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October 25, 2020

Sunday Overnight Open Thread (10/25/20)



The Quotes of The Day

Quote I

“For right now, landowners have to remember that Fourth Amendment protections only extend to the home, personal effects and the curtilage. If you post your property no trespassing, private citizens have to stay away, but that doesn’t apply to government officials who don’t even need probable cause.” Stephen Mutnick, a criminal defense attorney with Winslow & McCurry, PLLC in Midlothian, Va

Quote II

"When it comes to going into the physical stores, we are not going to create a situation where there is a time sensitivity that would create crowd situations,” Marisa Thalberg, Lowe’s executive vice president, chief brand and marketing officer

Quote III

Too much of the last four years was wasted, and there needs to be a serious reckoning with the woke dictators of Big Tech. Among the many consequences of lockdown has been a massive transfer from small business to global monopolies such as Amazon. So Jeff Bezos is much richer and far more powerful than he was a year back. Amazon is the company store of Covidland: for an increasing number of products, there's nowhere else to go.Mark Steyn

Quote IV

“If people want to protest they can, but they shouldn’t be protesting on the sidelines during the football game, especially when they are making $10 million a year for something that they would be doing anyway for free if they weren’t in the league or the NFL or in the NBA,” President Donald Trump

Quote V

"Well, if people are not wearing masks, then maybe we should be mandating it,"Dr. Anthony Fauci


The Comment of The Week

Screenshot 2020-10-21 at 9.png


The things I learn composing The ONT. For example, did you know there was a Eunuchmaker web site? Neither did I. But for a 28 year old man from Virginia he did. And probably regrets it. Or as the old saying goes, "You get what you pay for".

OCTOBER 23--Two Oklahoma men are behind bars after allegedly performing “unlicensed gender reassignment surgery” on a male victim who told cops he met one of the defendants during online research about castration, according to court records.

Investigators charge that Bob Lee Allen, 53, used scalpels to remove the 28-year-old victim’s scrotum and testicles during a procedure earlier this month at a residence in Wister, a town in eastern Oklahoma. Allen allegedly was assisted during the procedure by Thomas Evans Gates, 42.

Cops learned of the castration when the victim, who had traveled from his home in Virginia earlier this month, went to a hospital seeking treatment.

The victim told police that he met Allen on the Eunuchmaker web site and that the amateur surgeon claimed 15 years experience. The October 12 procedure--for which Allen did not charge--was performed atop a “make shift table” in Allen’s home, which cops described in a probable cause affidavit as a small “oilfield bunk house.”

The victim, who was awake during the two-hour castration, said Allen had injected him with an anesthetic “in the needed areas” prior to surgery. When the procedure was done, “Allen said that he was going to consume the parts and laughed and said that he was a cannibal,” the victim recalled.


‘Boogaloo Bois’ Staged Attack on Minneapolis Police Precinct During George Floyd Protests: Feds

Federal charges of plotting to incite a riot and committing an act of violence to spark a riot have been brought against a Texas man claiming to be a member of the Boogaloo Bois, a militant extremist group, with prosecutors claiming the man opened fire on a Minneapolis police precinct as part of a plot to foment unrest amid protests in the wake of George Floyd’s death.

In a federal criminal complaint (pdf) released Friday, and as detailed in an attached affidavit, Ivan Harrison Hunter, a 26-year-old from Boerne, Texas, traveled to Minnesota at the end of May to organize, participate in, and engage in a riot, and committed “an act of violence in furtherance of a riot.”

FBI Special Agent Jason Bujold said in the affidavit that Hunter claimed to be a member of the Boogaloo Bois, which the complaint describes as a “loosely-connected group of individuals espousing violent anti-government sentiments” and that the group’s name “references a supposedly impending second civil war in the United States and is associated with violent uprisings against the government.”


The serving of sushi on a naked woman called “body sushi” or “naked sushi” — is part of the Japanese practice of nyotaimori. The practice has been criticized in recent years, with civil rights and community groups saying it objectifies women’s bodies. WELL DUH!!!!

The San Antonio Express-News reported Friday that it had obtained two photos that showed San Antonio Fire Chief Charles Hood posing next to a woman who does not appear to be wearing any clothes and whose body is partly covered by sushi, flowers and leaves as she lays on a table. Hood was not in uniform in the photos.

City Manager Erik Walsh was informed about the photos by the newspaper.

“I’ve just been made aware of this today and will certainly be looking into it,” Walsh said. “We all have to be aware that our actions outside of the workplace — good, bad or otherwise — reflect on the organization we represent.”

Hood, who has been fire chief since 2007, said in a statement that the photo was taken at a firefighter’s 50th birthday party in January.

“I certainly didn’t intend to offend anyone, and if I did, I sincerely apologize,” Hood said.

On Friday, he defended his actions to the newspaper. “You walk in the front door and there’s a sushi lady there that I guess is a business, so I stopped and posed and take a picture,” Hood said. “It would be like me taking a picture with a flamenco danger in Vegas or a Spurs dancer at Top Golf where the Spur dances happen to be there.”


California, one step closer to be a police state. That Thanksgiving dinner you are planning on? Well, let's keep it under two hours.

ncoded text:

All of which gets me back to California’s crackdown on Thanksgiving. Here’s a brief rundown of the rules – and again, these are mandatory:

• Only three households may gather for Thanksgiving.

• People must dine outdoors, although shade structures are allowed. (Depending on where one is in California, Thanksgiving and the December holidays are likely to be both cold and wet.)

• Even while celebrating together, each of the three permissible households must stay at least six feet away from the two other households at all times, even while outdoors.

• People may remove their face coverings only briefing to eat or drink. Here is a training video


Troll Level: On a scale of 1 - 10, I give President Trump a '14'.

WATCH: Crowd ROARS With Laughter When Trump Plays Biden's 'Hairy Legs' Video In New Hampshire

As you know, Joe Biden loves kids. He loves sniffing them, caressing their hair, whispering softly into their ears, and holding them close as pictures are taken.

According to the former VP, he also loves it when kids reach into the pool and rub the his hairy legs. We've all seen the infamous video of him bragging about this encounter.


Once again the NFL proves that it is a joke.

The NFL has fined the Tennessee Titans $350,000 for violating protocols leading to the league’s first COVID-19 outbreak during the season, a source familiar with the discipline told The Associated Press.

The Titans had 24 team employees, including 13 players, test positive for COVID-19 between Sept. 24 and Oct. 11.

The outbreak led the NFL to postpone two Tennessee games and the rescheduling of a game against Pittsburgh from Oct. 4 to Sunday and the second against Buffalo from Oct. 11 to Oct. 13.

Once again another Sunday at Casa Mis Hum without watching the NFL.


The Angry Man

For all the interest group pandering that shapes modern American politics, the group that may well have decided the election recently might have come down to the demographic of “The Angry Man.”

The Angry Man is difficult to stereotype. He comes from all economic backgrounds, from dirt-poor to filthy rich. He represents all geographic areas in America, from sophisticated urbanite to rural redneck, Deep South to Yankee North, Left Coast to Eastern Seaboard.

No matter where he’s from, Angry Men share many common traits; they aren’t asking for anything from anyone other than the promise to be able to make their own way on a level playing field. In many cases, they are independent businessmen and employ several people. They pay more than their share of taxes and they work very hard for what they have and intend to keep.

He’s used to picking up the tab, whether it’s the Christmas party for the employees at his company, three sets of braces, college educations or a beautiful wedding or two. Not because he was forced to, but because it’s the right thing to do.

The Angry Man believes the Constitution should be interpreted as it was written. It is not as a “living document” open to the whims and vagaries of appointed judges and political winds.

The Angry Man owns firearms, and he’s willing to pick up a gun and use it in defense of his home, his country and his family. He is willing to lay down his life to defend the freedom and safety of others, and the thought of killing someone if necessary to achieve those goals gives him only momentary pause.

The Angry Man is not, and never will be, a victim. Nobody like him drowned in Hurricane Katrina. He got his people together and got out. Then, he went back in to rescue those who needed help or were too stupid to help themselves in the first place. He was selfless in this, just as often a civilian as a police officer, a National Guard soldier or a volunteer firefighter. Victimhood syndrome buzzwords; “disenfranchised,” “marginalized” and “voiceless” don’t resonate with The Angry Man. “Press ‘one’ for English” is a curse-word to him.

His last name, his race and his religion don’t matter. His ancestry might be Italian, English, African, Polish, German, Slavic, Irish, Russian, Hispanic or any of a hundred others. What does matter is that he considers himself in every way to be an American. He is proud of this country and thinks that if you aren’t, you are whole-heartedly encouraged to find one that suits you and move there.

The Angry Man is usually a man’s man. The kind of guy who likes to play poker, watch football, go hunting, play golf, maintain his own vehicles and build things. He coaches kid’s baseball, soccer and football and doesn’t ask for a penny. He’s the kind of guy who can put an addition on his house with a couple of friends, drill an oil well, design a factory or work the land. He can fill a train with 100,000 tons of coal and get it to the power plant so that you can keep the lights on while never knowing everything it took to do that. The Angry Man is the backbone of this country.

He’s not racist, but is truly disappointed and annoyed, when people exhibit behavior that typifies the worst stereotypes of their ethnicity. He’s willing to give everybody a fair chance if they’re willing to work hard and play by the rules. He expects other people to do the same. Above all, he has integrity in everything he does.

The Angry Man votes, and he loathes the dysfunction now rampant in government. It’s the victim groups being pandered to and the “poor me” attitude that they represent. The inability of politicians to give a straight answer to an honest question. The tax dollars that are given to people who simply don’t want to do anything for themselves. The fact that, because of very real consequences, he must stay within a budget but for some obscure reason the government he finances doesn’t. Mostly, it’s the blatantly arrogant attitude displayed implying that we are too stupid to run our own lives and only people in government are smart enough to do that.

The Angry Man has reached his limit. When a social justice agitator goes on TV, leading some rally for Black Lives Matter, safe spaces or other such nonsense, he may bite his tongue but, he remembers. When a child gets charged with carrying a concealed weapon for mistakenly bringing a penknife to school, he takes note of who the local idiots are in education and law enforcement. But when government officials are repeatedly caught red-handed breaking the law and getting off scot-free, The Angry Man balls-up his fists and readies himself for the coming fight. He knows that this fight, will be a live or die situation, so he prepares fully. Make no mistake, this is a fight in which he is not willing to lose and he will never give up.

Obama calls him a Clinger.

Hillary calls him Deplorable.

Bill calls him Redneck.

Black lives Matter calls him Racist.

Feminists call him Sexist.

ISIS calls him an Infidel.

Donald Trump calls him an American.

(H/T Cousin Chuck)

Now we are simply "Chumps".

Reportedly, the Trump supporters were honking their horns and using megaphones, including one person who chanted, “Four more years!”

Biden called the Pennsylvania Trump supporters “chumps” twice during Saturday’s rally.

“By the way, we don’t do things like those chumps out there with the microphone are doing, the Trump guys,” Biden said.

“Look, we’ve got to come together.”

“I’ll work as hard for those who don’t support me as those who do, including those chumps at the microphone out there,” Biden said, then coughing into his hand.

“That’s the job of a president, the duty to care for everyone. The duty to heal.”


Will this be the last time we ever hear of Meg Whitman? Or will she crash and burn again in the land of commerce?

Trumpenfreude is when something bad happens to people who go out of their way to trash Donald John Trump. The comeuppance of some rich folk is sweeter than wine. Today's loser is a multi-billionaire who the New York Times listed in 2008 among those most likely to become the first woman president.

It's Meg Whitman, who successfully ran eBay for 10 years before running for governor of California in 2010. This politically savvy businesswoman spent $144 million of her own money to lose to Jerry Brown by 13 points.

She moved on to Hewlett-Packard, turned its profits into losses, and resigned.

Then she helped launch Quibi, a $1.5 billion business venture.


Just because you and your tattoo "artist" fouled up, doesn't mean the world wide web needs to know about it.


Mental disease and World Book of Records go hand in hand.

A German man set a Guinness World Record for most body modifications -- and he says he isn't finished altering his body.

Rolf Buchholz said his enthusiasm for body modification didn't awaken until he got his first tattoo at age 40, but he soon became addicted and now has 516 body modifications, including tattoos, piercings and subdermal implants.


Good news for GA State Rep. Dar'shun Kendrick.

Coyotes soon to become non-existent with roadrunner decoys. 800 trillion bucks and jobs up the wazoo. (H/T Brother Bill)

EL PASO, TX—After Trump brought attention to the coyote epidemic at the southern border during the debates, Democrats on Twitter are offering unique solutions to the problem, such as setting up decoy roadrunners to distract the coyotes.

"Everyone knows that a coyote's greatest nemesis is the roadrunner. That's just science," said AOC to reporters. "Trump has done nothing to stop the scourge of deadly coyotes smuggling innocent children into the concentration camps at the southern border. We need to do something with science to make it stop!"

AOC and The Squad have partnered to promote legislation that would require large cardboard cutouts of the roadrunner from the famous Warner Brothers cartoons to be placed every 8 feet at the southern border.


Heels vs. Flats


Do you love where you live? What do others think of your state? Where does your state rank in being hated?


The ONT Musical Interlude

On this day: 25 Oct 2001
13 law firms were still involved in claims to Grateful Dead guitarist Jerry Garcia's $10m estate six years after his death. Former wives & girlfriends continued to fight on how to distribute his estate and annual royalties of $4.6m. via


On this day: 25 Oct 2014
Jack Bruce, best known as one third of Cream died of liver disease aged 71. Bruce played bass, sang and was the principal songwriter in Cream, and his CV reads like a comprehensive guide to the British blues boom, with spells in Alexis Korner’s Blues Inc, the Graham Bond Organisation, John Mayall’s Bluesbreakers and Manfred Mann. via


RIP, Jerry Jeff Walker age 78. F*ck cancer.
Country music singer Jerry Jeff Walker, the man behind "Mr. Bojangles," died Friday after a battle with throat cancer. He was 78.

"He was at home until an hour before his passing," his wife of 46 years, Susan Walker, told the Austin American-Statesman. "He went very peacefully, which we were extremely grateful for."

Born Ronald Clyde Crosby in New York in 1942, Walker cut his teeth in the folk music scene of Greenwich Village in the '60s. After spending a night in a New Orleans drunk tank in the mid-60s, Walker wrote "Mr. Bojangles," which would go on to become a hit and attract several covers by other famous artists including Bob Dylan, Harry Belafonte and Sammy Davis Jr.

After moving to Austin in 1971, Walker had an outsize impact on the country music scene there, helping to create genre known as "outlaw country" — a sort of blend between rock and folk — which was also popularized by Willie Nelson and others around the same time.


How does one drive a tank? Why tanked of course. Genius Award Winner.

The Iron Curtain falls: Moment 'drunk' Russian soldiers smash tank through metal fence of Volgograd airport after racing along roads at 55mph... before driver and crew mate are 'detained'

Corporal Alexander Zherebtsov, 29 was driving the tank at at 55 mph
He narrowly missed a house in Gumrak and smashed through a pile of chopped firewood

He then ended up smashing it through the airport's perimeter wall


F*ck Cancer! Tonight's Feel Good Story of The Day.

They Met While Receiving Cancer Treatment. Now They're A Couple And Cancer Free

A couple in Argentina beat cancer together and are sharing their lovely story to give hope to others in similar situations.


Weekly commenter stats for week of 10-25-2020

Top 10 commenters:
1 [710 comments] 'TheJamesMadison, levelling Metropolis to save it' [99.66 posts/day]
2 [558 comments] 'Skip'
3 [521 comments] 'Axeman'
4 [472 comments] 'Christopher R Taylor'
5 [445 comments] 'Tom Servo'
6 [432 comments] 'garrett'
7 [411 comments] 'J.J. Sefton'
8 [374 comments] 'Joe Mannix (Not a cop!)'
9 [372 comments] 'Mr. Peebles'
10 [369 comments] 'AlaBAMA '

Top 10 sockpuppeteers:
1 [290 names] 'Miklos, out-pointing' [40.71 unique names/day]
2 [110 names] 'WS G4, relievers suck'
3 [89 names] 'Bete'
4 [59 names] 'Axeman'
5 [50 names] 'Two Weeks From Impressing Amy Coney Barrett With My Manly Notepad'
6 [47 names] 'Duncanthrax'
7 [46 names] 'browndog'
8 [44 names] 'Adriane the Planetarium Show Critic ...'
9 [31 names] 'andycanuck'
10 [30 names] '18-1'


Tonight's ONT has been brought to you by Not Pumpkin Spice.


Notice: Posted with permission by the Ace Media Empire and AceCorp, LLC. The ONT is produced in a facility with caffeine present, no pumpkin spice, perhaps blueberries. And bacon, lots of bacon.

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posted by Misanthropic Humanitarian at 09:45 PM

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