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March 03, 2021
The Bulwark's Molly-Jong Fast: I Have an Excuse Why I Gave My Mouth to Andrew Cuomo Last Year.
Trump Made Me Do It.
Last year, this babbling, talentless, charmless Chaka-looking idiot was talking about her "crush" on Andrew Cuomo while also taking grift-money from Bill Kristol at The Cvckshed/The Bulwark.
She was also spotted frequently on the arm of Rick "The Pirate" Wilson.
Molly Jong-Fast is an editor at the Daily Beast. Last March, on the same day that Gov. Andrew Cuomo put the entire state of New York into its first pandemic lockdown, she wrote a piece for Vogue which was basically a love note to the governor. It was titled "Why We Are Crushing on Andrew Cuomo Right Now" but Jong-Fast mostly wrote about herself.
Cuomo just didn't speak to me, or rather, he spoke to me in a gruff, gravelly, overly emphatic and slightly obnoxious way about obscure bureaucratic infighting. He felt joyless, not exciting. I liked him but I didn’t like him like him. He was no Sherrod Brown, no Chris Murphy, no Val Deming, no Tammy Duckworth.
But what a difference a pandemic makes. All of a sudden, I love Governor Cuomo, his soothing Queens accent, his stories about his dad Mario (himself a three-time governor of New York) and his 88-year-old mother Matilda. And then there’s Andrew the dad, embarrassing his kids with stories of their upbringing after his divorce, when he was a single father, and bringing his 22-year-old daughter Michaela to one of his coronavirus press briefings, suggesting it was "cooler" to be with him there than to be on the spring break vacation she had just wisely cancelled.
After a long list of reasons to love him, she went on to mention an author at Jezebel who wrote a piece titled " Help, I Think I’m in Love With Andrew Cuomo??" and then got a call from Cuomo in response. Jong-Fast said she was really jealous.
You know what? Even though I'm married and have three children and a fabulous husband I adore, I felt a pang of jealousy. He was MY competent governor/imaginary boyfriend.
Cringe! What’s most striking about the piece is how absolutely meaningless it is. It's like listening to a middle school girls talk about boys on the telephone. There's not one original or interesting thought in the whole thing. It's just about riding the wave of excitement about him. What did he say today? Do you think he’ll call me? He's kinda dreamy, right?
Now she says that was just a "bad take."
She has an excuse for her propagandizing for a grandma-killer, though:
It was all Trump's fault. He possessed her like a demon would.
Did I mention this no-talent Always-Online mutant works for The Bulwark? You know -- the "Conserving Conservatism" Bulwark?
It wasn't Trump to blame -- but it was Trump Derangement.
Update on Starship: It's now ten minutes to launch, more or less. They've gone through most of the warm-up steps for launch.