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July 05, 2021
The Morning Rant

There are three things that progressives are good at, yea four things at which they excel: looting, grifting, bullying and crying.
The elites in the ruling class in this country are robbing us blind, and if you dare complain about it, you are a bad person. -- J.D. Vance
Progressives do not like to prove things, so they rely on adjectives instead, such as 'systemic' racism and 'credible' accusations.
The media treats Republicans like scum, but for Democrats their tongue-baths are lavish.
Truth does not mind being questioned but a lie does not like being challenged.
The man who says he wants to change the world wants to change *your* world. (h/t LexisTexas)
A nation that glorifies the ugly, the bizarre, and the perverse is not far from failure.
'Wokeism' is a toolset for bullies (h/t Shant Mesrobian)
Let a man meet a she-bear robbed of her cubs rather than have to listen to the Democrats call for 'unity'.
Everything's an emergency when you can't remember yesterday. {h/t El Kabong}
The Bulwark should really be called 'The Betrayer' and David French is the judas goat for communism. (h/t sven)
Voting is a civil right, not a human right.
The only standards of living that progressives succeed in improving are their own.
Voting for progressives to run your city is like unto putting the Lincoln Project in charge of a Cub Scout Jamboree.
OK, Who Had 'Radioactive Boar-Pig Hybrids' On Their 2021 Bingo Cards?
"By Their Fruits Ye Shall Know Them"
I Swear Progressives Have The Institutional Attention Span Of A Gnat:
Facebook's Actual Standard:
Another Brainiac Civics Major Weighs In:
The Good Old Days:
The Really Good Old Days:
Who Dis:
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Photo 7
For the 'Ettes:
Photo 2Photo 3Photo 4Photo 5
Friday Who Dis: Italian B-movie actress Gloria Guida made her bones in a number of racy sex comedies in the 70s and 80s of the sort you might see on "Skinemax" late at night. But she would also star in the occasional horror/sci-film, such as 1978's Il Triangolo Delle Bermude(The Bermuda Triangle), along with Latin Lothario and telenovelo star Andrés García.
Today's Edition Of The Morning Rant Is Brought To You By Cheesy Garlic Bread:

(click for bigger garlic bread)
Garlic bread recipe available here.

posted by OregonMuse at
11:15 AM
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