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August 31, 2020
More Than Half of San Francisco Stores -- 54% -- Are Closed, And Many Are Never Re-Opening
San Francisco has draconian shutdown orders, even though it has a relatively low COVID infection rate.
Doesn't matter. This is an opportunity for leftwing authoritarians to show how "tough" they are.
But they don't show they're tough on crime.
They show off how tough they are on law-abiding, economically-productive citizens.
That'll show them!
More than half of all storefronts in San Francisco are no longer in business due to COVID-19, according to the survey by the San Francisco Chamber of Commerce.
"The survey showed only 46 percent of storefront businesses in San Francisco that were open at the beginning of the pandemic are still operating," said Jay Cheng, spokesman of the San Francisco Chamber of Commerce.
I got that from nerd-culture Youtuber Nerdrotic, who himself just fled San Francisco. He and his family were forced to leave -- his wife's previously-hopping hair salon has been forced into shutdown for months and months. He's moving to Texas, after a short stay in San Diego.
He mentioned that when he was trying to rent a Uhaul for his move, there were 4-6 week waits for Uhauls. That's how in-demand they are. That's how many people are fleeing San Francisco, forever. (He got a Uhaul by driving 90 minutes outside of San Fransisco to find one outlet that had one to rent.)
I mention this because New York City is now experiencing huge lines to rent Uhauls.
No one's lining up to move into the city -- just to bug the f*** out.
These people aren't coming back. It took NYC 20 years to climb out of the absolute pit it was in the 1970s.
And it took four years of Democrat rule to destroy it. This time: forever.