« Sunday Morning Book Thread 09-13-2020 |
First-World Problems...Part [I Have Lost Count] »
September 13, 2020
BLM And Antifa Are Anti-Civilization
They want nothing more than a return to a pre-civilization world, in which might makes right, and respect for life simply does not exist. Their antecedents in Russia and China proved that beyond a doubt, demonstrating that the path to communism is paved with the bodies of those murdered in its pursuit.
It's the blurring of the lines between acceptable political differences and the murderous totalitarianism of our current crop of communists (or socialists...it's pretty much interchangeable) that makes it more palatable for the flaccid thinkers who muddle through their lives supporting one hip cause or another. How else to explain the idiot soccer moms and ignorant college students who support these organizations? They are far too disconnected from reality to understand that some of the first people up against the wall in a socialist paradise will be the educated (for certain definitions of the word) and the well-off.
At least in the 1930s, and 1950s, with a slight pause during WWII, America knew what it was fighting. There was a basic understanding of the dangers of communism, and at the very least most people were taught the basics of political philosophy, so they had a sense of the differences.
But now? "Progressive" sounds so delicious! We can all progress into the next phase of society, in which yucky competition is a thing of the past, and everyone lives in peace and harmony and gets to drink wonderful double-mocha-half-soy frappuccinos every day, and twice on Sundays!
"From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs" sounds just marvelous! We will all enjoy the fruits of a system in which the abundance of goods and services is a natural byproduct of the unleashing of the workers' natural productivity!
Well, except for those pesky supporters and defenders of the status quo....the cops. We should kill them!
Progressive think tank says blue lives don't matter after two cops were shot in the head
And not just any progressive organization; it is named after a former United States senator! Democrat of course (and from Alaska, which strikes me as odd).
I am no fan of policing in America, as I have made clear over the years. But my frustration with the militarization of the police, and their sometimes heavy-handed treatment of our citizens is a far cry from declaring their lives to be unimportant. That is a clear call for murder, and we see the results of that in every violent protest and in the rhetoric coming from every corner of the power-mad Democrat base, which as far as I can tell is indistinguishable from the hard left.
This is fomenting insurrection against the lawful authority of the people. And contrary to the vapid spoutings of the willing fools who support the riots, this is a tactic in a well-known and used plan to destroy our political structure and institute the brutality of socialism.
Venezuela and Cuba are quite close by...just visit those countries for a glimpse of what is coming.