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June 14, 2021
Quick Hits 2: Catching Up After the Weekend Edition
Sorry to just drop another Quick Hits -- but there are a lot of smaller stories I want to at least note.
Birding -- bird-spotting -- must now "grapple with its racist roots" because birders of an earlier era held views which are no longer acceptable in our Woke Epoch.
"Charlotte" Clymer, transexual extremist bully and Media Matters deplatformer, praises the LGBT progressivism of... Iran.
White supremacy run amok:
Maggie Haberman keeps posting her W's online:
YouTube bans an interview by Brett Weinstein, a professor of biology, with a scientist over the efficacy of Ivermectin, because their lass act of total censorship -- blocking any mention of the lab leak theory fact so as to help defeat Trump -- worked out so well for science and for the world.
It's almost as if #Cancellation and deplatforming are only for one group of people:
Tater and "former conservative journalist" turncoat -- and Top Deplatformer in CNN's Censorship Promotion Unit -- Oliver Darcy find fault with "MAGA media" for... discussing actual political issues of real importance, rather than attacking the enemy president 24 hours per day, as they did.