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Quarantine Cafe: Twitchy Kitties Edition »
April 02, 2021
Quick Hits: Kabul Motor Pool Edition
If you thought the Matt Gaetz extortion plot couldn't get stranger, think again: an Israeli connection, and Dilbert.
A drunk, whisky swilling John Boehner inserted impromptu, drunken attacks on Ted Cruz when recording the audibook version of some scam book her wrote. Here's an example. Skip to the end to hear the attack.
You know, I used to hear all the time about him slurring his way through a night at a local bar called Ramparts, spilling whisky out of his Bill-Braskey-Sized glass, whispering alcoholic nothings into young women's ears.
Fucking drunk. Not the good kind.
Pence lays groundwork for failed 2024 presidential run.
The man who had his son arrange bribes for him from China continues coddling China while punishing Americans:
American Airlines now repeats Delta's statement that they don't want your business and they don't want your tax breaks any longer either.
Earlier this morning, the Texas State Senate passed legislation with provisions that limit voting access. To make American's stance clear: We are strongly opposed to this bill and others like it. As a Texas-based business, we must stand up for the rights of our team members and customers who call Texas home, and honor the sacrifices made by generations of Americans to protect and expand the right to vote.
Voting is the hallmark of our democracy, and is the foundation of our great country. We value the democratic process and believe every eligible American should be allowed to exercise their right to vote, no matter which political party or candidate they support.
We acknowledge how difficult this is for many who have fought to secure and exercise their constitutional right to vote. Any legislation dealing with how elections are conducted must ensure ballot integrity and security while making it easier to vote, not harder. At American, we believe we should break down barriers to diversity, equity and inclusion in our society -- not create them.
CNN admits that the goal of stripping our liberties is to then offer us the "carrot" of getting them back... as long as we do what the government says.
Meanwhile: Social Credit Theater.
I will bet you any amount of money that he claims "Oh right, well this is just my Army (Reserves) training kicking in, I used to ride a bike for the last half mile of a trip when working in the motorpool in Kabul."