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Time To Party Like It's 1773!
[Long Running Fool] »
December 04, 2020
David Perdue: Boy, I Can't Wait Until We Can Start Cutting Deals With President Biden!!!
When Christine O'Donnell beat Mike Castle in the Delaware Senate primary, I stopped criticizing her and I stopped saying she would lose.
I told cobloggers like Gabe to lay off.
Before the primary, I felt it was my duty to tell people she would lose.
But not after it.
After the primary I felt peace. I'd done my duty. And there wasn't anything more I can do.
I feel the same way now about the Senate Republicans.
They've now chosen to lose the Senate.
I can't persuade them to stop losing it. They're determined to lose.
This has nothing to do with little old me.
They're actively demoralizing the base and gleefully spiting the base with every word and every vote.
I -- you, we -- have warned them again and again: This is how you commit political suicide.
We try to tell them what we, as constituents, actually want.
They ignore us, and get the "straight dope" about what the base wants from Noted Tribunes of the People such as The Bulwark, The Dispatch, and National Review, and various Koch-suckers at neoliberal AEI like Tim Carney.
See, that's where you get accurate reports of what the vox populi is saying.
We keep telling them: You can either win as populists, or lose as corporatists.
But they keep deciding to see if they can squeak out a bare 1% win as corporatists.
And they will keep doing so until 30 of them fail out of the Senate.
You can't stop a suicidal person from committing suicide. At some point -- they will find the razor. They will find the pills.
Once again, I will sit back in silence and let people enjoy their own choices.
I can't stop the Party of Losers from losing.
I'll more or less stop talking about the Senate in an electoral context.
There is nothing the GOP can do about it now, and there is nothing I can do about it, and there is nothing you guys can do about it.
And after they lose the Senate and deliver one-party control to the Democrats, they can write another post-election autopsy stating that what really did the GOP in was not giving amnesty to illegals and expanding immigration from one to three million per year.
The GOPe can't even fake it until after the runoff election. They can't sell us out fast enough.
Posted by: TheQuietMan
The Stupid Party's gonna stupid.