Take My ONT. Please. �
July 16, 2021
Lego Tactical Assault Squad Cafe: Ride the Lightning Edition

L. Heiden, Storm Clouds Photography
Owlkitty in: CLAWS.
Senior superhero has rescued nearly 800 cats from trees. He's got Batman-level gear to do it.
Guinea pig army.
Big dog meets a puppy version of itself.
Cat bullies a much larger dog. I don't like animal fighting video but the dog is big and I'm sure he just has a few cuts. Only his ego is wounded.
This cat is dynamite.
On the other hand, this dog deploys some kind of Jimmy Snooka flying takedown against his cat tormenter.
Elephant reenacts his favorite scene from Romancing the Stone.
No matter what you were expecting, this is unexpected.
Female perp bites a cop, gets sent back in time.
Got a big one on the line.
Boys will be boys.
Steve Inman apparently has some skill with CGI programs.
I think the rocket turned the air in its pathway into an electrically-conductive plasma, as an electrolaser does. So when the lightning formed, it found the lowest-resistance channel to the ground in the rocket's path.

Via Buitengebeieden_