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August 28, 2020
Violent Democrat Paramilitaries Harass, Threaten, and Assault Citizens Leaving the RNC
Do the Dainties and Fussies still think that this can all be put back together if Trump gives up his Twitter account?
Do the Dainties and Fussies want to sing me patriotic songs about America being indivisible?
Do you geniuses continue to claim that all we need to fix this is some tax cuts and Comprehensive Immigration Reform?
Is National Review going to write some milquetoast blogposts about this?
And has Rich Lowry begun providing security for conservatives, after he demanded we denounce and ostracize the Proud Boys? Are the other Warriors at National Review training up to provide protection to conservatives attempting to go about their daily lives?
What a fucking shock.
138 I notice a lack of concern from the media about social distancing and masks among the rioters who are getting right up into people's faces and yelling at them.
Funny that.
Posted by: Venus
Indeed, Ron Fournier actually celebrates it.
Here's a "reporter," agitating for more violence by his paramilitary allies:
As I always observe: Reporters are the stupidest people on earth if they think they get to cheerlead for violence and civil war for four years, and yet be excused from retribution themselves.
What do they think is going to happen to them when we fully enter the (physical) scalp-hunting phase?
No, fellas and ladies. You're at the top of many lists.
You should really reconsider your enthusiasm for violent "direct action," pussies.