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September 09, 2020
Academy Awards Announce New Criteria: "Best Picture" Will Become a Diversity Derby
The new Oscars eligibility requirements read like the IRS' rules for what counts as a capital expenditure.
The standards are as follows:
To achieve Standard A, the film must meet ONE of the following criteria:
A1. Lead or significant supporting actors
At least one of the lead actors or significant supporting actors is from an underrepresented racial or ethnic group.
• Asian
• Hispanic/Latinx
• Black/African American
• Indigenous/Native American/Alaskan Native
• Middle Eastern/North African
• Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander
• Other underrepresented race or ethnicity
A2. General ensemble cast
At least 30% of all actors in secondary and more minor roles are from at least two of the following underrepresented groups:
• Women
• Racial or ethnic group
• People with cognitive or physical disabilities, or who are deaf or hard of hearing
A3. Main storyline/subject matter
The main storyline(s), theme or narrative of the film is centered on an underrepresented group(s).
• Women
• Racial or ethnic group
• People with cognitive or physical disabilities, or who are deaf or hard of hearing
To achieve Standard B, the film must meet ONE of the criteria below:
B1. Creative leadership and department heads
At least two of the following creative leadership positions and department heads -- Casting Director, Cinematographer, Composer, Costume Designer, Director, Editor, Hairstylist, Makeup Artist, Producer, Production Designer, Set Decorator, Sound, VFX Supervisor, Writer -- are from the following underrepresented groups:
• Women
• Racial or ethnic group
• People with cognitive or physical disabilities, or who are deaf or hard of hearing
At least one of those positions must belong to the following underrepresented racial or ethnic group:
• Asian
• Hispanic/Latinx
• Black/African American
• Indigenous/Native American/Alaskan Native
• Middle Eastern/North African
• Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander
• Other underrepresented race or ethnicity
That is just the beginning of the Racial Quota Specifications. There's a lot more at the link, but I don't want this all over the blog.
Oh, what a surprise. Diversity Derby checkboxes are heavy on "women" as "minorities."
White Women -- of the leftwing feminist type -- have somehow insisted they are "underrepresented minorities," despite being the single largest demographic in America.
And Wealthy White Women? The most oppressed minority of all!
Free Nancy Pelosi! Free Nancy Pelosi!
It's almost as if White Women, being the largest demographic in America, has both the numbers and the deviousness (among the feminists) to pretend to be working to get actual minorities jobs while always rigging the game so that they'll get all the jobs themselves.
You know, the biggest subgroup in America, always getting all the "minority" set-aside jobs.
Kathleen Kennedy got into the entertainment business because a lawsuit forced a local tv station to hire female cameramen.
And thank goodness they did! Imagine if that station had just hired based on talent, aptitude, and demonstrated desire, rather than Checkbox Diversity. Why, we would have been denied Kathleen Kennedy's prodigious creativity and profound genius.
The good news...?
Well, first, Hollywood will alienate even more audience and lose even more money.
Also, this doesn't really change things: Hollywood's awards have been mostly Diversity Checkbox Participation Trophies for a while, now.
It's been years since I even recognized the name of the Best Picture winner. It now literally is exclusively the province of Gay Cowboys Eating Pudding.