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First-World Problems...Part I Have No Idea »
April 25, 2021
They Can't Help Themselves: Even In A Study Critical Of The Left's Explicit Racial Divisions, They Assume Racial Equality Is Not A Right-Wing Philosophy
In this mildly interesting article about a pretty obvious reaction to the Left's use of racial division and racial messaging, there is a deeply offensive sentence that encapsulates the lazy and ignorant attitude in the academy and American intelligentsia about the political philosophy of their opponents on the right.
'Anti-racist' messages and policies hurt Democrats: Yale study
They found that "despite leftward shifts in public attitudes towards issues of racial equality, racial framing decreases support for race-neutral progressive policies".
So the shift in racial attitudes from a slave-owning society -- that was actively protected by the Democrat party -- to a much more egalitarian one that was essentially race-blind by the beginning of the 21st century is a left-wing philosophy? That's offensive nonsense. It is exactly the leftward drift of our political representatives in the highest reaches of government that has created the obsessive focus on race, effectively reversing generations of progress and creating the conditions for what can only be described as a race war.
And the laughably illogical last sentence may be even more disgusting. Focusing on race is exactly the opposite of race-neutral policies, which are absolutely not "progressive." It is the progressive mantra to create divisions, and what better division can there be for their purposes than race?
A truly race-neutral America would have one race: American. That is the goal for most of us, and the Left is very aware how dangerous that would be for their future prospects.