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July 29, 2021
"President" Puddin'head: I Used to Drive an 18-Wheeler, You Know
I think he's flashing back to an episode of BJ and the Bear he saw once.
Biden looked slightly dazed and generally confused in the video clips I watched of his visit to the Mack Truck factory. His small talk to workers was forced and awkward. One comment, in particular, captured the attention of some observers. Biden claimed to have driven 18-wheeler trucks in his earlier life. Remember, this guy has been in elected office and a professional politician for almost fifty years. He went to Washington, D.C. as a U.S. senator at the age of 29. When did he drive a big rig? When asked, the White House had to scramble to provide cover for Biden's latest whopper.
You need a special license to drive a truck. I'm sure a record of that license still exists, if the license itself ever existed.
The best the White House could do to find cover for Biden's newest dementia-caused confabulation (and confabulation is in fact a major symptom of dementia) is to claim that Biden rode in an 18 wheeler once in 1973.
At the same trip to the Mack Truck factory, Biden also confused President Trump and Obama, again.
Then he claimed it was a "Freudian slip."
President Joe Biden confused former Presidents Barack Obama and Donald Trump in a Tuesday speech, blaming his gaffe on a "Freudian slip."
"Back in 2009, during the so-called Great Recession, the president asked me to be in charge of managing that piece, then-President Trump," Biden said. "Excuse me, Freudian slip, that was the last president. He caused the.. anyway, President Obama when I was vice president."
Biden rapidly received backlash on social media for the mix-up. Abigail Marone, press secretary for Republican Missouri Sen. Josh Hawley, mocked the president's slip-up on social media.
"I feel like Joe Biden might not know what a 'Freudian slip' is," she tweeted.
A "Freudian slip" is when you inadvertently blurt out something that you are either actively suppressing or unconsciously suppressing. Like if you accidentally say something about sex when speaking to a person you're attracted to.
It does not include dementia-driven confusion about names and persons.