person of color and every time the term 'master bedroom' was used, I kept saying to myself, 'I don't like how it sounds,'" said one listing agent. (get over yourself - jjs)
You Can't Say "Master" Bedroom Anymore Because Some Realtors Decided It's Racist
NOTE: The opinions expressed in some links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.
ALSO: The Morning Report is cross-posted at if you want to continue the conversation all day.
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posted by J.J. Sefton at 07:38 AM
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