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May 14, 2020
Richard Burr Stepping Down From Position of Being Mark Warner's Little Fucking Bitch on the Intelligence Committee;
Plans to Spend More Time With His Lawyers
Following the FBI's search of his home in connection with the insider trading scandal.
Sen. Richard Burr will step down as Senate Intelligence Committee chairman amid a federal probe into the lawmaker’s controversial stock sales ahead of the market crash caused by the coronavirus pandemic.
"Senator Burr contacted me this morning to inform me of his decision to step aside as Chairman of the Intelligence Committee during the pendency of the investigation. We agreed that this decision would be in the best interests of the committee," Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said in a statement Thursday.
Burr’s departure from the high profile committee will be effective starting Friday.
I'm not sure how thrilled I am about this now that I find out who Burr's likely replacement will be: Li'l Marco Rubio.
I don't know the sourcing for this claim, but it seems too delicious not to share.
That might be apocryphal, though.
Unrelated: Ted Cruz tweets about Obamagate. Or, as Jonah Goldberg and David French call it, " " " " ObamaGate " " " ".