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Non-Ideological Truth-Teller Ron Fournier: Mark My Words, You Wingunts Will Have Blood On Your Hands From Georgia Reopening! |
EMT 5/16/20 »
May 15, 2020
Bare Bones ONT
Not quite. I had all the content on my laptop, but I'm out here in the woods of Georgia far enough that I can't get it to connect to the internet through my cell phone. It seems that my iPad CAN just grab enough of a signal to post, so this is what you're gonna get.
You're not going to get any pictures.
You're not going to get my usual formatting.
You're not going to get any videos.
You are going to get a few links I had in an email, with minimal content.
Suck it up. Your ancestors conquered the continent with less content than this.
Armchair archaeologists are discovering ancient historic sites during lockdown Neat use of downtime.
How and why Muslims deluded themselves about Islam Short answer: They're humans acting human.
This changes everything about Covid-19 Most folks are asymptomatic.
Thirty-six thousand feet under Left to their own devices, people will do the most amazing things.
11 gross animals you can eat in a survival situation
Experts give Wyoming an F for social distancing "Experts" are idiots
What to do with freezer burned meat Tips to make your food dollars go further.
And that's about it. Maybe if you want better ONTs you shouldn't go around in the comments rating mine at "70%".

posted by WeirdDave at
09:40 PM
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