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May 21, 2021
Good Evening Mr. And Mrs. America, And All The Ships At ONT
Hello, Morons, and greetings from Texas!*
*Yeah, I just noticed that Ace used the storm picture I was going use to open the ONT on the thread below. So this is what I scrambled to find at the last minute.
Lets see what madcap mayhem this week has provided for your Friday entertainment!
How to cowboy:
Eeeeh, could be
MMORPG graphics I'd like to see
I would have paid real money to attend that orgy, and I'd never even have taken off a stitch of clothing
Survivorship bias
Damn cat!
Is this something?
Take the red pill
Related for Jarheads
Fido Friday: just keep swimming, swimming, swimming edition
Friday night riddle
Or if you have to carry it into battle
The art is nice
Double Ha!
Fido Friday part 2
Meanwhile, in Canada
Golf clap
Tonight's ONT has been brought to you by Vlad the Impaler:
I'll put the riddle answer in the comments around midnight ET if nobody has gotten it by then.

posted by WeirdDave at
10:00 PM
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