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December 09, 2020
Newsmax Beats the Chris Wallace's Leftwing Opinions Network for First Time Ever
But not the last time.
This ratings victory was only for a single hour -- Newsmax's Greg Kelly beat Martha McCallum on the Chris Wallace's Leftwing Opinions Network at 7pm on Monday. It wasn't a huge win -- 229,000 voters in the demo to 203,000, but it was still a huge win.
A sea change.
Brian Stelter is now doing PR for Fox, claiming that Fox lost only because it will not indulge in lies about election fraud.
The fact that Tater is now flacking for Fox is the final proof that Fox has abandoned conservatives and is now seeking a new Phantom Audience of people who don't like CNN itself but want to watch hours of CNN-style propgaganda.
"We're here to stay," Newsmax CEO Christopher Ruddy said Tuesday evening. "The ratings are showing that."\
Fox News is still four times higher-rated than Newsmax at any given time of day, according to Nielsen. Among viewers of all ages, Fox averaged 1.36 million viewers around the clock on Monday, while Newsmax averaged 316,000 viewers.
But Fox is down from its pre-election highs while Newsmax is way up.
Take Kelly's hour: Before the election, his show barely had a heartbeat. The 7 p.m. hour had barely 10,000 viewers in the 25-54 demo and 100,000 viewers overall, according to Nielsen data.
Now the hour has nearly a million viewers on a good night, and Monday was good: 949,000 viewers.
Here's the sort of "reporting" on the Chris Wallace's Leftwing Opinions Network that Tater prefers:
I hope Fox enjoys its new Phantom Audience of CNN-viewers-who-don't-like-CNN. They should pair well with Marvel's and DC's Phantom Audience of teenage girls and transexuals who are desperate to read male power fantasies about brawls with superpowers.
If Chris Wallace is all about "facts," he could have pushed back on John Brennan's tissue-thin lies about Russiagate.
But of course he didn't. He just let John Brennan lie without any accountability. Again.