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August 11, 2021
Quick Hits: Anthony Fauci Comes Out Against Restrictions and Lockdowns (in 2014, When Obama Didn't Want to Shut Down Travel to Nigeria During the Ebola Outbreak)

Cuomo's lawyer seems to claim that Cuomo's gropings were accidental.
Whoops. Whoopsie!
Joe Biden can probably attest for Cuomo's defense. One time Biden sneezed and inadvertently fingered an aide.
Governor Hair Gel is getting frazzled and bitchy.
When Obama didn't want to restrict travel from Nigeria during the ebola outbreak, Anthony Fauci took the position that we shouldn't strive for 100% protection, but should be willing to accept some risks of catching lethal ebola to avoid restrictions on travel.
And now -- not so much.
This article is from Russia Today, but it comes from "America's" own NPR.
The clickbait SJW propaganda "media" pushed a "story" last year that all of the people who didn't like The Last Jedi were really Russian Bots and Paid Russian Agents.
The same brain trust is pushing a new story about why leftwing SJW James Gunn's Suicide Squad is a box office failure:
The Conserving Conservatism Bulwark's Tim Miller claims that conservatives are avoiding getting vaccinated and deliberately killing their kids to "own the libs."

Some of the scripted "conversations" between the TikTock (Chinese-owned) "influencers" and America's Oldest Influencer Anthony Fauci collected at Twitchy.