« CNN Walks Back Its Virginia Call |
DARK WINTER: Leftwing Media Beginning To Crack
November 03, 2020
Chris Stirewalt: We're Not Changing Our Very Early Virginia Call
Obese liberal toad Chris Stirewalt also continues to refuse to call Florida.
Needle Update! The New York Times needle jumps to a 95% chance that Trump takes North Carolina and to 85% in Georgia.
NYT no longer sees a path to victory for Biden in North Carolina
Posted by: Laughing in Texas
Remember, they told us it would be an early night.
They told us Biden was so far ahead that Trump would lose solid red states.
They lied. They are liars.
Britt Hume noted that Vegas oddsmakers have completely flipped -- from favoring Biden 65-35, to now favoring Trump 65-35.
Data point from here in MO: one county that has completed its counting (Reynolds) went not quite 4:1 for Trump last time (2,406-540). This time? Better than 5:1 (2,655-507).
Posted by: Dr. T
More: Trump has expanded his 2016 Florida margin of 1.2% to 3.5%, as of now.
Again: What would lead me to think that he's suddenly losing 2 or 3 points in Michigan or Wisconsin?