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Wednesday Overnight Open Thread (4/22/20) Non-Girthy Edition »
April 22, 2020
Quarantine Cafe
Today my symptoms got worse. Or, maybe, it was that the side effects of the drugs I'm on combined to make everything worse. I finally persuaded them to give me z-pack, so I have some hopes.
I've "flattened the curve" of my steroid dose so maybe tomorrow won't be that bad. (The dosage goes like this: six pills day one, five pills day two, four pills day three, three pills day four, two pills day 5, one pill day six. I'm two pills through day four so it shouldn't be as bad tomorrow. I wouldn't mind the side effects if the steroids had any noticeable positive effect, but they didn't, as far as I can tell. Today was horrible.)
This is Media Excellence in Action:
I don't think the media has a single square centimeter open on their mantel, what with all the awards for Excellence and Accuracy and Professionalism and Dignity they're winning lately!