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Daily Tech News 29 May 2021 »
May 28, 2021
He Flies Through The Air With The Greatest Of Ease, The Daring Young Man On Tonight's ONT
Welcome to the long weekend, Morons! I hope all of you have a wonderful Monday, but I urge you to remember what Memorial Day is actually about, my family usually spends the morning planting flags at the graves of veterans. How do y'all commemorate Memorial Day?
Speaking of those who served, how about this absolute tub of guts?
Be prepared
Back in the day, I completed all of the requirements for Eagle except the project. I discovered cars and girls and lost interest. I've always regretted that, and now....I regret it even more. I could have combined two of them!
Bon mot, part 1
Barn find!

That lucky stiff
Fido Friday
Would have freaked me out
I think the rotors need to be turned too

but I'm not a mechanic. AOP? Jim? Anyone?
If only there were some way to know beforehand...
Inflation? What's that?

I was on a work zoom this week and the subject of inflation came up. I pointed out that of course we're seeing inflation, 25% of the money supply has been minted in the last 6 months, and I swear to Og a woman on the call said haughtily "It's worth it to get rid of Trump".
Insane skills
Suicidal tendencies
Bon mot, part 2
Shitpost of the century
Anyone else excited about the new Monty Python video game?
Dick move, country edition

Anyone watching the Stanley Cup playoff?
If I had chickens, I'd buy these for all of them
Well ain't that just a kick in the head
Bottom Gear meme
A take off on the old Top Gear promos, these memes are usually pretty funny. Here's a few examples:

Children's show tackles serious subject
Too much truth in this one
Tonight's ONT has been brought to you by Type-A:

posted by WeirdDave at
10:00 PM
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