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Shocker: Media (and Very Online Neurotics Who Claim to be TruCons) Shrieked for a Week That Trump Must Get a Wuhan Flu Test;
The Moment He Tests Negative, They Begin Disputing the Necessity of the Test »
March 16, 2020
When This Is Over, We Are Going to Have Serious Reckoning With the Media About Their Deliberate Incitement of Public Panic, Including Nonstop Senate Inquires About "American" Media Corporate Connections to China
Trump rebuts the fake news from Friday, that Trump had lied about forming a public-private partnership with Google to track coronavirus outbreaks.
The press is pushing new fake news, of course: They're pushing the deliberately panic-inciting rumor that the government is considering imposing a national curfew.
Like the ones they've panicked various cities to implement:
Should We Shut Down Twitter? For Public Health, You Understand.
16 Hey, since we're shutting down huge swaths of the economy on the whims of Jake Tapper and Brian Stetler...is there a reason we haven't shut down Twitter?
It's a major source of disinformation regarding Wuhan Flu, it's probably helping to drive cases of hoarding and supply chain disruption, it'll drive every millennial idiot with the sniffles to the ER which will choke the medical system and may eventually lead to riots and death.
Is there a reason clickbaiting, fear-porn peddlers get to keep tweeting that all our grandmas will die if we go outside, but restaurant workers have to stay home without pay for the next two months?
Posted by: El Kabong