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April 01, 2021
Workers Accidentally Ruin 15 Million Doses of the J&J Vaccine
Workers at a Baltimore plant (ah, Baltimore!) "conflated the ingredients" of the vaccine, ruining fifteen million doses and, what's worse, ending all US production of this vaccine until the FDA completes and investigation.
Here, let me save you the time and expense of an investigation: Baltimore is a shithole city and anyone with his act together already got the hell out of there.
As evidence for Baltimore's shithole city status: Crime is now legal. Yay.
Back in March of last year, Baltimore State's Attorney Marilyn Mosby quietly began the process of "decriminalizing" a number of low-level crimes such as drug possession and prostitution. The move was ostensibly made to reduce jail populations during the pandemic to prevent the spread of COVID behind bars. (We'll get to the real reason in a moment.) Now, after a year of refusing to prosecute people for breaking laws that are still on the books, Mosby has declared the project to be such a resounding success that she's going to make those changes permanent, even if we get the pandemic under control. What could possibly go wrong?
Meanwhile, Charm City still has the highest per capita murder rate in the country, an issue that Mosby has consistently failed to make a dent in over the entire time she's been in office. But it is true that there were certainly fewer incidents of drug abuse and prostitution showing up on the books. Why do you suppose that is? Perhaps it's because when you announce that you won’t be prosecuting those crimes, police don’t bother making arrests and fewer people report such activity since it won't do any good to call the cops.
Jazz Shaw notes that the "Empty the Jails" policy is animated by the obvious lie that criminal law just "punishes poverty."
Well that was a very Off Topic digression, and on the Zeroeth Post to boot.
Back to vaccine news:
Pfizer's vaccine is effective for at least six months after the second dose. I think they say "at least six months" because the sample group they're looking at only got immunized around six months ago. So it could be longer.
Pfizer says its vaccine continues to be effective against COVID-19 up to six months later.
Pfizer and its German partner, BioNTech, announced updated results Thursday from their ongoing late-stage study of more than 44,000 volunteers.
The companies said the vaccine was 91% effective against symptomatic disease and was even more protective in preventing severe disease. Of 927 confirmed COVID-19 cases detected through March 13, 77 were among people who received the vaccine and 850 were among people who got dummy shots.
There were no serious safety concerns and the vaccine also appeared to work against a variant first detected in South Africa, the companies said.
I guess that's good news. It will be better, of course, if it's effective for a year, so that people only get the booster once a year, as they do with the flu vaccine. It would be even better if it conferred lifelong immunity, of course, but one step at a time.
Assuming these vaccines work around 90% (and make covid a minor bother for those few who get it), then I guess we could return to normalcy, except for the fact that the Upper Middle Class Woke White Woman cadre which apparently now controls all decisionmaking in the US does not want to ever return to normalcy.
Covid is giving their boring, sterile, shriveled little lives heroic meaning and Bossy Purpose.