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April 01, 2021
The Morning Report - 4/1/21 [J.J. Sefton]
Good morning, kids. Thursday and in the lead, we have another shooting to report, this time in the city of Orange in Southern California. At this hour, four are confirmed dead but the identity of the gunman or any possible motives have yet to be determined. That said you can be sure the narrative machine is revved and ready to go into overdrive if the deviant in question's melanin content is no darker than taupe or ecru, his voter registration card anything other than "D," and he is not a practitioner of "The Religion of Peace." Prayers for the victims and more as/when it becomes available.
Well, it's April 1st and sorry to say, the overthrow of our nation, government and society by Worldwide Marxist-Goniff LLC is not a joke (Yeah, hah-hah, very funny. Ouch. Zing. You got us.). As the geschrei from the Boulder and Atlanta shootings disappears, the excruciating volume over the Matt Gaetz accusations - minus actual veracity - is cranked to eleventy-leven, (with no doubt the next target being fellow Floridian Ron DeSantis for reasons you can all figure out, I'm sure), the illegitimate junta in power that has effectively overthrown America as founded is about to collectively spit-roast us with multi-trillion dollar spending bills that will do nothing to alleviate the actual problems, which were caused by Democrats in the first place, or the fictitious kind. From "climate change," crumbling infrastructure and an economy collapsing in on itself even more horrifically than an elderly dementia patient trying to climb a set of stairs, all these multi-trillion-dollar bills will do is line the pockets of the thieves, whores, tyrants and criminals who wrote them, and, if you read the fine print, take away the last scintilla of freedom and liberty left to the individual citizen while seizing almost total control over every aspect of our lives. Permanently.
"It's not a plan that tinkers around the edges," President Joe Biden said Wednesday in Pittsburgh of his $2 trillion "American Jobs Plan." No freaking kidding: It's half of his master plan to utterly remake the nation in the name of recovery from the pandemic.
America is reopening thanks to vaccines developed in record time, and the economy is all set to return to the pre-COVID boom. Rather than get government to get out of the way as everyone gets back to work, Biden aims to spend unprecedented sacks of cash to grow the government and let Democratic interest groups gorge.
Step Two, his "American Families Plan," drops in a few weeks with another $2 trillion in spending. This comes on top of his $1.9 trillion so-called "COVID relief" package -- and the $4 trillion Congress OK'd last year, a quarter of it still unspent.
"This is the moment to reimagine and rebuild a new economy," the White House says. Why, other than the fact that Democrats think they can get away with it?...
...Biden's proposal isn't about letting Americans get back to building their own lives. It's not even actually an American Jobs Plan, it's a con job to sell America on central planning.
And then there's the complete travesty of the so-called HR-1 "For the People" Act that institutionalizes election-rigging for Democrat victory. Permanently. Doing the Piss-Hockey Psaki circle-back, funny how all these articles speak of Biden being the one actually doing this. I mean, who the hell are they kidding?
In his first White House press conference last month, Joe Biden needed a cheat sheet and marked photos of approved reporters. The Delaware Democrat thus invites a comparison to Franklin Delano Roosevelt who, many Americans still believe, was fully able-bodied and a tower of strength during World War II. Hugh Gregory Gallagher challenged that perception in FDR's Splendid Deception, which carried the subtitle, "The moving story of Roosevelt's massive disability -- and the intense efforts to conceal it from the public..."
...Roosevelt's problems weren't all physical. As World War II played out, FDR showed "a curious indecision" and "distinct difficulty in organizing his thoughts." He would stare into space, slack-jawed, and took no briefings. During 16 months of decline, "only a very few persons on his immediate staff were aware of how marked it had become," Gallagher explains, "and they were reluctant to admit, even to themselves, how serious it was."
As his condition worsened, FDR outsourced more of his views to the pro-Stalin Harry Hopkins, a social worker and New Deal boss who actually lived at the White House. FDR was on record that "If I give him [Stalin] everything I possibly can and ask for nothing in return, noblesse oblige, he won't try to annex anything and will work with me for a world of democracy and peace."
It didn't quite turn out that way, and FDR died on April 12, 1945, at the age of 63.
Joe Biden, 78, can walk unaided but less than a week before his press conference, the Delaware Democrat fell three times while boarding Air Force One. On March 25, any legitimate reporter would have asked Biden about the falls, if he was taking any medications, if he had ever been diagnosed with dementia, if he was going to make public his medical records, and so forth.
But Biden's handlers weren't going to allow anything like that...
...It's hard to see how the addled Biden, who is running for president in 2024, can build himself back better. Like FDR in his waning days, Joe Biden is a pathetic puppet of the Democrats' Harry Hopkins squad. These leftist Green New Dealers want Joe Biden to give America's adversaries everything they want, asking little or nothing in return. Peace and democracy will not be served.
TOP men.
It's not all gloom and doom. There are little rays of light in the darkness, such as the story of the student who refused to knuckle under to social justice bilge his teacher was trying to ram down his throat. Where there's one, there's another. And another and another.
Finally, a bit of housekeeping. As I cannot seem to contact them through normal channels, here's a shout-out to the good folks at Legal Insurrection: Was it something I said?
- "This idea is fundamental to our justice system, but it appears almost no talking heads in the media and none of the activist lawyers recall that principle. The narrative is beginning to sound a lot more like mob justice, with the threat of a repeat performance of last summer's violent riots hanging in the air. In a civilized society based on due process, the City of Minneapolis and American citizens should accept this. Unfortunately, with the barricaded court building, heightened security, and National Guard at the ready, we seem resigned to it."
The Verdict in Derek Chauvin's Trial Is Not a Reflection of Anything Other Than the Facts of the Case
- "The Good Lord and history are providing patriots this opportunity to defeat tyranny and renew liberty."
Breaking Down and Breaking Up?
- Dennis Prager: "When they're abandoned, evil eventually ensues."
The American Civil War Is Over Judeo-Christian Values
- "The collapse of a bipartisan push is a sign of the ever-growing split in the Democrat Party."
How "Defund the Police" Killed Police Reform
- "Senate Republicans criticized Su's role in the unemployment fraud during her confirmation hearing. Sen. Richard Burr (N.C.) said, 'California is not a model to emulate for the rest of the country.'" (meh, Potemkin pushback; she'll get confirmed - jjs)
Biden's Pick for Top Labor Spot Oversaw Fraudulent, Broken Unemployment System
- "Democrats largely oppose Georgia's new election law requiring voter ID, but some are encouraging the creation of a 'vaccine passport.'"
Democrats Oppose Requiring IDs for Voting But Want You to Carry a Vaccine Passport
- "Leftists fly into rage - and malign the law as Jim Crow revisited."
Georgia's New Election Law Suppresses Fraud, Not Voter Access
- Not itching to put the flames out on the backs of their kids after being mostly peacefully protested? Quelle surprise.
Some Democrats Are Reportedly Afraid To Voice Concerns About Nationwide Voting Overhaul
- Blackrock is cancer. They are fully on board with weaponizing corporate America and the banking/investment sector to subjugate liberty-loving people.
BlackRock CEO Larry Fink Lashes Out After Georgia Enacts Election Integrity Law
- Rabbi Dov Fischer: "If only these new voting laws had been in place before the 2020 election..."
It Would Have Been Enough for Us
- "Secretary of State Bill Gardner: Pelosi is 'attacking our state.'"
NH Dem Blasts Malig-Nancy Pelosi Voting Reform Bill
- "The House Democrats' 800-page election reform bill would turn voter fraud into a way of life."
H.R. 1 is For the Democrats -- Not the People
- "There is lots of scary stuff that's been packed into this bill."
H.R. 1: It's Worse Than You Think
- "A statement from Assistant U.S. Attorney David Goldberg confirms Rep. Matt Gaetz's claim that the Federal Bureau of Investigations was investigating extortion claims in response to a New York Times article accusing the congressman of sex trafficking."
U.S. Attorney Letter Confirms Rep. Gaetz's Version of Events in Bizarre "Sex Trafficking" Story
* * * * *
- "Rita Hart lost Iowa's 2nd District seat by six votes to Rep. Miller-Meeks."
Democrats Abandon Attempt To Steal Iowa Seat
- "I will commit to transparency," he said, "soon as I am in a position to be able to implement what we are doing right now." (Biden's transparent alright; a transparent fraud - jjs)
Say, Whatever Happened to Biden's Transparency Pledge?
- "Campaigns for 2022 are just getting started, but... President [in exile] Donald Trump is already working to shape the Republican field."
Here Are All the 2022 Candidates Donald Trump Has Endorsed
- "[Jim] Banks, who chairs the Republican Study Committee (RSC), details in the memo, dated March 30, key issues affecting the working class, including immigration, trade, 'anti-wokeness,' 'Main Street vs Wall Street,' and big tech, and provides a set of action items for his Republican colleagues as they set their sights on next year's races."
Banks Memo: GOP Must Embrace Being "Party of the Working Class" to Take Back House in Midterms
- Lloyd Billingsley: "Profiling Democrats' presidential deceptions from FDR to Joe Biden."
When Joey Met Franky
- "Caligula had nothing on the current crop of poseurs and pretenders who rule Americans through fear while doing absolutely nothing for America."
Let's Celebrate the Federal Government on April Fools' Day
- "FBI Director Christopher Wray has kept Brian Auten in his job at the bureau, where he continues to work at headquarters as a supervisory intelligence analyst."
This Russiagate FBI Analyst Couldn't Verify Anything in the Steele Dossier Yet Said Nothing for Years
- "Her supervisor, Leo LM Poon, warned her she would 'be disappeared' if she went further, but she still broadcast on January 19, 2020, on YouTube channel LUDE Media, causing the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and the international scientific community to respond with concerted cover-up and defamation measures."
New Dr. Yan Report Blasts CCP-Aligned Scientists, Asserts "Bioweapon" Hypothesis
- "A group of 14 countries including the United States released a joint statement on Tuesday raising concerns over the origins report."
China: Questioning W.H.O. Report on Chinese Coronavirus is "Blasphemy"
- "Level of China's involvement in report is so over-the-top, WHO's official statement on the report indicated 'all hypotheses remain on the table.'"
WHO's Chinese COVID Origins Report Reads Like Chinese Communist Party Propaganda
- "It is no secret that information regarding the [Chinese] COVID-19 pandemic has been controlled, manipulated and even ignored by the higher ups in medicine and the government. As a result, perhaps the general public has been too trusting and un-skeptical of what's really going on. Or, conversely, the American public has been instilled with an inordinately high level of fear."
Here's Why Americans Need to Be More Skeptical About Chinese COVID-19 Information
- "The question in this case is not whether the governor acted wisely; it is whether he acted lawfully. We conclude he did not."
Wisconsin Supreme Court Strikes Down Gov. Tony Evers' Mask Mandate
- "It also made the point that classifications for causes of death could be wrong." (so, total crock of shit but be afraid anyway, Neanderthals - jjs)
CDC Report: Chinese COVID-19 Third Leading Cause of Death in U.S. in 2020
- "...liberal author and feminist Naomi Wolf notes that the government and its buddies in Big Tech could put anything on the existing platform in the future and it would be the 'end of human liberty in the West.' Not to mention destroying constitutional protections and breaking several laws."
Joe Biden's "Vaccine Passport" Sounds Like Precursor to China's Social Credit Score. Here's How China's Plan Works
- "Although they do not have a holy book to disseminate or specific houses of worship to attend, Branch Covidians do have the four pillars of the [Chinese] COVID faith."
The Four Pillars of the Branch Covidian Faith
- "Remember, they're afraid of your 'variant-infected' breath. Expose them for the cowardly frauds they are."
We Have The Power To Say No to Unending Chinese "COVID Passports" -- And Hold Elites Accountable for the Lockdown Disaster
- "The ongoing [Chinese] COVID-19 lockdown hysteria is taking a brutal toll on the young."
The Looming Nightmare
- Daniel Greenfield: "The Biden [junta] is ruining everything. So it must ruin Passover."
Kamala's Husband Hosts the Virtual Passover From Hell
- "Of course, [so-called quote-unquote] 'president' [Joe] Biden says we can't call it a crisis. How about a category 5 hurricane?"
Sen. Kennedy Says Putting Veep Throat Harris in Charge of Immigration is Like "Making El Chapo the Drug Czar"
- "The law enforcement source reported the children were three and five-year-old boys. No one was waiting for them on the U.S. side of the border."
LEAKED VIDEO: Human Smugglers Drop Small Children from Border Wall in New Mexico
- Run for the border is evidently not just a Taco Bell slug line...
Border Patrol Dog Finds Fentanyl Hidden Inside Burritos
- "According to the summary of the bill produced by the Congressional Research Service, it will create what is called a 'certified agricultural worker (CAW).' To qualify for this status, a person must be an illegal alien who has been working in the United States."
Malig-Nancy Pelosi Says House Has Passed Bill Giving "Pathway to Legal Status for... Undocumented Farmworkers"
- "Hoeven said the U.S. Border Patrol is so tied up with the crush of illegal aliens coming into the Rio Grande sector, they don't have time to monitor the drug dealers and cartels operating in other sectors."
Sen. Hoeven: "Migrants Coming Here Illegally From as Many as 54 Different Countries"
- Double-plus "spark of divinity" FTW!
Illegal Alien Brothers Charged with Stabbing Man to Death in Arkansas
- "On lockdowns, vaccinations, and more, Gov. Ron DeSantis keeps proving the naysayers wrong." (what they're doing to Matt Gaetz is a trial run for DeSantis - jjs)
How Florida Is Beating Chinese COVID -- And the Media
- Heather Mac Donald: "Turning a blind eye to violence in Miami, the New York Times previews its post-Floyd-trial coverage."
Mostly Peaceful Mayhem
- "I think it's become clearer that fairness is overrated." (just like your ethics, schmuck - jjs)
NBC's Lester "Dolt" Holt Declares It Is Not Necessary to "Always Give Two Sides Equal Weight and Merit"
- "The border crisis is turning deadly. On March 20, a nine-year-old girl drowned in the Rio Grande. Why aren't major media outlets more interested?"
A Migrant Girl Drowns in the Rio Grande and Corporate Media Shrug
- "If you believe CNN's last paragraph here, it is because you are an idiot."
XiNN Claims "There Is No Consensus Criteria For Assigning Sex At Birth" in News Article
- "A boy has a penis, a girl has a vagina."
Sen. Kennedy on XiNN Reporter's Claim That Gender Identity Isn't Known At Birth
- "In reality, the 'GOP' is not 'targeting' transgender girls. Conservatives are actually defending girls against the encroachment of biological men in their sports and in their locker rooms. Opponents of the conservative position should, rather, be said to be targeting young girls."
New York Times Commissions Research From Extreme-Left 'Media Matters' Group
- "The site -- -- tracks the 'likes' and 'dislikes' on videos published by the official White House YouTube account, and from the data, extrapolates an 'approval rate.' In many cases, the approval rating is in the single digits, even as low as 2.72 percent for the video 'President Biden Participates in a Virtual Event with the House Democratic Caucus.'"
As YouTube Mulls "Dislike" Button Removal, New Site Tracks Wildly Upside Down Biden White House Ratios
- Mollie Hemingway: "They are Democrat propagandists and should be treated as such."
It's Important To Be Honest About What Today's Media Actually Are
- "Steve Crowder is the latest to get stifled by YouTube and the U.S. government, whose bidding YouTube is doing."
YouTube is Like the Soviet Union, and Conservatives are Voice of America
- "They're coming for you next: Both Facebook and Instagram instantly removed today an interview of former President Donald Trump in which he suggested he might run again for president in 2024, merely because the clip contained his voice."
Today's Blacklisted American: Former President Donald Trump
- "That's an excellent question, and I'm not sure that we have an immediate answer for that," (From the Jennifer Rubin School of Tap Dancing, majoring in the Piss-Hockey Psaki Circle-Back Jerk - jjs)
State Dept. Restoring "Reproductive Rights" Section to Reports, But Can't Say What Impact Its Absence Had
- "Official says no paper trail for claim that '64 countries' endorsed China's Uighur genocide." (when even the UN calls bullshit... - jjs)
U.N. Casts Doubt on Chinese Claims of Growing Support for Human Rights Record
- "The succession fight is bound to be heated - and violent."
Who Will Succeed Mahmoud Abbas?
- Alexei Navalny, a prominent political activist critical of the present Russian regime, is being held in a labor camp."
Homage to Alexei Navalny, Courageous Russian
- "America's dirtiest city has a basic problem: not enough trash receptacles."
Cleaning Up Filthadelphia
- "It is the exact OPPOSITE of putting America First -- it is putting America LAST!"
Trump Criticizes Biden's "Radical" Tax Hike as "Massive Giveaway to China"
- "...Biden's proposal isn't about letting Americans get back to building their own lives. It's not even actually an American Jobs Plan, it's a con job to sell America on central planning."
Biden's "Jobs Plan" is an Horrific Con Job
- "Biden's infrastructure plan would make Democrats' approach the national norm, and would include a "card check" system that was once too radical for President Barack Obama, with a Democrat House and a filibuster-proof Democrat majority in the Senate, to pass."
Biden Infrastructure Plan Erodes "Right-to-Work" Laws, Includes "Card Check"
- "Every time now the CDC has extended it, it has the feeling of just making excuses. Yes, infection rates are down. Yes, people are being vaccinated. Yet for some inexplicable reason we have to ruin the livelihood of property owners." (so the State can come in and take over all housing once and for all, greedy capitalist pig-dog! - jjs)
With the Economy Recovering and the Pandemic Receding, CDC Extends Eviction Ban
- "We'll see more of them in the future if Democrats get away with their current political heist."
Stimulus Checks: Buying Americans' Support of the New Welfare State
- "DeSantis, who has become wildly popular over the last year for his handling of the virus, is one of the first governors in the country to completely open up his state and do away with masks. He has also left regulatory decisions concerning the virus up to businesses."
Gov. DeSantis Signs Bill To Protect Florida Businesses From "Frivolous" Chinese COVID-19 Lawsuits
- "It took 205 years from the founding of the republic in 1776 for the federal government to accumulate its first $1 trillion in debt."
Debt Up $1 Trillion in First 6 Months of Fiscal 2021
- "Instinctually, it shouldn't happen that a 7-year-old -- and I don't think you even could really realize what you're doing at 7-years-old. So I think it's absurd to charge a 7-year-old with rape. They'd have to prove he actually physically committed this act, which to me it almost seems to be an impossibility."
7-Year-Old Boy Charged With Rape
- Uh oh. One of Pelosi's "spark of divinity" hombres came out of the shadows, so to speak.
L.A.: MS-13 Implicated in Fourth Attack on Trans Person
- "Those in Ithaca, NY who support this, defend it, even celebrate it ought to be recognized for the vile, twisted human beings they are."
When a Convicted Cop-Killer Gets to "Re-Imagine" Policing
- "That student deserves a medal."
Leaked Video Shows Teacher Infuriated That Student Won't Point Out "Racial Differences" Between Two Women
- "Parents Defending Education is a national grassroots organization working to reclaim our schools from activists imposing harmful agendas. Through network and coalition building, investigative reporting, litigation, and engagement on local, state, and national policies, we are fighting indoctrination in the classroom -- and promoting the restoration of a healthy, non-political education for our kids."
"It's Everywhere": Parents Group Fights Left-Wing Indoctrination in Schools
- "An increased level of awareness as to how we are perceived by others prompts us to consider how any representation we make as a university has the power to impact, both positively and negatively, the Church's reputation."
Christian University Ditches Crusader Mascot
- "Brown University declined to comment about how proposed reparations money would affect the school's $59,254 annual tuition."
Brown University Votes For Reparations to Atone For Abolitionist Founder
- "Children pay a high price for shutdowns. Supporting kids, not school systems, can help."
How to Ease COVID-Era Education Battles: Fund Students
- John Stossel: "What the woke want, the woke get."
Woke Colleges
- Our intrepid science reporter states, "Up to now the FAA has tried very hard to work with the new commercial space companies, especially SpaceX, doing as little as it can to impede their progress. There are strong signs however that this might now change with the Democrats in control of the White House and Congress. If so, expect the FAA to cause SpaceX some grief during this investigation, grief that could significantly delay further test flights."
FAA Says it Will "Lead" Investigation into Starship 11 Crash
- And he also has this item, which though not an April Fools joke, did induce tittering.
X-Rays from Uranus Detected for the First Time
- "After centuries of women being suppressed, diminished, pushed into the background, or having their work appropriated by others, this unexpected anonymization produced the reaction you might expect. The complaints raised in a first letter of protest were dismissed by the administration, and when the campus newspaper took up the story in February, the people responsible responded placidly, assuring readers that only a few people were upset -- saying, in effect, let's move on, there's nothing to protest here."
The Book of Nameless Women at Yale
- "Being transgender shouldn't bar one from office, but neither should it be a reason to give an incompetent and corrupt medical official a job."
"Rachel" Levine's Only Qualification Was Punching the Diversity Ticket (and the crotch - jjs)
- So, he/she is neo-Nutless?
Judge Decides Against Prison Time For Transgender Former Neo-Nazi
- First they came for Mr. Potato Head and I said nothing...
SpongeBob SquarePants Episodes Removed From Air "Due to Insensitivities"
- "In a world that values cultural pluralism and inclusivity, The Adventures of Ook and Gluk: Kung-Fu Cavemen From the Future should be widely celebrated and beloved. Indeed, the 2010 children's graphic novel spent 33 weeks on The New York Times Best Seller List. But today, cancel culture has come for the scalps of Ook and Gluk -- for apparently "perpetuating passive racism."'
Kung Fu Caveman Isn't Racist - Just the Victim of Moral Panic by a Self-Righteous Few
- "Thinking he is dunking on Republicans in their opposition to vaccine passports, Jimmy Kimmel makes a contradictory argument in favor of it."
Jimmy Kimmel Fails Trying to Rip Americans Skeptical of Mandatory Vaccine Passports
- Christian Toto: "The so-called fact-checkers provide cover for far-left hosts avoiding Biden jokes."
PolitiFact Gaslights Readers on Late Night's Comically Obvious Liberal Bias
- "Unlike today's left-wing activists, Chavez was a lifelong advocate for tight borders and vehemently opposed illegal immigration."
First Shady, Shill Biden Honors Illegal Immigration Opponent Cesar Chavez as Human Rights Disaster Rages at the Border
NOTE: The opinions expressed in some links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.
ALSO: The Morning Report is cross-posted at if you want to continue the conversation all day.
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posted by Open Blogger at 07:28 AM
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