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May 28, 2020
"Conservative" Lincoln Project Makes False Smear Attack Ad Against... Mitch McConnell
I guess the Democrat money flowing to these Democrats tells them that they're going to have to go after other targets the Democrats want to take down.
I'd like to see Mitch McConnell primaried and removed from power myself. But I've made my reasons clear: He's not a real conservative. He's a corporate toady.
The Lincoln Project claims it's a group of "real conservatives" (who all pay their rent with money from "Real Democrats") who only want to get rid of Trump.
Of course, members of the Lincoln Project supported Democrats winning the House in 2018. (And the Senate as well, though that didn't happen.)
And now they just so happen to be reviving a false claim first made by Democrat Martha Grimes in 2014 to attack someone who is Not Trump, but who is also hated by their Democrat Patrons. They're claiming that Mitch McConnell -- "Rich Mitch," as they wittily refer to him -- got rich off graft.
He actually got rich through his wife, who inhereited money from her very wealthy family.
Can we end this ruse now or are we still required to pretend along with the liars?
Oh, and can we also stop pretending that this George Conway isn't motivated by jealousy and anger over his wife preferring the company of another man?