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December 04, 2020
Time To Party Like It's 1773!
[Long Running Fool]
On December 16th, in honor of those Bostonians who dressed like Indians (and thus committed a terrible hate crime) who had the audacity to dump King George's tea into Boston Harbor rather than pay the King's tax, I will be holding a Mask-Burning Party, my place, at 6:30 PM PDT. If there are any morons/moronettes nearby (SE Washington State), drop me an email and I'll send directions.
The colonists protested taxation without representation and the suspension of their rights as British subjects.
Me, I'm not protesting a damn thing.
I AM asserting my rights as a free American citizen. I have the right to free speech and the right to peacefully assemble. These are not rights conferred by government, nor are they rights the government can revoke; they are granted to me by a power greater than the government. I intend to exercise my rights fully, despite the unconstitutional edicts of Governor Inslee.
I further assert that I have the right to pursue happiness - and the non-scientific twaddle about masks gives me the sads. So, I'm going to burn some of mine in my front yard. That will make me happier. I'm inviting friends, all three of them, neighbors, and random passers-by.
The only people not invited? Well, the petty tyrants, of course. And, those folks who are in the danger zone for the WuFlu - elderly, one foot on a banana peel, the other in the casket. We're Americans - we're capable of good judgment. (Most of the time and when it counts, that is.) This flu is dangerous to one group. Toast us from afar, please, and we'll return the compliment.
If you can't make it to my Mask-Burning Party, I understand. Wednesday nights are a tough party night, and I live in the middle of nowhere, the epitome of fly-over, drive-around, you can't get here territory. So, consider having party of your own. The Boston Tea Party wasn't the only event of its kind - there were similar splashes up and down the Eastern Seaboard. Go wild, have your own party, laugh at the progs, remind them of who and what you are .
Ornery. Independent. Americans.
Joining me? Holding your own party and want to swap pictures and video?

posted by Open Blogger at
06:09 PM
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