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Good morning, kids. Wednesday and in aggregating the links I've noticed a trend that started on or about Black Wednesday, January 6th. There are fewer and fewer links in the Politics section and more and more stories dealing with the Democrat/RINO scandals and chutzpocrisy, the dissolution of our culture and history along with the concomitant persecution of those who still cherish them, and the dismantling of every check and balance of governmental power associated with the traditions and norms associated with it. In the immediate aftermath of Black Wednesday and then the inauguration/installation of the ruling junta, a bevy of authors, pundits and essayists have pumped out the pixels assuring us that the Dems' legislative and EO overreach will wipe them out come 2022 and 2024. Funny how, at least from my own perspective, we're finally seeing fewer and fewer of those type of stories since to even the most blinkered Pollyanna among them, the fact that this nation as founded has ceased to exist must now be obvious. For sure, these folks will never do a mea culpa and admit they were wrong, but the gradual disappearing of these kind of stories speaks volumes.
First, this HR-1 Act which openly, loudly and proudly takes a sledgehammer to whatever wah-fur-theen vestige of election integrity and security exists, then codifies and cements into law the rigging of national (and of course local) elections for the Democrats, completely eviscerating the Constitutional requirement that individual states are to decide the manner in which elections are to be run in their jurisdictions. That point is particularly galling to me since these bastards spit blood that the state of Texas along with a dozen or so other states sued the Rogue Six that allowed the election theft and other legal chicanery before and after the fact to essentially disenfranchise the other 44. Of course, SCOTUS refusing to hear the case made it moot since by their "reasoning" it was interfering in the right of those states to run their election as they saw fit, the in-your-face evisceration of safeguards and other chicanery notwithstanding. It will be interesting to see the penumbric emanations from Cheap Justice Julia Roberts' pie-hole when he reverses himself as the inevitable lawsuits start flying.
Second, we are being invaded by a veritable army of illiterate Latin American peasants, with quite probably a significant number of individuals from Pakistan, Iran and other wonderful paradises on earth with matching luggage and suicide belts from Louis Vuitton. Instant citizenship and Democrat Party voter registration, along with everything from free healthcare, housing and food stamps awaits them by just showing up. Funny how millions from the non-white world are literally dying to come to a nation that our children have been taught is an illegitimate, white-supremacist racist gulag where colored folks can never get ahead. Pay no attention to that bloated black billionaire interviewing British royalty on the tele, or the Hawaiian stoner who was elected (seemingly) president. Twice.
The cherry on the parfait is the borrowing of trillions of dollars of debt, on top of the trillions and trillions already borrowed which economic geniuses from Paul Krugman to Robert B. Reichhhhhhhhhhhhh-uh assure us is meaningless and to oppose it is - wait for it - racist.
Passage of the $1.9 trillion spending bill has Democrats giddy. [President] Biden termed it "historic." Senator Schumer calls it "a great day for this country." Not to be outdone, Senator Debbie Stabenow gushed, "People on the floor, in our caucus, it was almost like tears in their eye. I mean, I felt it."
Here is what actually historic. According to the Congressional Budget Office, the Biden one-term deficit will total a forecasted $8 trillion, including the $1.9 trillion, spiraling to $11 trillion if Democrats follow through on next month's planned $3 trillion bill for "infrastructure."Republicans have widely noted the huge waste in the spending bill.
Of $1.9 trillion, only $465 billion is due to the $1,400 check, putting the bill's pork and payoffs at $1.4 trillion. Economists have identified the enormity of planned spending, and its recklessness. Even stalwart Democrat supporters recognize the Biden administration utter disregard of fiscal responsibility.
But that is not the full measure of the worst. Driving the country exponentially into ever greater indebtedness fairly and objectively marks the end of the American dream...
...It is also the proper measure of how mightily the Democrat party has fallen in its present insane, insatiable, unfunded and unending program to increase spending. To which they add regulatory burden, ruinous renewable energy mandates, "equity," open borders, sky high income taxes, wealth taxes, and authoritarian controls. All this, with risible self-congratulations, just as we should be entering a generational commitment to turn down the debt levels in relation to GDP, a debt that is far greater when including unfunded obligations for Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid...
...The Democrats' spending program is a grievous assault on this nation's future, more serious and ultimately more dangerous than any crisis we have faced in the past. Wars can be won. Unfunded spending on this scale is surrender.
All things considered, I almost want them to go pedal to the metal with this. And considering their adoration of Cloward and Piven, they are not going to disappoint. Those two psychopaths thought that by collapsing the system, the inevitable Communist takeover of the USA would arise out of the ashes. My gut tells me, and I pray every goddam day it's so, that if/when that happens, the Left will be in for a very rude awakening when they stare down the wrong end of the barrels of at least 200 million people armed to the teeth. On that note, I'll leave you with this excerpt from Max Morton at American Greatness.
Remember the old Russian proverb: "Three men sit down to talk about revolution. Two are police informants, and the third is a fool."
Traditional Americans can win this battle, but they need to be smart about it. They should understand the tactics that the regime will use and not fall into the trap that is being laid. We, traditional Americans, can do this by using a layered defense-in-depth that capitalizes on nonviolent political action.
There is a certain kind of personality that is attracted to Washington, D.C. That personality may be vain, self-serving, power-hungry, and even psychotic, but the one thing it will always do is try to position itself next to the winner, the one with the power. If traditional Americans want Washington to do their bidding, then they need to look, sound, and act like winners. Traditional Americans need to demonstrate that it is the people who have the power and that the people are the ones to be feared . . . thus liberty.
- "Once one of the world's most free and open places, Hong Kong is becoming an authoritarian state. Its decline should terrify the West."
Hong Kong's Swift Descent Into Chinese Oppression Should Alarm Us All
- "America still has time to decide which it will be."
Empire of Memory, or Empire of Dreams?
- "The Democrats' spending program is a grievous assault on this nation's future, more serious and ultimately more dangerous than any crisis we have faced in the past."
$1.9 Trillion in Spending, $11 Trillion in One-Term Deficits
- "Now is not the time for impotent tough talk and posturing with weapons at protests."
Choose Your Ground
- "I just don't see how he can govern effectively when fewer and fewer people believe him. And I think there's more information that's going to come out that makes it harder and harder." (phrasing! - jjs)
Bill DeBolshevik: Angel of Death Cuomo's Denial of Sexual Harassment Allegations Is Not Credible
- Amazing how Michael Goodwin here completely ignores the nearly 15,000 elderly victims killed by Cuomo's insane incompetence.
The 10 Questions Angel of Death Cuomo Must Answer
- "Instead of moving on, the founders offered Weaver a partnership in a new media venture just before the 2020 election."
Report: Lincoln Project Founders Knew About Weaver's Alleged Predatory Behavior Sooner Than Previously Reported
- "Smollett was later charged with multiple felonies for making the false hate crime report."
Biden's Nominee for Top Civil Rights Post Hyped the Jussie Smollett Hoax, Criticized Police for Seeking Actor's Cell Phone
- "Former Obama [regime] official warned Colin Kahl he was degrading the public discourse."
Top Pentagon Nominee Ignored Warnings from Colleagues About His Twitter Snark. It's Coming Back to Bite Him.
- "Gonzalez had signed a letter from the Blue Dog Coalition -- a group of self-proclaimed 'moderate' Democrats -- last May claiming he wanted to be tough on China."
REVEALED: Dem Congressman Profiting From Account With State-Run, "Communist" Bank of China
- "To save the filibuster, Republicans must put into action the lessons learned from Mississippi."
The Bennie Thompson Affair
- Citizens loyal to the nation formerly known as the United States of America should be completely exempt from the laws and edicts of this illegal, immoral, evil junta.
Clyburn: Civil Rights, Voting Rights Should Have Special Filibuster Exception Like Budget Does
- "It's our duty and responsibility to protect the integrity of every election... All of these additional steps promote more transparency and accountability, giving Iowans even greater confidence to cast their ballot."
Iowa Enacts Stricter Election Integrity Measures, Limits Mail-In Voting
- J. Christian Adams: "The supporters of H.R. 1 are the new secessionists -- the ones who aim to undo the foundations of the Union."
Democrat Election Bill H.R. 1 Nullifies Constitutional Bargain
- "With H.R. 1, the Democrats are chipping away at constitutional voting rights and giving themselves more power than the Founders could have imagined."
Why Election Integrity Matters
- "52% of likely voters are concerned that he hasn't held a press conference, including 32% who are 'very concerned,' the poll also finds."
50% of Americans Say Biden Not "Physically, Mentally" Fit For Presidency (not that he's really in the driver's seat anyway - jjs)
- "The battle between Nevada's socialist progressives and the Reid Machine began when Bernie Sanders ran for president in 2016." (Trotsky's last words: "Let me axe you something..." - jjs)
REPORT: Entire Staff of Nevada Democrat Party Quits After Socialists Win Key Leadership Positions
- "Recreating and expanding Obama's catastrophic chaos."
The Dems' Willful Errors Multiply
- "The return of a key architect of the Russia collusion hoax to the Department of Justice is a chilling sign of things to come."
John Carlin Lies to Spy
- "Worst case scenario is a pilot thinks we say something, reads it back wrong, and it results in disaster because we can't correct them before we lose them on radios."
Whistleblower: Biden's FAA Forcing Air Traffic Controllers to Wear Masks While Speaking to Pilots, Causing Serious Read-Back Errors
- "The warnings echo similar warnings before the Chernobyl nuclear disaster."
Diplomats Warned of Chinese Coronavirus Experiments at Wuhan Lab 2 Years Before Pandemic
- "States with no mask mandates have lower average [Chinese] COVID-19 death rates than their masked counterparts."
Neanderthal Thinking Is Good for Public Health
- "Mask mandates have become nothing more than dress code loyalty oaths."
Masks Are Just Part of the Socialists' Uniform
- "His guidance seems more driven by politics than public health."
"Follow the Science" With Dr. Fauci
* * * * *
- "This bill is not about rescuing America. It is about resuscitating broke blue states, reinvigorating the welfare state, and replenishing the coffers of the education industrial complex."
Malig-Nancy Pelosi Gaslights America About the $1.9 Trillion "Relief" Bill
- "Former President Donald Trump railed [quote-unquote so-called'] 'president'Joe Biden's Democratic-engineered crisis at the border in a statement Tuesday."
Trump Rails Against Biden's Border Crisis In Tuesday Statement
- Chip Diller says "remain calm!" because there is no crisis at the border.
Biden Border Crisis Escalating Dangerously Across the Southwest: Crossings On Pace to Top Past Three Years COMBINED
- "The increased figures come as ac amp housing around 800 migrants in nearby Matamoros closed Sunday, with most of those people being allowed onto U.S. soil."
Number of Chinese COVID-Positive Migrants Released into Texas Border Town Rises over Past Week
- "While Americans' freedoms and liberty have been crushed for nearly a year and state leaders just now lifting government mandates are called Neanderthals by the president, illegal immigrants pour over the border and into the interior unfettered -- with [so-called quote-unquote] 'president' Biden's apparent blessing."
The CDC Has Chinese COVID-19 Checkpoints for Air Travel. Illegal Border-Jumpers, Not So Much.
- "Psaki said the Biden policy differs from Trump policy in that 'we're not ripping children from the arms of their parents.'" (you mean like Elian Gonzalez? - jjs)
Piss-Hockey Psaki: "Heartbreaking Circumstance" at Border Arises From Biden's "Humane" Policy
- "Many of the defendants Arnold consulted with to help them avoid deportation had been charged with murder, rape, forcible rape, rape of a child, sexual assault, unlawful contact with a minor, attempted murder, drunk driving, robbery, and other crimes."
Investigation: Nazi Collaborator Soros-Funded District Attorneys Help Criminal Illegal Aliens Escape Deportation
- My suggestion for the name: Pillow Talk. Thank you, pay me!
MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell Says He's Launching a New Social Media Company After Being Kicked Off Twitter
- "President Joe Biden forgot who his secretary of defense was on Monday, prompting some to question his ability to govern and lead the nation."
Media Silent On Biden's Senility After Spending Trump's Term Dogging Him Over Mental Fitness
- In the lawsuit, Twitter claims that Paxton has been intimidating, harassing and targeting Twitter "in retaliation for Twitter's exercise of its First Amendment rights."Twitter Launches Lawsuit Against Texas Attorney General Claiming He Abuses Authority
- Christian Toto: "New [so-called quote-unquote] 'president' may be too competent to mock, they say with a straight face.
WaPo, USA Today Play Dumb as Comics Avoid Biden Jokes
- "A new Democrat bill in the Colorado Senate is raising eyebrows with the proposed establishment of a state-run ministry of truth to regulate online speech."
New Colorado Senate Bill Establishes Government Ministry of Truth
- "Congressional Democrats are eager to open the gun control floodgates no matter how unconstitutional or ineffective their 'solutions' may be."
Democrats to Push Extremist Gun Control Bills Today Without Even a Debate (article dated yesterday - jjs)
- "Gates has served on a Steering Committee for the China-United States Exchange Foundation (CUSEF), founded by the Chairman of the 'highest-ranking entity overseeing' within China's United Work Front, according to the U.S.-China Security and Economic Review Commission."
Bill Gates Advised Chinese Communist Party Influence Group "Conducting Propaganda Campaigns"
- "The evils of the Shoah are being recommitted in China, with unspeakable depravity and eager Big Business cooperation."
Never Again: The Time to Stop China's Holocaust is Now
- "The report explains the ways in which the Chinese government is in violation of committing genocide against the Uyghur people. As outlined by Article II of the Genocide Convention, the act of genocide includes the requirement of 'intent to destroy' a group."
First Independent Report on Uyghur Treatment Finds China in Breach of 1948 U.N. Genocide Convention
- "U.S. reportedly waived sanctions to facilitate payment to Tehran."
Lawmaker Probes Biden Admin's Role in $1 Billion Ransom Payment to Iran
- "Newspaper reports: IRGC-Al Quds deployed local jihadi terror cell to carry out Israeli embassy blast."
Iran's Al Quds Force Behind IED Blast Outside Israeli Embassy in New Delhi, Indian Investigators Confirm
- "The bombers' joint operation with Saudi F-15s came on the same day Iran-backed Houthi militia in Yemen carried out drone and missile attacks against Saudi oil infrastructure."
Amid Tensions With Iran, US Air Force B-52s Fly With Israeli, Saudi, and Qatari Fighters
- Caroline Glick: "Empowering the PLO and Iran."
Biden Abandons Middle East Peace
- "Can't expect more from the Biden administration."
State Department Spokesman Warns Israel Not to "Exacerbate Tensions"
- "...we had a rude awakening. It turned out the so-called mainstream parties of the center right and center left paid little more than lip service -- if that -- to sovereignty and self-determination, the diversity of nations, the traditional family and Europe's Judeo-Christian foundations."
Hungary Didn't Leave the EU Mainstream -- The Mainstream Left Sanity
- "With the flash of knife, the latest border-jumping, migrant asylum seeker has wrought yet another trail of blood, hospitalizations, shots fired, and street memorials in a European nation. This time, a 22-year-old Afghan migrant asylum allegedly slashed seven pedestrians in the Swedish town of Vetlanda before police could disable and arrest him."
Europe's Migrant Crisis, Still Yielding Terror, Foretells the Effects of Biden's Border-Crossing Boom
- "Hack of 60,000 customers won't affect Microsoft's cozy relationship with CCP."
Microsoft Responds to China Cyber Attack by Expanding Business in China
- "Massive Microsoft hack shows Biden has no strategy for fighting a cyberwar that has already begun." (because he's a confederate and a dementia case - jjs)
China Is at War With the World, and It's Escalating
- Mollie Hemingway: "Maybe it's not great for us if foreign adversaries see him too much in his weakened state. Save him for when he is alert and able to handle the pressures of public speaking."
For National Security Reasons, Let's Keep Biden in the Basement and Off TV
- "She did not want her father to find out the real reason behind her school suspension."
French Schoolgirl Admits She Made Up Story Causing Teacher's Beheading
- "CAIR Philadelphia and CAIR Sacramento remain two of the Charity Review Council's highly regarded nonprofits that meet its accountability standards, its transparency standards and models for integrity."
The Charities Review Council Stumbles Regarding CAIR
- Robert Spencer: "Everyone in the state will hear the multiculturalism five times daily now."
German State Gov't Says No Permit Needed for Islamic Call to Prayer Over Loudspeakers
- "The Washington state government is punishing farmers for following the law."
Court Throws Farmers Into Overtime Sudden Death
- "It all began with warnings by a whistleblowing former TZC safety manager, who'd seen broken bolts and taped interviews with workers that 'appeared to confirm' that the contractor's team hid the matter from inspectors. The whistleblower claims testing and investigations were far from sufficient, with many key players never even interviewed."
Perilous Faults on the Mario M. Cuomo Bridge: Andrew's Next Scandal?
- "The only thing the PRO Act does is protect the $1.6 billion that unions donate to support left wing organizations."
House Passes Partisan Pro-Union Bill Decried By Business Groups. Here's What's In It
- "How Neanderthal is Joe Biden's thinking, or this administration's thinking, to want to outlaw a woman's ability to work?"
Female Entrepreneurs Rip Dems Over Labor Bill
- "Kurt Schrader says PRO Act would harm small businesses, still plans to support it."
Oregon Dem Reverses Course on Big Labor Bill After Union Pressure Campaign
- "Vanita Gupta faces growing opposition from Republicans."
Biden Justice Department Nominee Does About Face on Police Protections, Drug Legalization
- "This country was built on lawful protest and it's something we must maintain our citizens' right to do so. What this deals with are those who cross the line and commit criminal acts."
Kentucky Legislators Advance Bill to Criminalize Insulting, Taunting Law Enforcement
- "Minneapolis stepped up police recruitment to try to stem its monster crime wave. New York's pinheads thinks locals can do the police work now."
Cops Defunded, DeBolshevik's Wife Urges New Yorkers to Do Their Own Policing
- "The report looks at white first-year enrollment among students, and does not include white faculty or staff."
Professor Compiles Ranking of "The Whitest Law Schools" and Recommends Eliminating "Excess Whiteness" by Ending Standardized Testing
- "Friendly reminder: If you are planning any trips for Spring Break, please keep that off of Social Media. It is hard to argue that it is unsafe for in-person instruction if parents and the public see vacation photos and international travel."
Private LA Teachers Union Facebook Group Warns Members Not to Post Vacation Photos Because of "Optics"
- "Public school teachers in a high-income suburb of Chicago are 'denouncing' The Federalist and attacking one of its writers while affirming their support for disparate treatment of Americans based on race."
Naperville, Ill. Teachers Double Down in Support of Racially Divisive Training
- "Coach David Flynn realized his daughter's middle school quietly started teaching critical race theory without parents' approval. Soon after, he lost his job."
High School Football Coach Fired After Raising Concerns About Critical Race Theory In His Daughter's Middle School Curriculum
- "Affluent parents, terrified of running afoul of the new orthodoxy in their children's private schools, organize in secret."
The Miseducation of America's Elites
- Dennis Prager: "No matter how much information accumulates about the perversion of U.S. schooling, parents continue to take risks with their children they would never take in any other sphere."
Most American Schools Are Damaging Your Child
- A two-fer from our intrepid science reporter. First, "SpaceX has already launched more than a thousand satellites in its constellation, and is simply taking advantage of its advanced position to undercut its rivals."
SpaceX Requests FCC Permission to Expand Starlink Service to Trucks, Ships and Planes
- Second, "Grabbing this thing mere days after landing means they will have a sample more closely resembling these kinds of asteroids in space. In this way this rock is not much different than the samples being brought back from Hayabusa-2 and OSIRIS-REx... It isn't as pristine, but it certainly carries far more information that meteorites recovered decades or even centuries after landing."
Meteorite Recovered in UK Driveway Only Days After Landing
- "The Republican attorneys general who signed on to the lawsuit argue that the order is an unconstitutional expansion of climate regulations that could cripple energy production and other sectors of the economy."
Republican-Led States Sue Biden Junta Over Expansive Climate Order Targeting Trump Legacy
- "How can the same group that says it trusts science also believe that the Earth is a woman named Gaia?"
The Smug Arrogance of the "Science" Crowd
- "How Democrats hijacked science to justify their misrule."
Science Joe and the Neanderthals
- "The move comes after the company had previously flagged films for portraying racial stereotypes. Now, they have been excluded from its ostensibly child-friendly restricted mode."
Disney+ Filters "Racist" Films Dumbo, Peter Pan Out of "Kids Profile" Mode
- "Morgan left the morning show following a flood of complaints over his criticism of Markle."
Piers Morgan Resigns From British Morning Show After Backlash Over Meghan Markle Comments
- "We see it in a college professor grading law schools for being too white and a corporate in-house counsel mandating outside law firms' racial make-up."
The Plague of Racist "Anti-Racism" is Infecting the Legal Profession
- Greedy, grifting meesekeit, and the brain-damages suckers who throw money at her.
Racialist Crackpot Robin DiAngelo Balked at $10,000 Fee From Public University -- Insisted on $13,000 for Prerecorded Speech - "Cultural power is shifting, decentralizing -- one might say diversifying. And it is actual, meaningful diversity -- that is, diversity of thought rather than diversity of appearance."
Cancel Culture's Newest Victims
- "Suggestions to make Seuss' classic books woke-friendly!"
Prager U Video: Woke Dr. Seuss Book Titles with Will Witt
- "Like most new racial history exercises, land acknowledgments are less about a true reflection of the past than grievance politics and superficial gestures."
Why It's Ignorant and Racist to Pretend U.S. Lands Still Belong to Native Tribes
- Larry Elder: "Repudiating false narratives."
The Case Against Reparations: Part 2
- "The reality is that in the 17th and 18th centuries, around 300,000 whites, mostly English and disproportionately children, were brought to the colonies to live unnaturally short lives producing cash crops like tobacco and cotton. In its earliest days, at least, the institution of white slavery was about as deadly as what came after it."
The Other 1619 Project
- Lloyd Billingsley: "Why the late Leon Spinks, former heavyweight champion of the world, got no love during Black History Month."
A Forgotten American Champion
NOTE: The opinions expressed in some links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.
ALSO: The Morning Report is cross-posted at if you want to continue the conversation all day.
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