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January 18, 2021
The Morning Report - 1/18/21 [J.J. Sefton]
Good morning, kids. Monday and I don't think I've had a more profound sense of dread in my life about what the next few days and afterward might have in store. About the only times that come close were the morning after Election Day and then 12 days ago on Black Wednesday, with Election Day 2008 bringing up the rear. In a bit less than 54 hours from the time of this post, the darkest, most malignant and dangerous enemy our nation, such as it was, had ever faced will seize power once and for all and never let go. Neither willingly nor, I fear, peacefully if at all. That enemy as Abraham Lincoln prophesied decades before the strife that tore this nation apart in the first Civil war sprang up amongst us.
We all know what will happen the moment Zhou Bai-Din lift's his filthy hand of The Bible and emits the words "so help me G-d" from a policy standpoint. We had more than a taste of it from 2009-2017. Blanket amnesty and instant citizenship alone for upwards of 30 million illegal aliens, and open borders for millions more mean not only further societal and cultural dissolution, but a permanent political majority for the Enemy's Democrat Party. On the bright side, at least you can be assured that elections will never again be rigged. Mostly because when Florida and Texas turn blue, they won't have to be.
For the past 50-60 years if not longer, the illusion of comity between the two main political and cultural factions, strained and often punctuated by bitter and sometimes violent confrontation, was maintained despite the vicissitudes of electoral politics. What everyone except the most perceptive of individuals failed to realize was that the rot had become so pervasive and so all encompassing that our house divided is now crashing down around us. We are now at a point where actual repression and persecution based on any political belief or opinion that contravenes the accepted meme of "Left = Good, Right = Evil" is not only acceptable but is demanded.
This is based on the so-called "riot" that took place on January 6th at the Capitol. As thousands of peaceful, patriotic Americans gathered to demonstrate their opposition to the certification of a stolen election, a few dozen or so Leftist confederates dressed in MAGA gear (and not very convincingly either) were allowed in by Capitol Police and other insiders, caused a ruckus and broke a few windows. Not exactly the Reichstag Fire in terms of actual damage, the cold-blooded execution of Ashli Babbit by an as yet unknown party notwithstanding. But the pretext was tailor-made to blood-libel two thirds of the nation as well as the President they support. So now, with January 20th almost upon us, is it just me or does anyone else think that another staged event of "right wing fascist white supremacist violence" is about to happen?
The failure to have any semblance of adequate security, despite apparent FBI warnings of possible trouble, is one of the baffling aspects of that day. It's why the Chief of the Capitol Police has resigned, and there needs to be a thorough investigation of how the Mayor of D.C. and others rejected requests for additional help.
Yet what is happening in D.C. now looks more like a military defensive posture than riot control or even an attempt to defend against small groups planning violence.
There are the National Guard troops, and bridges to the city will be shut on Tuesday. The 8-ft non-scalable fences around the Capitol are being replaced with 12-foot fencing. US Citizen and Immigration Services is closing its offices for two days.
AirBnb has declared a moratorium on people coming into the city using their services. Facebook has banned the creation of new event pages for D.C. It's likely these private entities took these actions at the request of security agencies...
...There are some possibilities. One is that this is a deliberate overreaction as a show of force to deter anyone even thinking about causing a problem. In a rational world, given the Capitol Hill riot, that would be an obvious explanation.
But this massive military show of force smacks of protecting against a threat that has not yet been disclosed publicly. They seem to be planning against a military mutiny. That's how it feels.
Something's happening here, what it is ain't exactly clear.
If there is some sort of Enemy action to remove Zhou Bai-Din and install Kamala-Toe or whomever, it's completely unnecessary. The Democrats and their RINO stooges can 25th Amendment his ass the hell out of there in a heartbeat. He's a puppet as it is and will go wherever Obama and Jarrett kick him. What I fear is some act being used as a pretext to declare a national emergency and shut down ALL voices of opposition. That includes not only the handful of patriots like Josh Hawley in Congress but this here website and all the others that are practicing actual journalism.
The sad truth is, given the brainwashing inflicted on at least two to three generations of Americans in the schools, the reinforcement of the messaging in the media and culture, the will to power of our elected politicians, the befehl ist befehl attitude of far too many in law enforcement and the rubber stamp of a corrupt judiciary, a pretext to "destroy the Constitution in order to save it" seems unnecessary. Then again, JFK was much more of an effective tool for the left in death than he ever was for his thousand days in the Oval Office.
Of course, there is always the possibility of DC being turned into an armed camp means the military is going to pull a Pinochet and ride to the rescue of President Trump and the nation. If you believe that, I have a bridge over the East River I can sell you. Cheap.
- "Democrats including Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, and Chuck Schumer have called the rioters 'domestic terrorists' engaged in 'sedition.'"
Federal Judge Releases BLM Capitol Rioter Without Bail
- "Is John Earle Sullivan just one of many radical mob-inciters?"
Left-Wing Organizer Charged in U.S. Capitol Riot
- The unearthed screenshots follow Sullivan's arrest for his role in the Capitol riot, which included calls to violence such as "we gotta get this shit burned" and "it's our house motherfuckers," an affidavit can reveal.
EXTRAORDINARY: Chat Logs Reveal Alleged Plan To Turn Trump Rally Into Violent Riot
- "The early stages of the establishment of a fascist state in America."
David Horowitz Video: The Real Reason Troops are Being Deployed in DC
- "Baker, who described himself as a 'hardcore leftist,' took part in several anti-police protests around the country, including in Seattle's CHOP/CHAZ zone."
Self-Described "Hardcore Leftist" Arrested for Plans to Attack Florida State Capitol
- "This massive military show of force smacks of protecting against a threat that has not yet been disclosed publicly. They seem to be planning against a military mutiny. That's how it feels."
Military Buildup In D.C. Makes No Sense, Unless They Know Something We Don't
- "To put it bluntly, members of our military have been deployed on American soil in what appears to be a temporary occupation around the area of the inauguration."
A Startling Thread on the National Guard Presence in Washington, D.C., for Inauguration Day
- "Believe it or not, there are several striking similarities between Martin Luther King and Donald Trump."
Protesters Turned Violent in Martin Luther King's Last March, Too
* * * * *
- "This is the third time I will have sit through an impeachment trial. It's not happened in the previous two times. And I don't expect it this time as well."
Dick Turdbin Says No to Whipping Senate Democrat Votes for Trump Impeachment Trial
- Manchin wants a hot civil war, I guess.
Senate Swing Vote Joe Manchin: 14th Amendment "Should Be a Consideration" in Handling Hawley, Cruz
- "Time to put away childish things and concentrate on devising strategies and mobilizing to carry them out."
Malig-Nancy Pelosi's Third Impeachment Folly
- "Why it's unconstitutional."
Senate Prepares for Star Chamber Trial of Donald Trump
- "The only three options available to the American people are civil disobedience, secession of states, or abiding by the status quo -- which latter means it's Bye Bye, Miss American Pie. There are no other alternatives."
Bye, Bye, Miss American Pie
- Roger Kimball: "There are many lessons to be drawn from the 2020 election. The transformation of the United States of America from a republic into an oligarchy is a large and portentous lesson."
A Party of Faction and Fantasy
- One of the top five greatest presidents ever.
White House Publishes AMAZING List Of Single Term Trump Accomplishments
- "America's decline begins with 'the defense of the indefensible.' From here, it can go very bad very fast."
Our Mounting Orwellian Nightmare
- "The protesters came to call for the firing of an NYPD officer who pulled a handgun on BLM protesters earlier in the week."
Protest Erupts Over Cop Pulling Gun in New York BLM Rally -- 9 Arrested
- "51% of Americans surveyed also said that political violence would increase in the next few years, while only 18% said that it would decrease."
Majority of Americans Say That Other Americans Are the "Biggest Threat" to Democracy
- "Trump's election didn't trigger what we see today; it was, instead, the culmination of more than 50 years of leftist attacks on America."
What We're Seeing in America Was Inevitable
- Michelle Malkin: "A reflection on the primary means by which the Left operates."
Amnesia of the Anarcho-Tyrannists
- Robert Spencer: "American leftists and jihadists find common cause -- once again."
Iran-Backed Militia Offers Help to U.S. "Liberation Movements"
- "Our liberty is safe only when we recognize its fundamental importance."
What Should We Submit To?
- "Is Trump holding a royal flush ready to play this week? Many think so but the game is almost over. I'm losing optimism but also hope Trump proves me wrong." (I admire Dr. Joondeph, but this is Pollyanna-ish in the extreme - jjs)
What's Next? Great Awakening or Great Reset?
- "'The truth is I'm gay,' Weaver tells Free Beacon alumnus in Friday night news dump."
John Weaver Out at Lincoln Project After Admitting "Inappropriate" Convos with Young Men
- "Somewhere, Fang Fang must be smiling..."
Swalwell Demonstrates, Yet Again, Why He Doesn't Belong Anywhere Near His National Security Committees
- "They are wedded to the Chinese," he added. "They don't want to anger the Chinese because they could destroy their families financially."
Schweizer: Mitch McConnell, Wife Elaine Chao Financially Tied to the Chinese Government
- "[Alejandro] Mayorkas was dogged by scandals during the Obama administration, when he was accused of exerting "improper influence" to help politically-connected Democrats who sought access to a visa program for wealthy foreign investors."
Mayorkas Raked in Millions at Corporate Law Firm, Where He Represented Utility Company Responsible for Fatal Gas Explosion
- "Colin Kahl works at a research center partnered with China's Peking University."
China Ties Raise Questions for Biden's Pick for Top Defense Post
- "Joe Biden may ask for unity, but it's not at all different from a thief asking his victims to agree to let him keep what he's already taken."
What Do We Do with a Pretend President?
- "Leftists and their fellow travelers on the right like to talk about the 'Cult of Trump.'"
The Cult of Trump?
- "Granting statehood would first require ending the filibuster, a move that moderate Democrats like West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin have already ruled out."
Progressives Want to Make DC and Puerto Rico States. It May Not Go as Well as They Think
- "Newsom faces recall, dwindling Dem bench." (with Dominion, you don't need a bench - jjs)
Recall Petition: Stop the Spread of the Newsom
- "Washington, D.C., will be an armed camp, empty of celebration, on January 20. Love of safety threatens to master us."
Fear of Freedom, an Old Malady, Settles In
- "The Delaware Way goes nationwide."
Bidenville, USA
- "Republicans have failed utterly in the macro dimension. But the micro might still be available to us as a route for salvation."
Will America Survive Her Attempted Suicide?
- "Political power has always been overrated."
Return of the Country Club Republicans
- "Trump and Churchill are two great men with some striking parallels."
Churchill and President Trump: Both Betrayed from Within
- "The post-Trump nationalist-populist movement must learn who its real friends are."
Rewarding Enemies, Punishing Friends
- "The only logical explanation is that the investigators wanted an outcome because of their bias."
Newly Released Testimony Shows the FBI Knew the Russia Collusion Story Was Bogus
- "The State Department says that the intelligence 'raises questions' about comments from WIV researcher Shi Zhengli, who has said publicly that there was 'zero' [Chinese] coronavirus infection among WIV staffers and students."
US Has Evidence Researchers in Wuhan Lab Fell Ill Before Chinese Coronavirus Outbreak, State Department Says
- "Joe 'No Malarkey' Biden is not off to a good start."
Zhou Bai-Din's Chinese COVID-19 "Rescue" Plan Is Based On 5 Big Lies
- "As the vaccine rollout progresses, the public-health establishment is revising its protocols based on real-world demands."
Beyond the Lab
- "Because they looked at both primary and secondary spread, the researchers are confident in their findings."
Chinese COVID-19 Transmission in Schools Nearly Non-Existent, According to New Study
- "This one's been circulating outside of America for a while, but it can finally be discussed here."
With Trump Almost Gone, There's a New Drug in Town Against Chinese COVID
- "GOP Governor: We didn't sit on our hands."
West Virginia Leads Pack In Vaccine Administration
- "The state counters that a bank levy resulted in the account being frozen, not seized."
NJ Gym Owner Who Defied Lockdown Orders Says Bank Account "Emptied" By State
- "How can California simultaneously have not enough vaccine to meet demand while so many doses remain unused?"
California's Vaccine Distribution is a Massive Clusterfark
- "She's not a credible source on anything except maybe the weather," said a Cuomo spokesman after Janice Dean criticized the governor for his [Chinese] COVID failures.
Grandma-Killer Gov. Andrew Cuomo Deflects From His Failures by Attacking Janice Dean's Career
- "Biden plans to ram through amnesty for illegals whether the public likes it or not, and the consequences are going to be ugly."
Zhou Bai-Din's Big Amnesty Plan Stuns Even Open Borders Activists for its "Boldness" and "Ambition"
- "There's help on the way, but now is not the time to make the journey."
REPORT: Biden Team to Migrant Caravan: Don't Come, You Won't Get In -- Yet
- Seriously, what the actual fuck is wrong with West Virginia?!
Democrat Senator Joe Manchin: "I Really Do" Support De-Platforming Trump, Hawley, Parler
- Daniel Greenfield: "Those rights that the government can't take from you, Google, Amazon, and Facebook will."
Democrats Outsource Political Repression to Corporate Monopolies
- "No mention of when, or if, Parler will be back online."
Parler CEO John Matze Posts Message at "We Will Not Let Civil Discourse Perish!"
- Raheem Kassam: "As most now recognize, the January 6th timeline disproves the claim that a singular Donald Trump speech caused simultaneous violence two miles away. He hadn't even taken to the stage while thugs made their move on the Capitol. Thugs we now know include members of Black Lives Matter and registered Democrats."
The Media's Incitement Campaign Against Congress Is What Really Radicalized Americans
- Pamela Geller: "The left and its propaganda arm, the establishment media, is now working hard to make it illegal, and get you banned from social media, to state the obvious fact that the election was stolen."
The Totalitarian Left Moves to Silence All Dissent
- "The corporate boardroom wing of the ruling class is attacking our ability to travel freely about the country."
Now, It's the No-Fly Lists
- "There was a collaboration between the tech companies and law enforcement to make it impossible for them to use the internet to recruit and radicalize mostly young Muslim men at the same around the world. Now we're talking about the domestic audience in the United States."
Former Facebook Official Calls for Verizon, AT&T, Others to Deplatform OANN and Newsmax
- "By nixing Parler, Amazon has exposed itself to an impressive spectrum of risks, both legal and business."
Amazon Goes Mad
- "We are horrified and opposed to the events at the Capitol and all who supported and incited the actions," Loews Hotels tweeted on why they were no longer hosting the Hawley fundraiser.
Loews Hotels Cancels Sen. Josh Hawley Fundraiser, Falsely Alleging "Incitement" of Capitol Riots
- "Those casual enemies of free speech who today dominate the tech landscape have a much weaker hand than they think."
Are Big Tech and Big Government Overplaying Their Hand?
- "Our civil rights laws don't have to treat them the same way."
Facebook and Twitter Are Not Local Bakeries
- "Social media censorship can be stopped immediately by states controlled by Republicans (meaning both legislative chambers and the governor). Here's how, from an attorney." (they did such a great job with the Electoral College - jjs)
Republican-Governed States Can Stop Social Media Censorship
- The Corleones had buffers, Twitter has bugs...
Twitter Says "Bug" Kept Users From Searching "The Lincoln Project" Amid Co-Founder's Sexual Misconduct Allegations
- Robert Spencer: "An important case study amid today's inundation of propaganda."
Bedridden Iraqi Woman Shows How Leftist Media Manipulates Opinion
- "Admin rebukes Obama-era Operation Choke Point." (doubt it stands very long past Wednesday at noon - jjs)
Fed Rule Bars Banks From Targeting Gun Manufacturers
- "The civil rights organization is getting away from Andrew Cuomo's mismanagement, high taxes, gun haters, and Attorney General Letitia James, who has vowed to hound, sue, and force the NRA out of existence.
NRA "Dumps" New York to Start Over In... Aw, You Guessed...
- If only our national elections weren't rigged.
South Dakota's Gov. Noem Calls for Law to Ban Abortion of Down Syndrome Babies
- "The March for Life is a sorry loss for pro-lifers, especially since the incoming administration has been named the most anti-life ticket in our nation's history."
March For Life Cancelled as Abortion Extremist Administration Descends on White House
- Iranian missiles land "roughly 100 miles from the Nimitz aircraft carrier, hitting close to a commercial ship in the Indian Ocean."
Iran Fires Ballistic Missiles at Simulated Targets in Indian Ocean
- "Tehran says it wants to avoid 'misunderstandings' about the intent of its nuclear program."
Iran Doesn't Want Nuclear Watchdog to Publish "Unnecessary Details" of Nuke Program
- Frank Gaffney: "... it is engaged in actual criminal conduct that breaches U.S. laws and, in some cases, amounts to monstrous crimes against humanity in violation of American norms, statutes and/or international law."
Trump Must Declare the Chinese Communist Party a Trans-National Criminal Group
- Xi Jinping's protege Chen Yixin: The "changes of the international landscape are in our favour."
China Security Chief Predicts "Long Protracted Battle" With U.S.
- "From the Belt and Road Initiative to the South China Sea, China's ambitions conform to classical theories of emergent Eurasian powers."
China's "World-Island" Ambitions
- What we're witnessing is the dangerous normalization of a dystopian concept of "freedom" in which government dominates your life "for your own good."
Chinese COVID-19 is Not a Legitimate Excuse to Erase Human Rights and Turn Free Countries Into Tyrannies - "Authorities had ordered him to come back to Moscow by December 29, but Navalny was still recovering from his brush with death and refused to show up. He was promptly arrested after arriving at a Moscow airport. Navalny was on probation for a bogus theft charge."
Russian Opposition Leader Navalny Arrested After Landing in Moscow
- Italian opposition MP Vittorio Sgarbi: "Open up and don't worry. In the end we will make them eat their fines."
Italian Restaurants Open in Mass Protest at Lockdown Rules
- Spengler: "If the United States were to issue debt in order to rebuild its industrial base and reduce the current account deficit, increased debt might be justified. That is not the form that deficit spending is likely to take under a Biden administration, which is likely to offer lip service to investment in technology while spending lavishly on social and environmental programs."
Bidenomics Will Bankrupt Us
- "The Biden stimulus is crammed with goodies but makes no economic sense."
Feel Good Now -- Pay Later
- "It was something I cannot explain. It was something three-dimensional, like I wasn't in the real world."
VIDEO: Naked Man Dies After Allegedly Pushing Stranger onto NYC Subway Tracks
- "Will rising transit crime derail ridership recoveries?"
Going Off the Rails
- "Private security is an option for individuals and businesses with the means to pay. But it does little to promote the public good -- as the case of South Africa shows."
Defunding the Police Means Paying for Private Security
- "Thorne reportedly did not make the comments in defense of President Donald Trump, but rather free speech." (there is no more free speech, only correct speech - jjs)
High School Principal "On Leave" After Criticizing Social Media Censorship
- "Fission energy can change America's power for the better -- and we're finally seeing progress in revitalizing the field across the country."
The Nuclear Energy Advancements of the Past Four Years Will Blow Your Mind
- "The only path forward is to design national climate policies that are centered on justice." (coal and oil are black; if you ban them, you're racist! - jjs)
Incoming White House Climate Team Blames 'Systemic Racism' for Climate Change
- Build the pipeline anyway. Nullification isn't just for breakfast anymore.
Report: Zhou Bai-Din to Cancel Keystone XL Pipeline Permit on Day One
- "While the West wages war on coal, hydro-carbons power China's industrial and military might."
Coal Powers China
- "The fight to allow women to find meaning in their careers has resulted in denying them the same pride in finding meaning outside of the workplace."
It's Natural for Women to Choose Family Over High-Powered Jobs, So Why Won't the Left Just Let Them?
- Don't mess with my tutu... Feh.
Gender Fluid Ideology Meets Dance World: Male Ballet Dancer to Take Female Roles
- "There's been a lot of hyperbolic gobbledygook said about Donald Trump since then, so it's understandable that this dreck dribbled down the memory hole of dumb things uttered by dumb people."
Remember When Hollywood Said It Was "Patriotic" and "Heroic" to Overturn Trump's Election?
- "The Russia collusion hoax may have been the top political weapon against Trump, but it was the White supremacy lies that tarnished Trump and his supporters."
As Trump Exits, the Left Doubles Down on the White Supremacy Lie
- "The secular social justice movement has become a bizarre imitation of the traditional faiths it rejects."
Believers Gonna Believe: The Young American Transition From Religion to Wokeness
- "You can have life, or you can have safety at all costs, but you cannot have both."
Practical Freedom, Part II
- "Where the anxieties of the working class and Baby Boomers were channeled into Trump, the anxieties of the left were channeled into a furious, culture-wide censorship campaign."
The Trump Era Held Up a Mirror to Our Shattering Culture
- Spector's "Wall of Sound" -- merging vocal harmonies with lavish orchestral arrangements -- revolutionized music production in the 1960s, and John Lennon called him "the greatest record producer ever." He was serving 19-to-life for murdering actress Lana Clarkson when he died.
Phil Spector, Famed Music Producer and Convicted Murderer, Dead at 81
- "David Fincher's new film following Herman Mank Mankowitz as he writes the screenplay of Citizen Kane is a stunning piece of cinema and a must-watch for anyone who loves old movies."
Blending Classic Sensibilities and Modern Storytelling, Mank is a Beautiful Blast From the Past
- "Alex Rider ditches the most common adolescent and secret agent tropes, and features a great plot, likable characters, and solid action."
Despite Its Corny Premise, Alex Rider Is a Surprisingly Good Show
- Christian Toto: "Regina King's impressive directorial debut is a sturdy, singular time capsule."
One Night in Miami Captures Race Relations Then, But Not Now
- "How long will the Alamo remain Texas' most important historical site if few will stand up for it?"
Texas State Historical Assn's Chief Historian Says the Alamo Was an "Insignificant" Battle and Represents "Whiteness." What Do Texas History Experts and the Facts Say?
- "The titanic achievements of America's civil rights movement refute claims by the Left that the country remains "systemically racist.'"
What King and Others Wrought
NOTE: The opinions expressed in some links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.
ALSO: The Morning Report is cross-posted at if you want to continue the conversation all day.
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posted by Open Blogger at 07:36 AM
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