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August 14, 2021
Ace of Spades Pet Thread
(H/T Sharon (willow's apprentice))
Good afternoon and welcome to the almost world famous Ace of Spades Pet Thread kick back and take life easy. Please enjoy the world of animals.
Regarding today's opening photo, no arguments from me.
A Little of This. A Little of That.
Is your dog confused? Perhaps you are confusing Fido. Things that we do to confuse our dogs.
A neat site submitted by our thirst friend, redc1c4. Pets in the family. Thanks red.
Meet The PetMorons
So I decided to share pictures of two foster dogs that I helped find homes for. The first one is Daisy. She went from racing in Florida to being in Maryland for the winter. She knew that being bundled up meant that she was going outside. Thus the reason for the less than amused expression.
And this is Essie. She and our cat Mercutio bonded over a fascination with squirrels.
Hope you all enjoy! -NR Pax
Great submission, interesting poses. If you ever come to visit us here at Casa Misanthrope please come when it isn't winter. Poor Daisy will freeze her ears off.
Thanks for sharing your pets with us today.
This is Pearl. She's been in the Pet Thread once before. But now she's a senior dog. She's got renal issues, a heart murmur, and she just had a lipoma removed from her tail. And now her tail is infected. She's really unhappy.
Every trip to the vet is a tribulation: she's mind-numbingly terrified of the vet. I mean, deeply, truly, scared witless. And I just had a fight with the vet and now I'm fired. Gotta find a new vet. Which has the added joy of the shortage of vets...
I guess we're both unhappy. - Moronette "Lee Also."
Dang! So sorry to hear about the health and vet issues. We are all pulling for you to find a new vet and that Pearl gets great care. Thanks for sharing.
This is Zippy a 12 year old male chihuahua. He got adopted early last year by an elderly woman who sadly passed away a few weeks ago. The daughter was about to just give him up to a pound when she found her moms paperwork (thank you dear lady for keeping it!). She contacted us and Jan, our adoption coordinator said we will take him back, he's a Shep's dog. If anything doesn't work out, we take them back. So.. he's a very very sweet boy and if I didn't have Moose here he would have a new home! I mean...look at those eyes!!! - Jewells
So sad to hear of Zippy's master passing. But how wonderful that he ended up back with you angelic people instead of a pound. Good luck in finding him a new home.
Dear KeepersOfThePetThread,
Still a LONG-time lurker, still just call me DadVan. I introduced y'all to Fili (L) and Kili (R) (named after the two dwarf brothers in "The Hobbit.") in FEB2020; I owe an update. They're now ~two years old, and while originally they turned our lives upside-down, they've helped keep me right-side up during the last year plus (I'm sure other Morons know what I mean). They've also helped keep the American economy strong by costing me much money, including the recent purchase of a robot vacuum to keep up with their hair. Sleeping was still the only way to get a non-blurry picture...
I'm not quite sure how you look yourself in the mirror in the morning. Those poor abused kittehs. Now they are being chased by a robot. All kidding aside wonderful photo, I bet that was a difficult pose to come by. Thank you.
Well the In-Box was pretty light this week. Then it dawned on me that I forgot to give out the pet thread address last week. If you have something pet/animal related you wish to share you can contact us here at petmorons at gmail dot com.
Until next week, God willing and the creeks don't rise we will be back next Saturday. Have a great week!

posted by Misanthropic Humanitarian at
03:00 PM
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