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May 28, 2020
Oh No! CBS News Lays Off "A Single Digit Percentage" of Its Workforce
The media essentially applauded as forty million Americans lost their jobs due to the partisan hysteria they spread, but this they mark as a terrible and unjust crisis.
Less than 10% layoffs. Horrors. See, these layoffs affect The People Who Matter.
Given that the media is constantly pushing socialism, I think these questions are appropriate:
Veteran White House correspondant Mark Knoller was reportedly laid off.
I know the name but I don't know his work because I'm not on Twitter and that's the only place anyone sees network news any more. But some people I trust, like Adam Baldwin, say he was a good, fairly unbiased reporter:
Maybe that's why they canned him -- they need to make room for their rising star Weija Jiang, the SJW partisan activists who complained because Trump said that the Asian American community was helping out with the virus, but then called them... "they."
Yes, the pronoun "they" triggered this Kung Flu fabulist. Should Trump have said "We"? Wouldn't that be cultural appropriation?
Oh, and this easily-triggered Karen Kommandant also had to read "us" not as "the US Government" but as "White People who are keeping the Chinese people down."