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June 04, 2021
Quick Hits: Kamala Harris Declares Memorial Day Will Now Be For the Purpose of Honoring the Previous Weekend Edition

Commenters have been spreading that meme for a few days.
What a terrible thing to say.
Facebook is continuing to assert its position of National Decider of Who Can Speak and Who Can Run for Office, by keeping Trump suspended until at least January 2023.
NeverTrump continues saying, "Muh Private Monopolies' Checks!"
Former President Donald Trump lashed out at Facebook Friday after the social media giant announced it would suspend his account for at least two years as it enforces new "protocols to be applied in exceptional cases."
"Facebook's ruling is an insult to the record-setting 75M people, plus many others, who voted for us in the 2020 Rigged Presidential Election," Trump said in a statement. "They shouldn't be allowed to get away with this censoring and silencing, and ultimately, we will win. Our Country can't take this abuse anymore!"
Trump's Facebook and Instagram accounts will remain suspended until Jan. 7, 2023, and be reactivated "if the risk to public safety has receded," according to the company's Vice President of Global Affairs Nick Clegg in a blog post on the corporation's website.
Via artisinal ette.
The Post-Millennial's headline, as it appears:
POTATO FAMINE: Brian Stelter's ratings continue to plummet as viewers reject far-left propaganda
CNN's ironically titled show "Reliable Sources" with Brian Stelter continues its spectacular decline in ratings, dropping 53 percent in viewership since January 2021.
All hail the Post-Millennial. And the Epoch Times. And AmGreatness.
During May, Stelter's show which is often jam-packed with left-wing pundits complaining about Fox News and "disinformation", averaged a paltry 863,000 viewers in May. That's down 9 percent from the previous month of April, according to Fox News.
In February, Stelter yielded 1.3 million viewers, 1.02 million in March, and 917,000 in April.
Ahahaha. Suck it, douchebees.
CNN's review of Fauci's emails? The big takeaway is his "frank honesty."
Speaking of franks, Doctor Levine wants to "rap" with us about mental health. Oh goodie.
I missed this Biden "stutter" from last week:*
Here's his newest stutter:
* Biden and his media defenders claim that all of his misspeaking and clear signs of cognitive decline are due to a suppressed "stutter" we've never heard before.