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May 24, 2021
Ron DeSantis Signs Law Limiting Social Media Companies' Ability to Censor and Blacklist with Impunity
Go DeathSantis Go!
"What we've been seeing across the U.S. is an effort to silence, intimidate, and wipe out dissenting voices by the leftist media and big corporations. Today, by signing SB 7072 into law, Florida is taking back the virtual public square as a place where information and ideas can flow freely," Lieutenant Governor Jeanette Nunez said.
DeSantis enacted the bill SB 7072 into law after the Florida House passed it 77-38 and the Florida Senate passed it 23-17.
"If social media platforms are found to have violated antitrust law, they will be restricted from contracting with any public entity. That 'antitrust violator' blacklist imposes real consequences for Big Tech oligopolies' bottom line," a news release from the governor’s office read.
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signed an anti-Big Tech bill on Monday that would stop social media companies from kicking users off their platforms and prevent online censorship.
The legislation, which the Republican called "Florida's Big Tech Bill," would make it illegal to ban state political candidates from Facebook and Twitter and would dole out penalties of $250,000 a day on social media companies for any statewide candidate who is removed from a platform. De-platforming more local candidates would incur a fee of $25,000 a day.
The bill also forces social media giants to give users notice seven days before they are likely to be banned and give them a chance to change their behavior and resolve the issue on the platform. The bill passed the Republican-led Florida state Legislature in April.
Some critics, including conservatives, say the Florida bill is unconstitutional and would make social media platforms dangerous places for online content.
"This bill abandons conservative values, violates the First Amendment, and would force websites to host antisemitic, racist, and hateful content." Carl Szabo, vice president of trade group NetChoice, told the Washington Examiner.
If the anti-censorship bills become law and are enforced, social media platforms will be incentivized to change their content guidelines and rules to restrict more content out of an abundance of caution, conservative lawyers say.
"Conservative lawyers" say? Or propagandists paid by corporate lobbying groups and the extreme ideologues of the Koch Foundation say?
1, it is not a "conservative value" to empower hardcore cultural marxists to ban and suppress any non-marxist speech, thereby permitting marxism to win the public debate by default. Through conservative forfeit.
2, They're not going to "restrict more content out of an abundance of caution," unless you mean they're going to be forced to impose the rules that they apply to conservatives on progressives as well. In which case, what am I supposed to do? Cry?
They're already censoring and banning far, far more speech than any law or prudent business decision would demand. They're being pressured to censor by the hardcore cultural marxist left, who they're already sympathetic to, even minus the pressure.
Is it "conservative" to turn the country over to socialists who will ultimately turn to mass murder -- as they always do -- without a fight?
Apparently it's the "conservative position," mostly pushed by K and J Street lobbyists and whores paid by corporate interests through AEI and the Chamber of Commerce, that we do so abandon the country.
James O'Keefe is in the background, on the dias, behind DeSantis, to his right. Or to your left, his right. Flaking the woman who flanks DeSantis.
That is such a huge Fuck You to the leftist media that even I'm triggered.