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February 22, 2021
Quick Hits Open Thread
Via Melissa Chen:

I'm very happy that "the corporate media" has caught on. Pretty sure I popularized that a few years ago, although it was surely already a set phrase on the left.
You know, how the left always pretended the corporate media was biased towards the right.
Funny, they don't claim that any longer! I wonder what changed.
Almost all the rest of these are from the great OrwellNGoode channel:
"At least he isn't rude," says Orwell & Goode.
Are the neocons who preached a foreign policy based on grandiose notions of pure morality happy with China Joe?
Answer: Yes, they are, because they're all being funded by the China Class itself.
All of the Russia Russia Russia attacks on Trump were attacks lodged by the China Class, for purposes of allowing them to continue hurting America while profiting from their relationships with China. They couldn't just say that, of course.
So they just talked about Russia.
Similarly, "Mean Tweets" were a way to attack Trump's crackdown on immigration. Again, they couldn't say that, so the attack was "Mean Tweets."
They've literally done nothing but lie in order to manipulate you, while getting rich off of selling out America, for thirty fucking years, and now they're panicking that you've noticed.

This one from GarbageHuman. This is one of those "climate scientists," though I don't know if he has a job in the field. I see him shitting out climate panic porn at leftwing amateur webzines like Slate.
Feminists always look exactly how you'd expect them to look:
Finally-- How David French sees himself, when he's spreading the Good Word of David French on Twitter: