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Tuesday Overnight Open Thread (6/16/20) »
June 16, 2020
Popular Mechanics Is Now #Woke #Resitance Media, Too: Details How to Safely (Illegally) Tear Down a Statue You Don't Like
208 So, I'm looking at the news items on my phone. Yesterday, popular mechanics put out an article, "How to remove a racist statue". I am in total shock. The attitude is basically, "Near a statue you don't like? Here's how to destroy it without hurting a comrade."
At this point, I'm ready for the great cleansing. The Purge. Revolution. Whatever. I don't even know what to say anymore. I've never been more embarrassed to be a homo sapiens sapiens.
Posted by: Darth Chipmunk
The real headline of the article is :
How to Topple a Statue Using Science
Bring that sucker down without anyone getting hurt.
It goes on:
It hasn’t been a great past few weeks for statues.
From Bristol, England to Birmingham, Alabama, people all over the world have been grappling with the legacy of racism by tossing their grappling hooks around the heads of problematic monuments.
Should you happen to find yourself near a statue that you decide you no longer like, we asked scientists for the best, safest ways to bring it to the ground without anyone getting hurt--except, of course, for the inanimate racist who's been dead for a century anyway.
This country is now dead and we must make a new one.
Meanwhile, Thotiana Lowe, a left-leaning writer at the supposedly formerly right-leaning Washington Examiner (owned by the same liberal corporatist who used to fund the Weekly Standard), writes that Columbus was racist and evil so, you know, might as well pull down his statues, too.
The activist class, not satisfied with removing Confederate memorials, is now coming for Christopher Columbus. The Italian explorer, who never set foot on American soil, became enmeshed in our historical legacy thanks to national outreach to the once reviled Italian American diaspora.
In contrast, many Confederate memorials were actually erected half a century or more after the Civil War, as part of an overtly racist movement specifically against recognizing or honoring the rights of black Americans. Columbus was elevated as a means of integrating and accepting into American society a large and discriminated-against immigrant group.
But let's not delude ourselves by pretending Columbus was a good or praiseworthy man. Yes, he might have been courageous to set out on such an uncertain journey, but even by his own contemporary standards, Columbus was uniquely cruel and probably criminal.
[K]ing Ferdinand and Queen Isabella, the Spanish monarchs who dispatched Columbus to the New World, specifically instructed him to "abstain from doing" harm to the natives he encountered.
Columbus did not heed this command. Instead, he established a proto-encomienda system rife with forced labor and rape. Whereas many other European explorers tried to work with natives or focused on converting them to Catholicism, Columbus immediately planned how he'd make the native Taino people "good servants" when he first encountered them in 1492. He made thousands of them servants, mutilating slaves and either gifting or selling women and girls into sexual slavery. The rumors of Columbus's offenses against the natives, including torture, were so obscene that Ferdinand and Isabella ordered Francisco de Bobadilla to investigate his behavior in Hispanola.
Guys I'm so glad we have an alternative "right-leaning" media. Aren't you?
We need a fake "right-leaning" media to constantly tell us, "You know, the left is pretty much right, right?"