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May 12, 2021
Nearly Half of All Women are Failing the Army's Physical Fitness Test
While men pass it easily.
Someone should clue these women in that sex is just a construct and personal choice and that they can bang out 100 push-ups, easy, if they just decide that they're men.
More than seven months after the official launch of the Army Combat Fitness Test, or ACFT, nearly half of female soldiers are still falling short, with enlisted women struggling the most, Military.com has learned. The data again raises questions about whether the Army's attempt to create a fitter force is creating more barriers to success for women.
Internal Army figures from April show 44% of women failed the ACFT, compared to 7% of men since Oct. 1. "Female soldiers continue to lag male soldier scores in all events," according to a United States Army Forces Command briefing obtained by Military.com.
In the below ad to recruit more women into the Army, the Army makes it a primary selling point that the Army welcomes lesbians into its ranks.
Psst, Army: I think the word's already out on that one. I don't think you have to spend money to let lesbians know that.
Maybe you should also make ads letting lesbians know that the WNBA welcomes them, too!
This woke bullshit isn't even appealing to the left, as it's designed to do.
Lefties are ridiculing the CIA and Army for promising that when they drop bombs on brown people, at least it will be "diverse" people dropping the bombs.

But I do think that this is about flooding these agencies with leftwingers, to make sure that we do to the CIA and Army what the left has already done to academia and corporate boardrooms -- overtake it so thoroughly that there is no chance of any conservative-leaning person ever advancing in those organizations.
And they'll succeed with the Army, just as they already succeeded with the CIA, the DOJ, and the FBI.
And Republican politicians will continue cheering these institutions.