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April 03, 2021
Saturday Gardening and Puttering Thread - Easter Saturday [KT]
Hi! Above, a hibiscus from a park in Guatemala. More International content next week, if all goes according to plan.
I just wiped out most of my post. Recovered most of it.
How about another Iris from 40 miles north?
Hello KT, another bird photo from the backyard. This is the time of year when a lot of birds migrate through, and these are of a brown-headed
cowbird, one with both male and female.
They're quite distinctive with their two-tone color scheme - and the colorful foliage in the back are some Japanese Maples that have come out for Spring.
Take care,
Tom Servo
If you missed the series of great heron photos in the earlier comments by beckoningchasm, please take a look.
Carnivorous Plants
Entering another world, Tony Litwin's back yard:
Drosera filiformis filiformis and Sarracenia psitticina var. Okeefenokee Giant
Ready for that miniature Sci-Fi movie set.
Drosera filiformis tracyii
Pinguicula caerulea flower
Remind you of any non-carnivorous plants?
Below, Sarracenia oreophila var. ornata
Sarracenia rubra and alata flowers. I can't believe they go with those pipe-shaped death chambers. What do they remind you of?
Edible Gardening
Strawberries are on here. Mr. Bar-the-Door bought a whole flat. I'm going to need ideas. We've already had our yearly real Strawberry Shortcake (the biscuit kind, with real whipping cream). These are good plain.
We don't grow them ourselves. Around here, the big strawberries come from plants pre-chilled in the mountains. Hats off to our market farmers.

What fresh-from-the-garden or market things are you making for Easter?
Gardens of The Horde
From Thursday:
Hey KT,
The agave is still growing like mad. The flower pods are just about open. I think it has grown another 3 feet since the last update. Hope everyone is enjoying the spring weather. Ours has been fantastic.
Wee Kreek Farm Girl
This morning:
Hey KT,
The agave started to bloom today. It looks amazing up close. Got a good picture for you. When the whole stalk is in bloom it is pretty fantastic.
Wee Kreek Farm Girl
Sometimes things happen fast in the garden. What a dramatic plant! Should look great on Easter.
If you would like to send information and/or photos for the Saturday Gardening Thread, the address is:
at that g mail dot com place
Include the nic by which you wish to be known when you comment at AoSHQ,
unless you want to remain a lurker.

posted by Open Blogger at
01:45 PM
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