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April 30, 2021
We Shall Not See This ONT Again In Our Life-Time
Welcome to the Friday ONT. Here's a reminder: be like this guy.
Another flippin' remake
So they're remaking Ghost Rider with a Canadian in the title role. SMDH
Comin' up on Father's Day here in a bit
Not all heroes wear capes
I've seen reports that the wife disputes this, now, but as presented it's a boss move.
Gift idea
You know, the Sherman wasn't as bad a tank as it gets a rap for (and the T-34 wasn't as great as it gets credit for). A pretty average tank for the period, and effective in the role in which it was deployed.
Product reviews say yes, you can shoot a fart
Community policing
It's the thought that counts
Everyone loves a good dunk
Great tweets in history
Someone at NASA has a classical education
Good Gag
The guy on the right has a 1000 watt smile
Our neighbor has a dog like this. He broadcasts about once a week
And not just him, he has a canine Ed McMahon with him.
Fact Check, Twitter style
Life with AtC
Hoverboard at long last?
Is that his name, or his hobby?
You see, it's the slow knife... the knife that takes its time, the knife that waits years without forgetting, then slips quietly between the bones... that's the knife that cuts deepest.
It's her pose afterwards that sells it
Tonight's ONT has been brought to you by Sir Edward Grey:

posted by WeirdDave at
09:59 PM
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