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September 01, 2020

The Morning Report - 9/1/20


Good morning kids. First of September and with the Democrat-sanctioned and perhaps funded violence and mayhem incinerating our major cities have completely repulsed most Americans, the off switch on the golem they have inflicted on us doesn't seem to be working, as several incidents seem to dictate.

First, within minutes after a police shooting of another alleged black criminal in Los Angeles, hundreds of rioters were able to coordinate via Twitter and went on a rampage that ended up with a car driving through a storefront window.

Second, a man has been charged with stalking and threatening Devin Nunes' wife. Given the nature of Rand Paul's neighbor and James Hodgkinson, who Dick Durbin still refuses to give answers about his relationship with, I'm sure this is all innocent and the Nunes' are just overreacting for no good reason, right?

Third, the FBI is warning Chicago police that gangs are evidently now banding together and have told members to shoot any cop who they see drawing his weapon in the course of his duties. Given the nature of who the mayor and DA are in that town, it's essentially open season on cops, with no limit.

Finally, and this one is just sickening beyond belief, some subhuman beast used two bricks to beat a man unconscious, and evidently videotaped the attack then posted it to Instagram with a message:

The vicious sneak attack, which was posted to social media on Monday, shows the victim lying on the ground surrounded by a pool of his own blood as a third party taping the assault laughs.

The Instagram post of the assault frames the attack in racial terms, seemingly mocking the victim, who is white, and adding the hashtags "White Lives Do Not Matter" and "Blake Lives Matter." The assailant appears to be black...

"YOUNG MAN YOU GOT KNOCKED [THE F***] OUT," the Instagram caption says, with additional cry-laughing emojis. "B**** YOU BET NOT RUN." More cry-laughing emojis were posted, adding, "Unk tried to kill to yo. ... Pray for unk."

"The man who uploaded this video to Instagram is @ traysavage. He captions it 'white lives don't matter,'" The Daily Wire's Matt Walsh posted to Twitter, capturing a screenshot of the post before it was removed from the social media site. "I don't know if this scumbag is the guy who carried out the attack or if he just found the video. He's a scumbag either way."

With law enforcement's hands either tied or otherwise siding with the terrorists willingly or in a prevent defense on their pensions, corrupted DAs, courts and juries in Democrat-controlled zones, you're not going to get Kyle Rittenhouses publicly and justifiably taking out the trash. What you will get are Paul Kerseys, Bernhard Goetzs and Star Chambers operating under cover of darkness to do the jobs that the American justice system can no longer do. That is not me encouraging it; that's me just stating action/reaction if a number of things do not change. And the complexity of those things added to the current political climate does not fill me with strength and confidence. I know if I were Krazy Kat and got a pair of Ignatz's bricks to the head while being laughed at and mocked as I lay in a pool of my own blood, given that I live in a lawless Democrat shit-hole, I would be compelled to seek a Biblically-inspired solution. And let's leave it at that.

Circling back to the Democrats, with everything collapsing in on them politically, they were forced to release Joe Biden from his crypt and almost immediately, they wished they hadn't. After being heckled, he barely was able to string a couple of sentences together regarding the phony Oriental plague, but it went from bad to worse.

Lest there be any doubt about where [Biden] stood regarding the frightening events in Portland, Seattle and other places, Biden even asked: "Do I look like a radical socialist with a soft spot for rioters? Really?"

Before Tuesday, the answer was, well, now that you've mentioned it, yes, you do.

So had Biden stopped with his condemnation, it would have been progress enough for one day. He had left the basement and done what he had to do.

But foolishness followed when he unveiled an approach that smells like an audition for yet a new argument. Make that another weak, inane argument.

To combat Trump's claim that electing Biden would give free reign to lawlessness -- a claim that has been resonating among swing-state voters -- the Democrat tried to turn the tables and pin all the blame on the president, saying:

"He can't stop the violence because for years he's fomented it." And "he's not been part of the solution thus far. He's part of the problem."

As trial balloons go, this one is made of lead. It won't fly.

Bingo. The Democrats own this. Not just the violence, but all the conditions that led up to the violence. The social programs that destroyed the black family, both pre- and post-natal, as well as the hiring, training and rules regarding law enforcement in cities they have run for decades. They know it, we know it, and more and more Americans across party lines know it.

Meanwhile, it's doubtful that the terrorists of Antifa and BLM are going to stop on a dime just because Joe Biden or the other Democrats condemn their actions. Just like the former's accomplices in Congress smell blood in the water vis a vis taking control of the Party from the old guard, their armed militant wings in the streets are not going to listen to them either. That Rubicon has been crossed. Meanwhile, Tucker Carlson had acting DHS chief Chad Wolf on the show, and he they had this interesting exchange:

"Do you think the Department of Homeland Security is getting the help it needs from the Justice Department?" Carlson later pressed. "Why haven't we seen the leaders of Antifa and BLM arrested and charged with conspiracy under RICO like the heads of the mafia families were?"

"Well, this is something that I have talked to the AG personally about," Wolf responded. "I know that they are working on it. Look, we have seen about 300 arrests across this country regarding civil unrest and protesting, violent protesting and I would say, criminal protesting."

"I know the Department of Justice has charged about 74, 75 individuals there in Portland with different federal crimes," Wolf continued. "We will continue to see how those investigations are going. Department of Justice is also targeting and investigating the head of these organizations, the individuals that are paying for these individuals to move across the country."

First of all, as for BLM, you are going to have to officially declare them a terrorist organization. RICO the hell out of them along with Antifa. Of course, in doing so you will no doubt come up against some of the same individuals who were involved in the original and still ongoing coup from 2016 to take out Trump. Plus, national law enforcement, to say nothing of local law enforcement in Democrat cities, are still populated with Leftist embeds which makes the task that much harder. Lastly, is this just all lip service? What are the odds that this Patrice Cullors momzer and her co-horts, let alone George Soros, will be in an orange jumpsuit? We're still waiting for that fate to befall Comey, Clapper and Brennan. No doubt in my mind that China, Iran and Russia have their fingers in this as well, so now we're talking acts of war, no? And I didn't forget Clinton and Obama either, especially the latter.

Anyway, Trump will be on the ground in Kenosha to survey the battle zone. Given the insurrectionists' willingness to take lives as we saw in Portland, as well as on that softball field in DC a few years ago, Trump should be in a flak vest and helmet before he steps off AF-1. Trouble in River City, my friends.

NOTE: The opinions expressed in some links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.

ALSO: The Morning Report is cross-posted at if you want to continue the conversation all day.

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posted by at 06:55 AM

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