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November 03, 2020
CNN Walks Back Its Virginia Call
Meanwhile -- Fox continues to keep VA in Biden's column, and, incredibly, refuses to call Florida for Trump.
The "needle" in Georgia is at 82% and 79% in North Carolina.
Mark Halperin keeps pointing out that North Carolina is the weakest of the six most important swing states -- weakest as far as Trump's ability to retain them -- and yet it looks like Trump is likely to win fairly comfortably.
Again: What does that tell us all about the media's precious polls, where Biden has a ten fucking point national advantage and a six point lead in the swing states?
Even Nate Incel Geek Rat Fetus Silver says that if Trump wins FL, GA, and NC, the rest of the election is a 50/50 coin flip.
Except it's not -- if Trump wins comfortably in those states, it means he's padded his 2016 vote totals. It means he's the favorite.
Remember: Almost all states (except Pennsylvania) count early votes first. As the Democrats made a huge push for early voting, most early vote tallies will favor Democrats -- but that means nothing. You have to wait for the in-person votes to be counted.
So don't get freaked about early votes in this county or that one favoring Biden. Of course it does. Democrats won the early vote everywhere.
The question is: Do Republicans get their revenge on election day?
Honestly, please stop this. It's tedious to have to keep telling people this individually. And it looks trollish, even if it's not.