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May 13, 2021
Quick Hits: Biden's Dying Brain Is Nearly Dead Edition
I believe he's trying to say here -- of course reading a line someone else wrote for him, and which he has never seen before this press conference -- something about needing to be either "vaxxed or masked."
It's quite an adventure.
Wow, what thrilling word-journey.
More brain-dying evidence:
But the tweets continue to be luxurious and lush.
Laser-like focus on what's most important to the conservative movement from former Weekly Standard reporter and Bill Kristol flunkie John McCormack, now at the Severely Conservative National Review:
It's like a new margarine called I Can't Believe It's Not MSNBC!
While actual conservatives (and non-deranged citizens) ask questions about covid's origins, the Biden-approved payoff of Russian hackers, increasing unemployment, surging inflation, and the gas shortage, NeverTrump corporate cvcks keep a laser-like focus on the only issue that matters: Whether or not some of their moles and saboteurs get to keep their phoney-baloney jobs.
I guess if I were a NeverTrumper, "do I get to keep my fake job in Conservative, Inc.?" would be a very personally-pressing question for me, too.
Here's more Very Important News from Weekly Standard's (weak) sister publication, the Washington Examiner, owned by the same billionaire cuck. Corrected: This is from the Washington Times, not the Washington Examiner.
And these power-worshipping cucks claim that we're the ones with a hard-on for authoritarianism!
LOL, Ellen DeGeneres' show will be cancelled after boring the fuck out of housewives on thorazine for 19 years, because news broke about what a cunt she is.
I wonder what he spent all his bank-robbery money on:
Male to "female" transsexual Fallon Fox, who literally broke a woman's skull in an MMA fight -- I think before he was ID'd as a man -- brags about fracturing the skull of a "TERF."
This woman got dogpiled by Very Mentally Healthy People for daring to say that women breastfeed and give birth:
Her stepdad isn't wrong:
Here's what I call "A Genuine Health Nut:"
For further reading and review:
Can you name two (2) things this person can do which will have a more significant impact on his health than wearing a mask post-vaccination?
For extra credit: write a 500 word essay explaining how people with little control over their own lives (and emotions) have seized upon covid as a lab-made savior, as it has given them what they feel is the moral right to control other people, and the illusory feeling that they're taking control of their own lives by wearing a mouth-doily.