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June 05, 2021
Saturday Afternoon Chess Thread 06-05-2021
WIM Lilia Fuentes Godoy (MEX)
Greetings, I'm back in the saddle again. Bringing you the finest chess problems and dress pr0n since -- oh, I don't know 2016 or so, I guess. Maybe.
Beginner Problem - Black To Play (635)
Goal: Black can force mate in 2 moves
Hint: Sacrifice to unobstruct the 'f' file
r4rk1/pp4pp/2p3n1/3p2N1/2P2PK1/3B2P1/PP5q/R1BQ1RN1 b - - 0 1
Vintage Chess:
This is a photo sent to me by Carrie, a long-time lurkette who tells me:
Hi! I came across this picture of my grandmother who played on the chess club at Wheaton College in the late thirties/early forties. Her husband died at the age of 37, leaving her with their six children. Fun fact: Billy Graham was the best man in her wedding. She passed away in 2016. She had an amazing life. This pic is only one example of how extremely cool she was.
The photo wasn't very big, so I expanded it a bit. No date, but Carrie says it's probably from 1940.
Intermediate Problem - White To Play (1337)
Goal: White can force a quick mate -- in 3 moves
Hint: Yes, this is another problem that uses underpromotion.
r1b2rk1/1p2q1P1/p2p1p2/3p3Q/8/2PBP3/PP1K3P/R6R w - - 0 1
Say What?
Advanced Problem - White To Play (1355)
How does White win this game? If will be sufficient to show how White can queen a pawn and also prevent Black from queening his.
8/8/5p2/8/4P1P1/8/5k1K/8 w - - 0 1
Dress Pr0n For The 'Ettes:
"Back in the old days, even the streetwalkers were classy dames."
Greetings From the IDF #1
Greetings From the IDF #2
(Click for larger version)
Problem Solutions
Beginner Problem - Black To Play
r4rk1/pp4pp/2p3n1/3p2N1/2P2PK1/3B2P1/PP5q/R1BQ1RN1 b - - 0 1
1... Ne5+
2.fxe5 h5#
Intermediate Problem - White To Play
r1b2rk1/1p2q1P1/p2p1p2/3p3Q/8/2PBP3/PP1K3P/R6R w - - 0 1
1.Qh7+ Kf7
Hee hee hee.
Or if 2...Ke8 then 3. Qxe7#
Advanced Problem - White To Play
8/8/5p2/8/4P1P1/8/5k1K/8 w - - 0 1
The key to this position is seeing that Black is pretty much in zugzwang, therefore it is to White's advantage to force Black to move
1. Kh1!
Best move to take advantage of Black's zugzwang. Not 1.Kh3 because White will not win the pawn race: 1...Kf3 2.e5 fxe5 3.g5 e4 4.g6 e3 5.g7 e2 6.g8=Q e1=Q draw.
If 1...Kg3 then White wins because he will queen with check: 2.e5 fxe5 3.g5 e4 4.g6 e3 5.g7 e2
6.g8=Q+ and he'll be able to pick off the pawn, for example: 6...Kf2 7.Qa2 Kf3 8.Qb3+ Kf2 9.Qc2 Kf3 10. Qd3+ Kf2 11.Qd2 Kf3 12.Qe1 and wins.
Or if 1...Ke3 2. e5 fxe5 and Black's king is now fatally blocking his own pawn.
2.e5 fxe5
3.g5 e4
4.g6 e3
5.g7 e2
6.g8=Q e1=Q
Hope to see you all next week!
Note: that cryptic line of letters and numbers you see underneath each board diagram is a representation of the position in what is known as "Forsyth-Edwards Notation", or F.E.N. It's actually readable by humans. Most computer applications nowadays can read FEN, so those of you who may want to study the position, you can copy the line of FEN and paste into your chess app and it should automatically recreate the position on its display board. Or, Windows users can just "triple click" on it and the entire line will be highlighted so you can copy and paste it into your chess app.
So that about wraps it up for this week. Chess thread tips, suggestions, bribes, rumors, threats, and insults may be sent to my yahoo address: OregonMuse little-a-in-a-circle yahoo dott com.
posted by OregonMuse at
05:25 PM
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