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EMT 03/14/20 »
March 13, 2020
Friday Night ONT (Some Assembly Required)
Section A: Graphics
Section B: Video
Section C: Links
You Know Who Else Colonized Land From ‘Indigenous Peoples’? Native Americans
The Spirit of Jest: How Poltergeists Played Tricks of Humour and Chaos
RantyAmyCurtis eviscerates NeverTrumpers
Be Glad We Don't Have Single-Payer
Coronavirus: Facts vs. Panic
The Groceries That No One Wants to Panic-Buy
Wholesome Content
Tonight's ONT brought to you by assembly instructions:
1) Select a picture from Section A to be your above the fold image. Write a brief introduction to the ONT (2-3 sentences). Include a pun if possible.
2) Select a link from Section C. Write a brief paragraph about the link. If there are other, similar links in Section C, include them under the tag “Related”.
3) Post video from Section B
4) Post another image from Section A
5) Repeat steps 2,3 and 4 at random until all the content is gone.
6) Save something funny for the final “Tonight's ONT is brought to you by” section, post this last.
7) Screw around with your fuxx0red HTML code until everything displays properly on preview.
8) Make up a funny title for the ONT
9) Post ONT at 10 PM Eastern time
10) Bask in the glory of people telling you what you did wrong in the comments.

posted by WeirdDave at
10:00 PM
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