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September 09, 2020
America Sees Covid Cases (and Deaths) Falling While Europe, Which Supposedly Contained the Outbreak Better Than The Bad Orange Man, Sees New Outbreaks
First, this may amuse. This is apparently a real meme going around the NPC Meat Robot left.

Now, the headline news:
This chart compares US infection rates to Europe's.
Remember when the Traitor Media was forever comparing US infection rates to Europe's?
For some inexplicable reason, they're not doing that any more.
It's a Mystery why the media have stopped comparing the US to Europe.
Can You solve this Media Mystery?
BREAKING: UK, France, Spain + other EU nations that Biden & the MSM have held up as models of response to COVID-19--vs Trump--b/c they implemented the strictest lockdowns & mandated mask-wearing are now suffering the biggest spikes in new cases, while U.S. caseloads are falling
Presidential debate moderators must ask Biden why his more-restrictive COVID-19 plan would work when it's not working in Europe--where cases are now spiking--and when Trump's less restrictive plan appears to be working better in US,where both new cases & deaths are now on decline