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March 16, 2020
Shocker: Media (and Very Online Neurotics Who Claim to be TruCons) Shrieked for a Week That Trump Must Get a Wuhan Flu Test;
The Moment He Tests Negative, They Begin Disputing the Necessity of the Test
So what was the point of pressuring him to take the test?
Aren't these the same pant-shitting neurotics and mental patients who tell us "I believe in Science" all day long?
Why would he take the test, despite having no symptoms? Oh, let me take a shot at that: Maybe because the Very Online Neurotics of the media were, as usual, attempting to incite a panic, using Trump's non-tested status as a panic-spreading vector, so he took the stupid test to stop the newest push for a viral panic.
Meanwhile, more shrieking from George Conway, the man giving us all a front-row seat to watch the real effects of c*ckoldry on a man's psyche.
And then this CNN genius decides it's time to show how ignorant she is. Again. (You will be accused of racism for noticing she's ignorant by sundown.)
Doctors of Osteopathy -- DO's -- make up a large number of GPs.
I admit, when I found out my (previous) GP was a DO and not an MD, I was initially skeptical about her. But she was a good doctor, and plus, a little research wound up allaying doubts I had about the DO degree in general.
Oh, she stopped being my GP because she took a job with one of those concierge services, where you just pay an upfront fee of something like $2000 per year and then you can see a doctor whenever you want for no additional charge. I didn't drop her as a doctor or anything.
She said she was sick of the endless paperwork required for fee-for-service doctoring.
And that's right, Sexists: I said "she" and "her." Women can be doctors now. Did I just blow your minds, Chauvanist Colonizers?