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May 08, 2021
Impromptu Garden Thread
It just occurred to me that KT mentioned last night that she was going into the hospital for a minor procedure. I didn't consider how that might impact the Saturday gardening thread, but since there isn't one in the queue, I figured I better throw something up. I don't have anything prepared, so lets start with...this:
That's my garden at the new house. I've never had a garden this large, and it was actually a struggle to fill it up. I've got tomatoes, peppers, corn, spinach, lettuce, broccoli, beans, peas, onions, squash, cukes, carrots, watermelons , cantaloupes, asparagus, cabbage and brussels sprouts growing (ETA: I forgot the berries. The lower right quadrant of the garden in the picture has berry bushes. Blueberries, blackberries, raspberries and I even plated a couple of grape vines for gits and shiggles). The brussels sprouts aren't going to make it, they got a blight. The whole thing is set up for automatic watering every day (the sprinklers on posts at the two corners), and it seems to be doing well. I can't wait until later in the year when I start harvesting stuff, I'll keep you updated.
The only other yard/garden thing I have offhand is this. I just got a pretty good deal on a Toro zero-turn mower.
I bought it from a guy selling it for a widow for $1200. I could turn around and sell it for close to $2000 easily, so I'm pretty pleased. The thing lets you mow with great precision, but it does take a bit of getting used to control wise.
Well, that's it. Pretty crappy garden thread, but next week KT will be back with a real one. Please remember her in your prayers, "minor" procedures are rarely that when it's you that's getting the work done. What's going on with your gardens, Morons?

posted by WeirdDave at
12:39 PM
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